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Topic: Grace Meditation

Sanjay Nimar

This is a short 5 minute transmission / meditation that will tune into the energy of Grace... leaving you feeling more receptive to receiving this energy and allowing it to open your field up more. All you need to do is just set your intention and allow the energy to enter your body!

Topic: 12 Pillars of Benevolent Creation

Sherry Swatek

During this process you will connect to the source of creation for support, clarity, guidance, prosperity, clearing, and healing. This will strengthen your field and core to the new earth. Although Sherry has been using these energies in her work for decades, this is the first time the 12 Pillars of Benevolent Creation is being publicly revealed!

Topic: Candle Meditation

Nidhu Satish Kapoor

You will need seven candles in your presence for this deep process. You will infuse your candles with the energy Nidhu describes during this meditation. She shares a peaceful prayer that will help you release and forgive. This is based on your next seven generations as you are shown the path you will need to walk as the proud torch bearer. Come experience this journey through an incredible garden that will leave you feeling relieved and peaceful.

Topic: Advanced Technique

Bill Cael

This is a three step breathing process that releases energy where you will feel a shift that brings more clarity! This is a great process to do while you are driving!

Topic: Awaken to Your Celestial Signature

Roshelle Celeste

Take a journey into another dimension... One where we are living without the limitations of a wounded heart, and meet yourself there. Discover who you are when you fully accept yourself and what is possible when you stop identifying with the familiar limitations you surround yourself with. Be prepared bring your awareness up into the cosmic heavens!

Topic: 12 Pillars of Benevolent Creation for Increased Prosperity

Sherry Swatek

This is a special abundance attunement aligning with those over 60 with the New Earth. You will feel the energy from your crown all the way down to your feet. You will set an invitation for the 12 Pillars to help clear anything from your health to your finances!

Topic: Recharging by the Stars

Daniel the Healer

This process is a guided visualization where all seven chakras are being flooded by the colored light of the stars in the night sky. You must have complete focus and involve your five physical senses to really experience this to the fullest!

Topic: Sacred Embodiment - The Method

Cristina Bevir

This is a super-high vibrational process for clearing out anything standing in the way of you fully embodying that drop of Source that is your Soul. Cristina will work by tuning into your physical body and supporting different parts of it to unwind (kind of like energetic cranio-sacral) so that any lower vibrational energies trapped within the body or lightbody can be released!

Topic: Connection Activation

Zoe Davenport

This is an expansion activation that will help connect you to the infinite being that you truly are. You will focus on your breathing and being present with yourself. It's a beautiful energetic tune up channeled through Zoe along with her guides!

Topic: Cascade of Miracles

Jennifer Masters

This process brings you into the present... grounding you into your body. This prayer is a cascade of miracles by expressing gratitude. You will be asking for vibrant health, respectful of money and allowing abundance to unfold all your relationships and fill your life with abundance!

Topic: Awaken to Your Spiritual Abilities

Matt Andrews

Join Matt in utilizing the Light Language channeled through and from ManTarA to open an expansive space! By setting the intention of allowing the resistance and limitations that you may be carrying in respect to being aware that you are gifted in many ways with abilities that are spiritual in nature to be more easily released... so that now you can confidently step forward into owning and using your own gifts and abilities!

Topic: Prayer for Protection and Love

Dr. Tanya English

A divine expression of love and acceptance that allows you to move effortlessly through your highest good and return with all the energy coming down through your crown chakra. It's a beautiful way to express your gratitude.

Note: She did this next one immediately afterwards... not sure if we want this to be a stand alone or not.

Topic: Lemon Test

Dr. Tanya English

You begin this test by closing your eyes and imagining the visual Dr. Tanya gives you about the lemon... the results will fascinate you!

Topic: Creating Abundance to Change the World Meditation

Susan Elizabeth

This meditation can bring Abundance of Health and Wealth along with Joy to help you create a Joyful world that we all would love to live in! Listen closely and hear a message from the Angelic Realm about how to be in this New Energy!

Topic: Receiving Abundance

Susan Elizabeth

This is a short abundance frequency for Abundance for all eternity. Just receive it and let it work!

Topic: Sending Love to Mother Earth Meditation

Susan Elizabeth

Surround yourself with the beautiful white light of a protector shield and allow it to connect to your divine source energy. This meditation will ground you through Mother Earth as you send your love to her... you will pull the golden light energy down into your heart!

Topic: I Am Safe Meditation

Archanaa Shyam

This is an activation meditation to connect with the Earth and bring in the healing energies. Feeling safe in the body, at home and on this Earth are key to well being and manifesting in the physical realm. Most people do not feel safe because of what they have experienced as a child or in other lifetimes. By connecting and establishing an anchor with the Earth, we can bring in the support and the strength to thrive!

Topic: Depression Removal Process with Soul Language

Shelley Esler

This process works on the brain by activating and attuning the brain and brain waves and bringing in harmony and balance. It will also bring in serotonin, melatonin, endocrine, hormones into balance... increasing and decreasing levels as needed. This will help you remove depression and start the lifting of symptoms bringing in happiness, joy, peace and bliss!

Topic: The Divine Love of All


Ani will take you into a light trance and channel through a manifestation activation directly from source... this empowerment will release fear patterns stopping you from manifesting your best 2019 and bring you into a high vibrational state to magnetize and attract Divine, Love, bliss and prosperity!

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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.  SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

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