Click on the speaker image to go to replay section
Please read our Blog Posts. Let us support each other by sharing our intentions and our progress as we go on this healing journey together.
During this Call with Rann You Will:
- Experience the inclusion of immortality within your lifestyle
- Address limitations which immediately impact your physical eyes, vision, energetic foresight, and the ways you see yourself
- Reduce the strain which has been locked within your physical eyes and allow true sight to come to you
- Liberate your points of view around the ways you see yourself and your reality so that you can become your own visionaire
- Learn to assimilate the present in order to generate an ongoing future which is full of exciting prospects
- And so much more!
Plus experience a powerful process for belief system around menopause. Rann will dissolve anchor points that will collapse the negative view points we hold and thus a new reality will show up!
Listen Now!

Alternate Player
Limited Time Bonus: Get 16 Days of Skinmatics completely FREE with any package!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Rann! |
- “Instant feedback, and after 17 years of marriage, remarkable!” ~ Chris
- “I’m Very happy, People Around Me Have Noticed Results” ~ Sayuri
- “I Feel More Confident With My Appearance” ~ Rebekah
Get Rann’s package at up to 91% Off |
During this Call with Ani You Will:
- Discover the manifestation secrets from someone who has actually done it for herself and her clients around the world!
- Hear the story of how Ani went from her family losing everything and a life-threatening illness to complete abundance in all areas of life!
- Meet “The Divine Love of All”... a superstar, team of ascended masters who bring in teachings to help humanity and you live the blissful life that is YOUR birthright
- Discover the highly innovative Power of 4 Souls Balancing that Ani is bringing to humanity and why this is the missing piece for lasting transformation and manifestation!
- Learn (and eliminate) the Number 1 belief that holds lightworkers (and everyone) back from living in prosperity and getting paid to live your purpose
- And so much more!
Plus experience a group empowerment from “The Divine Love of All” Guides and Light Masters that will release your fear from manifesting your best in 2019…
Listen Now!

- “Manifested $100,000 dollars personal contract to do what I love. Within one week of my mega-transformational private session with Ani.” ~ AC
- “Manifested over $40 Million in investment for our new company from the most savvy professional venture capital people in America in under a month.” ~ JH
- “95% of my body aches vanished. I am in a much more peaceful state of being” ~ Nazmeera
Get Ani’s package at up to 96% Off |
During this Call with Susan Elizabeth You Will:
- ENHANCE your ability to actualize what you are asking for and bring new joyful possibilities to our world
- RAISE your energetic vibration to have and be all you ask for with joy and ease and fun
- IMPROVE your health, relationships and ability to create more abundance and joy in all areas of your life!
- Discover tools that shift Energy very fast and very effectively
- Break through the limiting stories and beliefs that are holding you back and be the warrior you came here to be
- And so much more!
Experience Susan’s unique Sound Therapy in two special meditations: Enlightened Joyful Abundance and Abundance To Change The World
Listen Now!

Guaranteed Abundance Results <<< Are You Next?! PLUS - Take 20% Off All Packages for a LIMITED TIME
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Susan! |
BEYOND ABUNDANCE: House sold, money coming back from bills paid, traumas cleared, neighbors more friendly, more abundance showing up and the list goes on and on… listen to this story now.
- “I’m up to $401,500 in manifesting the past 4 weeks” ~ Janie
- “I got back the money I invested in your program two times already!!!” ~ Donna
- “I made $1,000 two weeks in a row” ~ Alexandra
Get Susan’s package at up to 90% Off |
During this Call with Shelley You Will:
- Discover the secrets to healing ANYTHING (even if you’ve been diagnosed and labeled by your doctors!)
- Learn that suffering is not inevitable or inescapable… even if it "runs in your family"
- Bring yourself into total alignment for healing from Soul to Toe!
Plus experience joy, bliss, lightness, happiness, and powerful peace through an incredible Depression Removal Process with Soul Language!
Listen Now!

Close your eyes and imagine your body wrapped in perfect health…Now make it happen for you! Get Started NOW!
Here’s what live callers have to say about Shelley's Call |
- “Dear Shelley I have to tell you I feel more energized and strange for me organized! I feel peppy!" ~ Linda
- “Hi, Namaste! All you are sharing resonates. I feel the energy and what you’re sharing. Thank you for being here today. Blessings, Light and Love" ~ Elizabeth
- “That was amazing, at peace, smiling and feel free. Thank you, thank you, thank you” ~ Rosa
Get Shelley’s package at Upto 68% Off |
During this Call with Jenny You Will:
- Quickly know your true purpose and mission - Why you are here and what you are here to do!
- Find out if you’re living your true purpose with this quick test
- Retrieve your Soul’s Destiny that’s hidden deep inside of you
- Unlock your unique gifts and abilities (some you never knew you had)
- Live your purpose & prosper doing what you love
- Dial into your direct purpose energy line and awaken your gifts
Only the people that are meant to live their purpose in 2019 will listen to this call! Find out why...
Listen Now!

Live YOUR Purpose in 2019! Find YOUR Divine Purpose & Destiny and Soul Upgrades from other lifetimes - START YOUR JOURNEY NOW!
Here’s what live callers have to say about Jenny's Call |
- “Gift of Clairvoyant opened up. Got clear on my Gifts and Talents and using them to make great money doing what I love.” ~ Paul
- “100% in alignment with my purpose. Ready to take my work to next level of impact.” ~ Yuni
- “Got dream paid job opportunity” ~ Charlotte
Get Jenny’s package at Upto 98% Off |
I don't know what Merry does and why it's so effective... her Source Code Frequency is definitely powerful. All I know is that its works better than anything I have seen in a long time!!!
Listen to this call that is full of 1-1 sessions! EVERY Person Felt BIG Results.
Listen Now!

Alternate Player
Alternate Player
FINALLY, your journey to pain relief STARTS NOW! EXTENDED FREE READING with Package C Purchases!
Here’s what live callers have to say about Merry's Call |
Pain was not going away with the most powerful pain meds - nothing was touching this pain. Listen now to find out what happened during this POWERFUL session with Merry.
- “Frozen Shoulder For 7 Months… Instantly Released!" "Pain Level down from 12 to 3!” ~ Naila
- “The Results Were Instant, The Pain Is Gone!!!” ~ Tina
- “The Pain In My Back Was Gone Completely” ~ Marusa
Get Merry’s package at Upto 90% Off |
During this Call with Virginia You Will:
- Discover how negative energies from the Astral Field disturb your sleep
- Understand the truth about Past Life & Ancestral Entities
- Learn about entity cleansing for Loved Pets (and why they’re more susceptible than you)
- Get the full story on Negative Vortices and their impact on your life
- Find out about Geopathic Stress and it’s devastating energies!
- Learn how to protect yourself when traveling to Historic Sites and other high risk areas
Plus, discover how quickly Virginia clears entities of our listeners and how they instantly feel shifts!
Listen Now!

Clear entities NOW and protect yourself during the holidays. Get started NOW and save 15%!
Here’s what live callers have to say about Virginia's clearings on the call! |
- “I immediately felt something leave my body through the low back. Still feeling a little jittery. Thank you so much” ~ Karen
- “ I got a help from Virginia during 30 min healing call before the show started. I released gunks especially lower back and throat that I am grateful” ~ Naoko
- “Thank you so much! I had a great emotional release and feel much clearer! My deepest gratitude! Thank you!” ~ Kathryn
Get Virginia’s package at Upto 90% Off |
During this Call with Cristina You Will:
- Why you need to stop focusing on hormones and DNA or you’ll remain trapped in cycles of physical and emotional suffering!
- How the downgrading of the Original Female Human Body is still affecting you today
- Solar Secrets of The Original Divine Feminine and how to embody them
- What you need to know about the deep truths of sex and physical intimacy so you can complete your work this time round
- Why activating your SACRED UNION Stargate is the most potent key currently available to the healing the Human Race and the Planet
Plus experience a special process that will Activate Your SACRED UNION Stargate!
Listen Now!

Save BIG on all packages NOW! It’s time to Transcend Your “Hormones” and heal your Female Ancestral Paradigm!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Cristina! |
- “So Much Cleared AND the Block Between My Daughter and I is Finally Gone!” ~ Klara
- “Profound relief after just one session with Cristina Bevir!” ~ Simone
- “Major Breakthroughs That Have Literally Changed My Life!!” ~ Milena
Get Cristina’s package at Upto 91% Off |
During this Call with Dawn You Will:
- Discover how Dawn’s powerful Sound Healing with “Source” frequencies help you lose weight and get your perfect body fast!
- Understand how easy it really is to lose weight (it only takes 10 minutes a day to heal your weight issues once and for all)
- Become privy to the dirty secrets of the weight loss industry (and what’s been holding you back all this time)
- See for yourself how Dawn’s amazing abilities are changing the lives of thousands of people around the world on a daily basis
- And much, much, more...
Finally get a solution without diets or surgery that helps you lose weight and actually keep it off once and for all!!!
Listen Now!

Put your headphones on and listen for 15 minutes!!! No diet & No exercise!!! Get started NOW!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Dawn! |
- “I Love all Dawn's programs. But this program is really a Life-Changer! The pounds are just falling off me! Thank you!” ~ Aimee H
- “Love Love Love!!! My new Body!!! So simple and easy ...” ~ Alexandra P
- “Wow! I am seeing the weight melt off and it's only been a week! ” ~ Michael
Get Dawn’s package at Upto 75% Off |
During this Call with Archanaa Shyam You Will:
- Discover the 5 Hidden Dangers that are present in every single home and office
- Understand the signs that your inner healing work is being sabotaged by your home!
- Find out exactly what your home could be costing you and your family
- Learn how to get a better night’s sleep (and it has nothing to do with going to bed earlier, sleeping longer or a miracle "sleep aid")
- Get the inside scoop on what kind of trauma can be trapped in the land your home sits on and what to do about it!
- And so much more!
Listen Now and Experience Archanaa's POWERFUL Group Process, "I Am Safe"
Listen Now!

Archanaa sets up an energetic vacuum cleaner that constantly cleans up the energetic debris of visitors and/or negative energies for life! Get Started NOW <<< Reduced Prices for the First 50 Buyers!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Archanaa! |
Listen to Gretchen's experience: Other healers were not able to clear the fear of the trauma. Once Archanaa cleared the energy in the home, everything was released within hours.
- “The Whole Energy of the House Shifted and Everyone Who Walks in Our House Feels It!” ~ Lorri Lockyer
- “Archanaa completely helped me change the direction of my life and my most important relationships!” ~ Gretchen
- “I Have Been Sleeping Like A Baby Every Night Since The Remote Healing!” ~ Moenieba E
Get Archanaa’s package at upto 90% Off |
During this Call with Stacey Mayo You Will:
- Learn how to tell if you or those you love have hearing loss. Many people including children have hearing problems and don’t even know it.
- Learn the root cause of tinnitus and why it is so hard to heal.
- Learn why some people may have a hard time hearing you and not others.
- Learn why your pet may have “selective hearing”.
- Learn the most common cause of balance challenges and what is needed to heal this.
- And so much more!
Plus experience mini-readings and healing from Stacey.
Listen Now!

Special Offer Prices, Bonuses and Gift EXPIRE SOON!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Stacey! |
- “My husband was able to hear every word I said while we were talking in a noisy restaurant. He never once asked me to repeat myself and responded to every question I asked with ease. I pointed it out to him and he said, ‘my hearing must be getting better’ :). Thank you” ~ Paula
- “When there is a low din of noise in my outer environment, I don’t hear the ringing in my ears at all anymore. When things are quiet, the ringing is a lower volume than before. Thank you. I look forward to the continued healing.” ~ Sarah
- “When I was standing in line today, I was able overhear other people’s conversations. Usually it’s muffled and today it wasn’t.” ~ Priscilla
Get Stacey’s package at upto 95% Off |
During this Call with Jennifer You Will:
- Move beyond suffering, depression and anxiety
- Feel joy, calm and deep inner peace
- Raise your vibration easily and effortlessly
- Discover how to release your Infinite Expanded Beautiful Self into the world
- Uncover the secret to effortless manifesting every day
- And so much more!
Participate in the super powerful process that Jennifer used to manifest a $1000 in a hurry .....she took us through the EXACT process!!!!
Listen Now!

BRAND NEW Program by Jennifer EXCLUSIVELY for Our FHTJ Community
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Jennifer! |
- “I immediately felt the veil of despair lifted and no longer had suicidal thoughts, my depression was gone. I can honestly say Jennifer saved my life” ~ S. W. Perry
- “She healed my son’s brain when he was hospitalized. The surgery didn’t work, Jennifer stepped in and stopped the brain bleed.” ~ Lisa Smith
- “Jennifer healed my husband’s heart while he was having a heart attack. He would have died had she not stepped in.” ~ P. Perry
Get Jennifer’s package at upto 88% Off |
During this Call with Chameice You Will:
- Discover why the 7 “Seals” are keeping you locked in a life of illusion
- Understand why you don’t need to rely on other healers to heal yourself (and why they actually might be doing more harm than good)
- Learn how to program your DNA for instant results!
- Find the #1 way to become a Master Manifestor
- Boost EVERYTHING in your life with Multidimensional DNA
- And so much more!
Experience a special process as Chameice lifts the veil of illusion from your life.
Listen Now!

Chameice will show you the light so you can break these 7 deadly seals so you can heal yourself naturally. Get Started NOW!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Chameice! |
- “Within minutes of working with Chameice everything shifts for me” ~ Gretchen
- “My bank account is always filled with money!” ~ Prem
- “I got more from our sessions than all the marriage and family training from an Ivy League university!” ~ Robin
Get Chameice’s package at Upto 88% Off |
During this Call with Edwin You Will:
- Learn about what’s been happening on the higher realms and how it affects YOU!
- Discover the signs that these developments on the higher planes are truly manifesting in the physical world (Edwin will share exactly what to look for)
- Understand what you can do to help yourself at this critical juncture in time!
- See what you need to avoid doing immediately (and why it’s affecting your life)
- Get the inside scoop on the end result and where the world is going right now!
- And so much more!
Plus experience a special process to open your mind to infinite possibility while breaking free of the chains that are holding you back.
Listen Now!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Edwin! |
- “I had so much energy, I woke up at 4 am and cleaned my floors!” ~ Bobbie
- “I Don’t Get Sad; I Know I’m Being Guided to the Right Path” ~ Mary
- “Entities, Pain, Sadness, Trauma Gone!” ~ Chrissy
Get Edwin’s package at upto 83% Off |
During this Call with Adam Heller You Will:
- Discover that no matter what “They” told you, there is a 97% chance you can eliminate your pain
- Learn how Adam had 100% success in a Mayo Clinic Pilot - Everyone pain free and case closed
- Eliminate the cause of pain, instead of managing the symptoms
- Become pain free without drugs, doctors or leaving home
- Discover the most proven and validated chronic pain relief process ever created
- And so much more!
Adam has helped Major Celebrities, CEOs and Professional Athletes to fully regain their physical and emotional freedom.
Listen Now!

Very special offer for FHTJ listeners with a price 8 TIMES LOWER than anything you can find on his website...
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Adam! |
- “This process rapidly accomplishes what all other therapies have failed; almost instant and lasting relief from your pain. The medical profession, along with our patients, will dramatically reduce unnecessary suffering from pain, thanks to this groundbreaking book.” ~ DR. GENE LEVIN
- “I urge you to experience this profound technique and follow the instructions exactly as written, and you will become pain-free."” ~ SURGEON DR. BORIS BORAZJIANI
- “I am a client of Adam's and I am happy to report that I am now pain-free and his technique works! The real cause of our pain is psychosomatic and its' roots are in suppressing or repressing "unbearable," and negative emotions. Let Adam guide you through this amazing process in YOU being pain-free” ~ RAND MARQUART
Get Adam’s package at upto 94% Off |
During this Call with Susan Elizabeth You Will:
- ENHANCE your ability to actualize what you are asking for and bring new joyful possibilities to our world
- RAISE your energetic vibration to have and be all you ask for with joy and ease and fun
- IMPROVE your health, relationships and ability to create more abundance and joy in all areas of your life!
- Discover tools that shift Energy very fast and very effectively
- Break through the limiting stories and beliefs that are holding you back and be the warrior you came here to be
- And so much more!
Experience Susan’s unique Sound Therapy in two special meditations: Enlightened Joyful Abundance and Abundance To Change The World
Listen Now!

Guaranteed Abundance Results <<< Are You Next?! PLUS - Take 20% Off All Packages for a LIMITED TIME
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Susan! |
BEYOND ABUNDANCE: House sold, money coming back from bills paid, traumas cleared, neighbors more friendly, more abundance showing up and the list goes on and on… listen to this story now.
- “I’m up to $401,500 in manifesting the past 4 weeks” ~ Janie
- “I got back the money I invested in your program two times already!!!” ~ Donna
- “I made $1,000 two weeks in a row” ~ Alexandra
Get Susan’s package at up to 90% Off |
During this Call with Dr. Tanya English You Will:
- Find out why the 4 Steps Of Forgiveness are so important for your healing process (and if you don’t do them properly then nothing else will cause significant change)!
- Understand why what you think you know about Your Purpose is probably wrong (and how to find out if you’re on the right track)
- Discover the secret cause of all disease (and some amazing stories you have to hear to believe)
- Learn why it feels like you’re trying everything but nothing works...
- Reveal your blocks during a simple conversation that feels just like chatting with a friend!
- And so much more!
Learn an amazing process that wipes away negativity in just 32 seconds!
Listen Now!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Tanya! |
- “I went from an 11 down to a ZERO in record time... I highly recommend that you work with Dr. Tanya if you want to release some really old stuff!” ~ Eram
- “Went From A 10 To ZERO… In Record Time!!! Amazing Session!!” ~ Stacy
- “My High Adrenaline Was Reduced From 9 To ZERO!!” ~ Belinda
Get Tanya’s package at upto 96% Off |
Take a DEEP Dive into Energy Vampires and EXACTLY how they are affecting you!
Listen Now!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Dipal! |
- “Doctor Amazed! Underactive Thyroid Brought Back To Normal And Medication Avoided!” ~ Deana
- “My Childhood memories Finally Leaving..Able to breath in Life and Accept Life” ~ Judy
- “The Parasympathetic System Finally Calmed Down. No Longer Carrying as Much Stress as I use to” ~ Maria
Get Dipal’s package at upto 77% Off |
During this Call with Cristina You Will:
- Uncover the secrets you hid aeons ago so you could fulfill your Galactic Mission (and why you need to do it now)
- Feel more emotional neutral about any issues you bring to the call plus more relaxed and at home in your body
- Discover the 5 elemental secrets to becoming immune to EMF pollution (including 5G)
- Leave feeling much more loving or resolved towards your partner, friends and family so you can improve your relationships instantly
- And much, much, more...
Finally understand what’s holding you back from fully healing your body image and falling in love with yourself once again
Listen Now!

Special Offer ONLY Available Thru Sunday! Get Started NOW!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Cristina! |
- “This package is so unique and no one is offering anything even similar!” ~ Laila
- “Unexpected magnetism, purity and depth!” ~ Shelia/strong>
- “From clearing my toxic relationship in one session, my entire life has changed!” ~Shweta
Get Cristina’s package at Upto 98% Off |
During this Call with Chameice You Will:
- Discover why the 7 “Seals” are keeping you locked in a life of illusion
- Understand why you don’t need to rely on other healers to heal yourself (and why they actually might be doing more harm than good)
- Learn how to program your DNA for instant results!
- Find the #1 way to become a Master Manifestor
- Boost EVERYTHING in your life with Multidimensional DNA
- And so much more!
Experience a special process as Chameice lifts the veil of illusion from your life.
Listen Now!

Chameice will show you the light so you can break these 7 deadly seals so you can heal yourself naturally. Get Started NOW!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Chameice! |
- “Within minutes of working with Chameice everything shifts for me” ~ Gretchen
- “My bank account is always filled with money!” ~ Prem
- “I got more from our sessions than all the marriage and family training from an Ivy League university!” ~ Robin
Get Chameice’s package at Upto 88% Off |
During this Call with Karen You Will:
- Clear past emotional blocks that are holding you back
- Shift your perception and reality to achieve your goals
- Discover how the power of the Pyramids will manifest a better life for you
- Bring to fruition your relationship desires
- Let go and heal your past to reclaim your past, present and future
- And so much more!
Experience Karen’s powerful clearing abilities for yourself...
Listen Now!

Get 10% Off on all Orders + Set of 18 Super Potent, Targeted MP3s for Health, Wealth & Love + Live Group Call FREE for Limited Time Only!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Karen! |
- “Karen is an absolutely gifted healer and creator. She intuitively tunes into what you like to create and crafts pyramids individually to super-charge your life and your dreams.” ~ Jade Yin Hom
- “This lady is the real deal, I have known her for several years and have two beautiful pyramids from her. She is dead on about so many things and I would recommend her help to anyone, she is an awesome human being. I have several of her pyramids they keep me calm and protect me.” ~ Sarah S.
- “Thank you for the pyramid I used it for my sinuses and it worked Perfect. I also used it to bring in money and I received it and more than I asked for.” ~ Vald Toboggan
Get Karen’s package at Upto 61% Off |
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about John! |
- “John provided healing assistance to passenger having heart trouble: "Your medical assistance on board flight LH459 was greatly appreciated. On behalf of Lufthansa, thank you for your help.” ~ Director Uwe Stuben, MD
- “I have tried many healers and energy workers. Only John's work was able to remove the emotional negativity I have experienced for 40 years.” ~ B.B. Iowa
- “I suffered from severe back pain for over four decades. All of the orthopedic experts said I would be in this pain for the rest of my life. John helped me tap into my own body’s ability to heal itself from pain and I am pain free today.” ~ E. K., Former NASA Scientist
- “After a car accident, I had severe neck pain that doctors couldn't fix. John's work helped me in minutes and the pain completely dissolved and has never come back. I have also survived many other abusive issues and traumas in my life. He is an amazing intuitive, energy mover and teacher.” ~ Valerie, Canada
Get John’s package at 51% Off |
During this Call with Matt You Will:
- Learn how to awaken your spiritual abilities easily and naturally
- Finally feel empowered to embrace your gifted Self with confidence
- Overcome feelings of ‘not good enough’ and deep inner shame
- Discover the secret to living a happy life that feels purposeful and aligned
- Understand why many people stay stuck in ‘trying hard’ to achieve their desires
- And so much more!
Experience a special Light Language Process to Awaken Your Spiritual Abilities
Listen Now!

LIMITED TIME: Save 20% on ALL Packages!
Listen to our live caller, Sylvia and how she was plagued and attacked by dark entities. Now, after working with Matt she channels her own light language and is healing herself and others!!!! <<< This is INCREDIBLE.
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Matt! |
- “While working with ManTarA on developing my channeling gift, my Heart has expanded so much that as a by product I built a long lasting romantic relationship that is so fulfilling ! I found someone who accepts all my weirdness and supports my spiritual endeavours and my project of changing career” ~ Sara
- “So excited for Matt! He has been an immeasurable help to me ever since I first heard him on FHTJ! This package is going to be dynamite” ~ MK
- “I am very sensitive and am often targeted by entities sending me depressed thoughts. Thanks to working with Matt I have been able to channel my own process in Light Language to clear entities; I am excited about upgrading my abilities thanks to the new offer” ~ Sylvia
Get Matt’s package at upto 92% Off |
During this Call with Dipal You Will:
- Learn how to determine if you've been attacked by Energy Vampires
- Discover how many Energy Vampires have taken over your life and body
- Gain clarity on who your Energy Vampires are in your life and how they are affecting you from moving forward
- Start Clearing Energy Vampires from your life for good
- Discover vampires and Narcisists have in common
- And so much more!
Reclaim your health and your life by removing Energy Vampires for good!
Listen Now!

Take Back Your Power NOW!
Listen to how one caller explains how Energy Vampires are affecting her life and find out what Dipal had to say about this... AMAZING!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Dipal! |
- “Doctor Amazed! Underactive Thyroid Brought Back To Normal And Medication Avoided!” ~ Deana
- “My Childhood memories Finally Leaving..Able to breath in Life and Accept Life” ~ Judy
- “The Parasympathetic System Finally Calmed Down. No Longer Carrying as Much Stress as I use to” ~ Maria
Get Dipal’s package at upto 77% Off |
During this Call with Jennifer You Will:
- Move beyond suffering, depression and anxiety
- Feel joy, calm and deep inner peace
- Raise your vibration easily and effortlessly
- Discover how to release your Infinite Expanded Beautiful Self into the world
- Uncover the secret to effortless manifesting every day
- And so much more!
Participate in the super powerful process that Jennifer used to manifest a $1000 in a hurry .....she took us through the EXACT process!!!!
Listen Now!

BRAND NEW Program by Jennifer EXCLUSIVELY for Our FHTJ Community
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Jennifer! |
- “I immediately felt the veil of despair lifted and no longer had suicidal thoughts, my depression was gone. I can honestly say Jennifer saved my life” ~ S. W. Perry
- “She healed my son’s brain when he was hospitalized. The surgery didn’t work, Jennifer stepped in and stopped the brain bleed.” ~ Lisa Smith
- “Jennifer healed my husband’s heart while he was having a heart attack. He would have died had she not stepped in.” ~ P. Perry
Get Jennifer’s package at upto 88% Off |
During this Call with Zoe You Will:
- Discover how easy life can be when you embody Self-Love
- Connect to the crystalline grid of ascended Gaia and feel yourself ascending in frequency!
- Learn how to utilize Source Energy to accelerate your life!
- Finally understand how to "Up Level" your Designed Human Experience
- Revel in the power of creating from Zero Point!
- And so much more!
Experience a special Expansion Activation that will connect you to the infinite being that you truly are!
Listen Now!

"Zoe & her team cleared my energy field down like a supersonic jet wash!" --- Now It's YOUR Turn!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Zoe! |
- “Zoe Davenport is THE leading New Paradigm Consultant for business leaders and spiritual way showers.” ~ Jennifer
- “Zoe has helped me expand my vision for what I believe is possible in my life and taught me to call in more magic than I could have” ~ Christina
- “Zoe take you on a journey inward where you get the chance to truly feel your inner being” ~ Simon
Get Zoe’s package at upto 87% Off |
We Started the Conversation About Energy Vampires and How They Can Affect Your Life During this PREVIEW Call with Dipal.
Listen Now!

Save 10% NOW Through October 30th!
Listen to how one caller explains how Energy Vampires are affecting her life and find out what Dipal had to say about this... AMAZING!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Dipal! |
- “Doctor Amazed! Underactive Thyroid Brought Back To Normal And Medication Avoided!” ~ Deana
- “My Childhood memories Finally Leaving..Able to breath in Life and Accept Life” ~ Judy
- “The Parasympathetic System Finally Calmed Down. No Longer Carrying as Much Stress as I use to” ~ Maria
Get Dipal’s package at upto 77% Off |
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Edwin! |
- “I had so much energy, I woke up at 4 am and cleaned my floors!” ~ Bobbie
- “Works Better Than Anything Else for Cleansing, Clarity and Relaxation” ~ David
- “Like Going Away for a Healing Retreat in the Comfort of My Own Home!” ~ Pastor David
Get Edwin’s package at upto 83% Off |
During this Call with Niky You Will:
- Discover the hidden connection between Self Love, Beauty and Abundance as you start creating what you want in your life with ease and joy!
- Understand the real reason why Self Love is not happening in you!
- Uncover and remove (once and for all) the darkest, hidden agendas messing with your perception and keeping you starved for love!
- Reveal the missing piece in the Self Love puzzle and live madly in love with you and the Cosmos ever after!
- Start connecting the dots properly to embody your true potential and wealth now!
- And so much more!
Experience the unique P.I.C.N.I.C. Code to free yourself from your daily prison while having FUN in the process!
Listen Now!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Niky! |
- “A few days after I signed up, my husband received a bonus for €6000! Lots of love and gratitude!” ~ Julie
- “Niky helped me uncover my financial stress that was ruining my life below the radar for almost 2 years. Breaking free from this horrible situation allowed me to create two additional income streams in my business. Life is good now!” ~ Maria
- “On thursday I received an e-mail from a family member requesting my approval to sell a piece of land. She already found a buyer. As we are 6 co-owners each one of us will receive 50 000 euros” ~ C.K.
Get Niky’s package at Upto 91% Off |
During this Call with Cristina You Will:
- Uncover the secrets you hid aeons ago so you could fulfill your Galactic Mission (and why you need to do it now)
- Feel more emotional neutral about any issues you bring to the call plus more relaxed and at home in your body
- Discover the 5 elemental secrets to becoming immune to EMF pollution (including 5G)
- Leave feeling much more loving or resolved towards your partner, friends and family so you can improve your relationships instantly
- And much, much, more...
Finally understand what’s holding you back from fully healing your body image and falling in love with yourself once again
Listen Now!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Cristina! |
- “This package is so unique and no one is offering anything even similar!” ~ Laila
- “Unexpected magnetism, purity and depth!” ~ Shelia/strong>
- “From clearing my toxic relationship in one session, my entire life has changed!” ~Shweta
Get Cristina’s package at Upto 98% Off |
During this Call with Sanjay You Will:
- Discover the 4 lesser known Universal Principles of Manifestation to turn your life around
- Learn how the constant presence of energy of Grace heals every aspect of your life
- Experience Lifetron energy from the Himalayas and how Sanjay transmits it to any living entity anywhere on the planet 24 / 7
- Transition from a life of constant struggle and suffering to a life of consistent health and happiness
- Learn why this approach of healing is far more effective than other healing systems which focus on one issue at a time
- Reduce the resistance to the flow of Grace in your life, so that every aspect of your life is enhanced: Physical Health, improved finances, better relationships, Positive Feelings of happiness, joy and excitement.
- And much, much, more...
Listen to the end for a POWERFUL transmission of Lifetron energy for ANY issue to be healed!
Listen Now!

Get 24/7 Lifetron Energy Healing for 30 days Starting NOW!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Sanjay! |
- “Atrial Fibrillation Healed.. I have not had a single incident for the last 6 months. NONE!” ~ Arlene
- “In just one month I am very happy to report that my anxiety has gone down to Zero!!” ~ Dina
- “Knee Replacement Not Needed.. I’m so happy to say that after three month one day I woke up and the pain was gone” ~ Zeenah
Get Sanjay’s package at Upto 49% Off |
During this Call with Kari You Will:
- Discover why you’ve experienced the challenges in your life so you can understand both your soul’s traumas and it’s intention for you
- Learn heal your life in just 10 MINUTES a day. All you need to do is listen.
- Erase specific subconscious limiting beliefs you’ve been carrying for lifetimes
- Discover tools to understand your purpose and heal your traumas once and for all
- And much, much, more...
Tons of 1-1 readings that helped everyone on the call!
Listen Now!

Numerology Destiny Blueprint Report + Two Year Daily Forecast FREE For a LIMITED TIME
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Kari! |
- “I feel like when I do affirmations, my energy is much more elevated somehow so I enjoy having something that helps with that process” ~ Fawn
- “I listen to Everyday Empowerment in the car on my way to work each morning. It's a great way to start the day and establish a positive mindset, they make me smile and feel good about me.” ~ Jennifer
- “The thing I love the most about the Life Path Illuminations,,is the wonderful & supportive nurturance they offer. I have never felt so understood & empowered in my life. Kari has lovingly created a dynamic product.” ~ Gerard
Get Kari’s package at Upto 63% Off |
During this Call with Roshelle You Will:
- Discover what’s behind your sabotaging behaviors and release them once and for all
- Learn the secret to fully expressing yourself authentically in the world
- Understand why healing your Heart Wounds and truly loving yourself leads to success in your relationships, abundance and long term health
- Experience instant physical and emotional shifts just like everyone else who’s worked with Roshelle before
- And much, much, more...
POWERFUL Group Process that was Divinely Downloaded by Roshelle ON THE SPOT for Our Collective Community!
Listen Now!

Brand New Bonus Added for a LIMITED TIME: Reprogram Your Wounded Heart: 3-Part Program to Release All the Effects of Trauma Once and For All
Listen to the POWERFUL Shifts that Happened LIVE During the Call with Roshelle
Audio 1: Shifted from inability to find joy in life to complete joy in a few minutes ...
Audio 2: At wits end so much that she did not want to be here anymore. Her shift was so incredible that it moved us all to tears.
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Roshelle! |
- “My very first session with Roshelle was awesome! I couldn't believe my ears when she described to me a project I'm working on, using the exact words I use to describe it! No one else in the world knows about this project. I was blown away that she tapped into this information!” ~ Eram
- “Since my session with Roshelle, I have been acknowledging my desire to begin a renewed life where I feel loved, protected and acknowledged by the most important person in my life to do those things: ME! I feel inspired and ABLE to pursue my intellectual and creative abilities, to move beyond what has dis-ABLED me"” ~ Celeste
- “After my Heart-Fire Session with Roshelle, I feel liberated, no longer bound to people, situations or circumstances which are out of my control” ~ Angeli
Get Roshelle’s package at Upto 90% Off |
During this Call with Dawn You Will:
- Discover how Dawn’s powerful Sound Healing with “Source” frequencies help you lose weight and get your perfect body fast!
- Understand how easy it really is to lose weight (it only takes 10 minutes a day to heal your weight issues once and for all)
- Become privy to the dirty secrets of the weight loss industry (and what’s been holding you back all this time)
- See for yourself how Dawn’s amazing abilities are changing the lives of thousands of people around the world on a daily basis
- And much, much, more...
Finally get a solution without diets or surgery that helps you lose weight and actually keep it off once and for all!!!
Listen Now!

Put your headphones on and listen for 15 minutes!!! No diet & No exercise!!! Get started NOW!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Dawn! |
- “I Love all Dawn's programs. But this program is really a Life-Changer! The pounds are just falling off me! Thank you!” ~ Aimee H
- “Love Love Love!!! My new Body!!! So simple and easy ...” ~ Alexandra P
- “Wow! I am seeing the weight melt off and it's only been a week! ” ~ Michael
Get Dawn’s package at Upto 75% Off |
During this Call with Daniel the Healer You Will:
- Discover how Daniel can scan your energy field for over 80 criteria to reveal exactly what you need healed
- Understand the importance of holistic living and spiritual fitness to unlock the joy in your life
- Learn what exactly your soul is and how to connect with her
- Get the tools to heal your past and love yourself so you can move forward in your life
- Be able to pinpoint the causes of disease, pain or illness even if they’re not physical!
- And much, much, more...
Experience Daniel’s amazing healing powers for yourself with his amazing group process that will leave your energy field buzzing!
Listen Now!

1-1 Session Packages DEEPLY DISCOUNTED for thru Thursday! Join NOW!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Daniel! |
- “She lost 3/4 inches off her dowager hump and lost a fold in her belly in one session. She was very overweight/obese, so this was dramatic!” ~ Magiie
- “I can feel the outside of my feet!" he exclaimed after 5 minutes work running energy to his ankles and his fallen arches/flat feet.” ~ Phillip
- “The pain in my neck went down about 80% within an hour of our session yesterday, so that was nice. :-)” ~ Brent
Get Daniel’s package at Upto 85% Off |
During this Call with JJ You Will:
- Discover the most misunderstood aspect of The Law of Attraction and why it doesn’t "work" when most people try to use it
- Understand why some healing only last temporarily and other healing lasts a lifetime
- Learn about a mind-body-soul approach to healing and success
- Successfully identify and release what is "weighing you down" in life
- Find a simple method to determine if the issue or problem is physical, chemical, emotional or spiritual (and then how to deal with it once and for all)
- And much, much, more...
Experience how to raise your vibration and achieve everything you’ve ever wanted in just 7-10 minutes each morning NOW!
Listen Now!

Changing your life has never been so simple. Get Started NOW!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about JJ! |
- “In 18 months, I've doubled my income, created a sanctuary for three children, and manifested an assortment of visions I never expected.” ~ Richard D.
- “I have bought and tried many different guided meditations over the years. JJ’s audios are hands down the best I have ever used!” ~ Sara A.
- “This program was what I needed to know I was worthy, I deserve more and I now have plans to attract and obtain the life I want.” ~ Shannon
Get JJ’s package |
During this Call with Amean You Will:
- Discover how you have a “free subscription” to love, joy, peace and compassion in your everyday life (and how this affects your brain)
- Learn how to use your unique connection to overcome your physical, mental and emotional challenges (with a smile!)
- Go behind the scenes of the unpublished “Neuroscience of Kindness” research and get insider access to what happened before anyone else
- Access the ability to self-heal yourself so you can maintain optimal health, rejuvenate and overcome any dis-ease
- And much, much, more...
Learn how to “love your pain” and dissolve it from your life once and for all!
Listen Now!

Get Started NOW and watch how HealingPAQ can change your life!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Amean! |
- “HEALING PAQ is a teaching whose time has definitely arrived” ~ Osel
- “The sessions which I had with HealingPaq had a life changing effect on me” ~ Felix
- “I have learned to love myself more and more” ~ Kian
Get Amean’s package at Upto 90% Off |
During this Call with Myrette You Will Learn:
- Discover the secret of changing your life WITHOUT ANY EFFORT on your part (Myrette will do all the clearing and Matrix re-imprinting for you!)
- Uncover the fastest and easiest way to transform your life, your relationships and your success (you won’t believe the results people are having)
- Learn how to get to the deepest levels of your root issues (emotional and physical) at the quantum level (so once you’re healed… you’re healed for life!)
- Understand how to transform your life rapidly, easily and effectively by creating your own new reality and simply stepping into it
- And much, much, more...
Experience your Quantum Matrix Transformation
Listen Now!

This Powerful New Healing Method Can Quickly And Effectively Heal ANY ISSUES You’re Facing In Life! Get Started NOW!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Myrette! |
- “Your process assisted me to allow the money energy to heal me….to build a relationship with money in an easy, sweet way. Thank you, Thank you.” ~ E.C.
- “My Matrix session showed that my belief was that money is "magic" and since I don't believe in magic, obviously, it has been elusive. But Myrette's matrix session helped me dispel this belief.” ~ Barbara
- “Attracted good things into my life in every way conceivable: High level clients, right situations, I am feeding myself the best of foods” ~ Julie
Get Myrette’s package at Upto 67% Off |
During this Call with Pam You Will Learn:
- Understand why so many people are suffering from chronic illness and dis-ease these days (and what the REAL SOLUTION is!)
- How you started out life with negative energies from before you were even born and why clearing those (plus all your baggage from this lifetime) is the key to a happy and successful life
- Why clearing the root issue is NOT ENOUGH… and how removing vows and cords is A MUST for your clearing to work long term
- Discover the real difference between 3D and 5D so you can raise your vibration to attain emotional and physical health, wholeness, and abundance in your everyday life
- And much, much, more...
Learn How to Clear Your Entire Life (& Past Lives) In Just 1 Session
Listen Now!

Get Daily Energetic Upgrades For The Rest Of Your Life >>> Save $50 NOW!
Listen to how Pam does her clearings below. The process is so POWERFUL!
Natasha had issues with her eyes and after working with Pam... she felt incredible releases from the downloads and was amazed at how her eyes felt afterwards.
Sandy was experiencing bad pain and issues with her teeth and after Pam scanned her and removed some blocks... Sandy could no longer feel ANY pain any longer!!!!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Pam! |
- “I Felt Like a New Person, Empowered & Energized and Breezed through the 10-15 Miles During my Pilgrimage in Mecca!” ~ Eram Saeed
- “I Immediately Felt Positive Energy Flowing Through My Body!” ~ Roshelle
- “My Pain (Due to Shingles Virus) Went From 9 to a 4 in One Session!” ~ Sydney
Get Pam’s package at Upto 87% Off |
During this Call with Roshelle You Will:
- What’s behind your sabotaging behaviours and release them once and for all!
- The secret to unapologetically expressing who you are to the world
- Why the root of all unhappiness starts in our relationship to ourselves
- What to do if you want to stop sabotaging your life and finally be happy
- The two behaviours to eliminate in order to finally experience true happiness
- And much, much, more...
Clearings for strong emotional triggers.... they will be DISSOLVED right in the call!
Listen Now!

Listen to the POWERFUL Shifts that Happened LIVE During the Call with Roshelle
Audio 1: Shifted from inability to find joy in life to complete joy in a few minutes ...
Audio 2: At wits end so much that she did not want to be here anymore. Her shift was so incredible that it moved us all to tears.
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Roshelle! |
- “My very first session with Roshelle was awesome! I couldn't believe my ears when she described to me a project I'm working on, using the exact words I use to describe it! No one else in the world knows about this project. I was blown away that she tapped into this information!” ~ Eram
- “Since my session with Roshelle, I have been acknowledging my desire to begin a renewed life where I feel loved, protected and acknowledged by the most important person in my life to do those things: ME! I feel inspired and ABLE to pursue my intellectual and creative abilities, to move beyond what has dis-ABLED me"” ~ Celeste
- “After my Heart-Fire Session with Roshelle, I feel liberated, no longer bound to people, situations or circumstances which are out of my control” ~ Angeli
Get Roshelle’s package at Upto 90% Off |
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Nidhu! |
- “You are an Expert at Making Money! Week 2 Mail 1 - my appointments have increased with rapid speed!! Lots of new clients too!!” ~ Wendy
- “This crazy emotions have turned into feeling of peace and calmness and my abdominal pain disappeared in short time Love you Nidhu” ~ Jeanne
- “Feeling so much lighter after doing the Decrees . And a sense of empowerment that I am not overcome by anxieties and fears.” ~ Laila
Get Nidhu’s package at Upto 83% Off |
During this Call with Bill You Will Learn:
- Learn a simple presence technique you can use anywhere and at any time to help you stay steady and alert
- Unwind and remove the residual pattern and associated discomfort from long term patterns
- Remove the addictive chemistry of negativity which keeps one feeling powerless, hopeless and victimized
- Experience being present as the doorway to creating anything that is in your highest good
- Discover why self- acceptance as a central focus point to launch one’s life from
- And much, much, more...
Discover this one-of-a-kind system using Ancient Tibetan Singing Bowls that dissolve blocks in your subconscious and energy field (even if you’re not aware of them)
Listen Now!

Pull the issues from the deepest recesses and most difficult hiding places of your subconscious NOW!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Bill! |
- “After one session with Bill Cael and his amazing bowls, I feel like my true self again. I haven’t felt this great in years!” ~ Mandy
- “My back pain of 20 years went away after working with Bill. And the best thing is my pain is gone and the results last!” ~ David
- “In my session with Bill I was able to name a huge lifetime issue and with his guidance, remove it energetically throughout all time and space.” ~ Denise
Get Bill’s package at Upto 55% Off |
During this Call with Sherry You Will:
- Experience your personal connection to the 12 Pillars of Benevolent Creation so you will tap into your new financial resources and inspiration
- Discover how to use these energies to help you increase your wealth with ease and grace
- Learn the secrets to escaping the turmoil and strife of our polarized reality
- Receive advanced knowledge to collapse confusion and despair
- Get off the financial roller coaster and use the stabilizing energy of the 12 Pillars to achieve advanced clear guidance of your true path
- Supercharge your achievement and set the energy for your financially stable life
- And much, much, more...
Check out how Sherry's clients have experienced amazing financial breakthroughs using this very special process ...
Listen Now!

Now it is your turn to manifest prosperity and abundance starting TODAY!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Sherry! |
- “Magically and unexpectedly, doing nothing except following Sherry’s programs, healing and loving myself, I am manifesting $104,000” ~ Natalia
- “The 21 Day Abundance caused a major shift. Yesterday I found out I inherited $22,000!” ~ Doreen
- “I’ve been listening to the mp3’s daily and doing lots of clearing work and I got my first pay rise in 4 years this week and I’ve just been notified that I won $7,300 in the lottery yesterday” ~ Maree
Get Sherry’s package at Upto 95% Off |