High Vibe - MP3
This MP3 contains energy infused background music to raise your vibration into pure source energies. This Mp3 clears, cuts cords, raises your vibration for perfectly balanced protection from false light attachments, collective energies, and anything else that might interfere with your path.
This MP3 keeps you "in the zone" all day, so you are in the perfect space to create and manifest your highest possible outcomes.
This MP3 contains divine protection and is infused with essential oils, crystals, and energy to support a high vibration.
Grounding - MP3
This MP3 contains energy infused background music to ground you deeply into Mother Gaia for deep and restorative REM sleep.
Listening to this nightly will assist your body in releasing everything that you accumulated during the day that is not for your highest good. Releasing these energies before bed gives your body a break from the added work of dumping it in your sleep, so it can instead focus on healing and repairing.
With this process you will see the benefits of aches and pains disappearing, ant-aging benefits, weight loss, and much more!
This MP3 contains divine protection and is infused with essential oils, crystals, and energy to support extra grounding.
It is recommended to listen to the High Vibe MP3 in the morning to keep your energy clear and running optimally so you are manifesting consciously and masterfully all day.
Listen to the Grounding MP3 before bed to help you ground, so you are eliminating old, stagnant energy as you sleep to rejuvenate and heal. These can be put on silent or looped because they are energy infused.