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Jewels Arnes

June 3rd, 2019

Dr. Sonia Gupte

June 7th, 2019

Please read our Blog Posts. Let us support each other by sharing our intentions and our progress as we go on this healing journey together.

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Interview with Dr. Sonia Gupte

Topic: Magically Re-Energize Your Life: Retrieve Your Scattered ‘Soul Fragments’ Stuck in Time and Space for WHOLE LIFE Healing

During this Call with Sonia You Will:

  • Discover the secret to achieving permanent healing results with massive and lasting shifts in your Health, Behavior and Relationships!
  • Understand once and for all, why you remain stuck even after trying every type of treatment or healing for your physical or emotional issues...
  • Learn why blaming your external world, someone else, the situation, your destiny, karma or anything not within your control... will get you nowhere!
  • Understand how you have the power to shift your situation simply by tweaking your own energies, your own internal world.
  • Discover how you can experience your own Soul Journey through time and retrieve your scattered ‘Soul Energy’ stuck in time and space to magically re-energize your life!
  • Understand how you can “Empower Your Ownself” to completely heal four areas in your life: Chronic Health issues, Emotional turmoil, Uneasy relationship with ‘Self’ and Unhappy relationship with ‘Others’
  • Realize how you can get to the very core of your issue, to the very moment when your problem first originated and resolve it completely for instant shifts in your life!
  • And much, much more...

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Obliterate Blocks to Happiness, Health & Love... Permanent Results in Only ONE Session!!! Get YOURS Today >>>

Learn How Soul Fragments Created Chronic Migraines EVERY DAY Since Age 7 and How Dr. Sonia's Work INSTANTLY Released His Pain!

Learn How Dr. Sonia Helped a Young 13 Year Old Release His Anxiety and Gain His Childhood Back!

How Does a Dr. Become a Healer? Listen to Dr. Sonia's INCREDIBLE Story.

How Are Results with Dr. Sonia Permanent? Listen to Find Out.

What if You Can't go into a Trance - Will Dr. Sonia's Work Help You?

What Can You Expect After a Session with Dr. Sonia?

Can Dr. Sonia's Work Help with Money Issues?

Discover How Dr. Sonia's Work Helps with Both Physical Issues and Addictions! LISTEN TO THIS POWERFUL STORY.

Listen to Eram talk about her struggle and how Dr Sonia was able to help her with her INCREDIBLE work!!!! So POWERFUL.

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Sonia!

  • “My Session Led To A Profound Breakthrough!”
  • “The Burden Of Hatred And Frustration That I Was Carrying With Me... Is Now GONE!”
  • “My Life Has Taken A Full 360 Degree Turn!”
  • “I Have A New Beginning... Reinventing My Life AND Regaining My Passion!”
  • “I Feel Like I Fit Inside My Skin For The First Time In My Life!”

Get Sonia’s package at Upto 44% off

Sonia's Special Offer

Interview with Jewels Arnes

Topic: New Earth High Frequency Skincare

During this Call with Jewels You Will:

  • Learn why Aging is a disease of consciousness and how YOU can Awaken to Living beyond Social consciousness!
  • Discover what ORMUS Elements are and why you want them on our skin!.
  • Find out how to get back YOUR healthy glow, verve and vitality!
  • Discover the power of SCALAR Energy and how it can add years to your life!
  • Find out how to rewire your brain and step into what it means to live Forever! An eternal life is a State of Consciousness!
  • Discover the frequency that diminishes the disease of AGING altogether!
  • And much, much more...

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See Fine Lines And Wrinkles Diminish Within 1 to 5 Days!

Listen to what this esthetician that called in had to say
about using Infynite Gold Products...

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Jewels!

  • “The Energy I Get From Your Products is Amazing!!!!”
  • “The Infynite Gold products are truly life-changing.”
  • “My Skin Used To Look Dull and Now I Have A Constant Glow!”
  • “Wonderful Product! It Has Proven To Show Visual Signs of Working!”

Get Jewels’s package at Upto 67% off

Jewels's Special Offer

Interview with Dr. Sonia Gupte

Topic: Magically Re-Energize Your Life: Retrieve Your Scattered ‘Soul Fragments’ Stuck in Time and Space for WHOLE LIFE Healing

During this Call with Sonia You Will:

  • Discover the secret to achieving permanent healing results with massive and lasting shifts in your Health, Behavior and Relationships!
  • Understand once and for all, why you remain stuck even after trying every type of treatment or healing for your physical or emotional issues...
  • Learn why blaming your external world, someone else, the situation, your destiny, karma or anything not within your control... will get you nowhere!
  • Understand how you have the power to shift your situation simply by tweaking your own energies, your own internal world.
  • Discover how you can experience your own Soul Journey through time and retrieve your scattered ‘Soul Energy’ stuck in time and space to magically re-energize your life!
  • Understand how you can “Empower Your Ownself” to completely heal four areas in your life: Chronic Health issues, Emotional turmoil, Uneasy relationship with ‘Self’ and Unhappy relationship with ‘Others’
  • Realize how you can get to the very core of your issue, to the very moment when your problem first originated and resolve it completely for instant shifts in your life!
  • And much, much more...

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Obliterate Blocks to Happiness, Health & Love... Permanent Results in Only ONE Session!!! Get YOURS Today >>>

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Sonia!

  • “My Session Led To A Profound Breakthrough!”
  • “The Burden Of Hatred And Frustration That I Was Carrying With Me... Is Now GONE!”
  • “My Life Has Taken A Full 360 Degree Turn!”
  • “I Have A New Beginning... Reinventing My Life AND Regaining My Passion!”
  • “I Feel Like I Fit Inside My Skin For The First Time In My Life!”

Get Sonia’s package at Upto 44% off

Sonia's Special Offer

Interview with Dipal Shah

Topic: Ancient Hara Dimension Secrets: Your One Step Solution to Perfect Health

During this Call with Dipal You Will:

  • Discover the pattern that is causing the diseases in your body so that you can start to heal on the emotional, mental and physical levels
  • Discover why your body is not healing the way you want it to
  • Get unstuck – Identify and process the suppressed emotions and past trauma that are keeping you from enjoying the good health, happiness and success that you deserve!
  • Learn and accelerate the Secret to transform your body and your youthfulness
  • Revealed for the first time ever, "The misalignments of your Hara line" that are causing your diseases and keeping you from being the person that you are meant to be.
  • Learn the secrets to healing your body quickly and effectively
  • Discover where the hara line is and how you can heal it
  • Learn how to Reboot and align all the Systems, Organs and Glands in your body through the Hara Line
  • Discover how you can keep your hara line in alignment
  • Find out what the hara line is and if your hara line is out of alignment
  • And much, much more...

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 Reboot and Align all the Systems, Organs and Glands in YOUR body through the Hara Line >> Your One-Step Solution to Unlock Infinite Health!!!

Listen to why this woman says that even though she was extremely skeptical about energy work and healing in general ... how she changed her mind and refuses to work with any other healer than Dipal! >>>

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Dipal!

  • “My Achilles tendon pain felt easier in minutes & I could walk normally the NEXT DAY!”
  • “Swelling Gone and Never Came Back!”
  • “Healed the Pins and Needles in the Shoulder”
  • “Autoimmune Disease symptoms finally transformed!”
  • “No More Eye Inflammation and a Happy Clear Mind!”

Get Dipal’s package

Dipal's Special Offer

Interview with Vandana Atara

Topic: 5D Divine Doctoring, Spirit Surgery & Soul Recovery

During this Call with Vandana You Will:

  • Profound peace, presence & protection
  • Deep relaxation & immediate stress-reduction
  • Relief & Release of troubled timeline trauma
  • Soul support from your healed & holy ancestors
  • Ease & Grace to assimilate & integrate 100% pure light
  • And so much MORE!

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 Get The Most Advanced Healing Upgrades with YOUR Multi-Dimensional Medical Team Today!  

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Vandana!

  • “Wow wow wow that was sooo powerful! I felt waves of light flood in... my nick name is Ambrosia and I felt my earlier question answered and helped through that healing.... thank you thank you thank you”
  • “I just felt so out of body, so peaceful, so expanded. Highly vibrational and just pure energy. Wow!”
  • “Vandana’s energy and the processes she did were so brilliant and elevating, and I definitely felt like a new person by the end! Wow!”
  • “This was your best work yet, I have to say. It was amazing!" Everything you said deeply resonates with me”
  • “It was an amazing process, truly powerful. I literally was pulled back in my chair!”

Get Vandana’s package at Upto 69% Off

Vandana's Special Offer

Interview with Marlene Allen

Topic: Energetic Fountain Of Youth Magical Makeover Become 10 years younger within 60 days! Guaranteed!

During this Call with Marlene You Will:

  • Learn what to do to REVERSE Biological Age by 10 Years or More, in 60 Days or Less​!<
  • ​​Discover the Secret to Feeling and LOOKING 10 Years Younger in 60 Days​...
  • Find out why 87% of all midlife women suffer from ACCELERATED Aging​!​
  • >Learn how ​Magical Cellular Makeover Taps into Your Own Fountain of Youth​!!!
  • ​Discover the Done-For-You Solution to Vitality and Longevity for Decades to Come!
  • Learn how to ​pay attention to your body’s signals and Discover and Correct​...​ the ROOT CAUSE of fatigue, headaches and all of the signs of Accelerated Aging​!!!
  • And so much MORE!

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 ​          LOOK 10 YEARS YOUNGER within just 60 DAYS!!!!          This is the Secret Protocol Only Known By Royalty and Celebrities For Millennia to Recapture The Vitality Of Youth! Get YOURS today...

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Marlene!

  • “I Actually Started Reversing My Age!”
  • “I Haven’t Weighed This Little Since High School!”
  • “I Look Amazing AND My Body Adjusted Back To What It Was Over A Decade Ago, This Is AMAZING!!!”
  • “Looking And Feeling Great Is Now Effortless!”
  • “People asked me what I was doing because they wanted some of what I was taking!”
  • “I Dropped 2 Dress Sizes, My Hormones Balanced Out!”
  • “I’m Feeling Better, Happier and More Energetic!”
  • “I just avoided old age!”

Get Marlene’s package at Upto 87% Off

Marlene's Special Offer

Interview with Stewart Pearce


During this Call with Stewart You Will:

  • Find out from celebrity mentor Stewart Pearce where the Atlantean Stargate Portal has opened and what this means for your 2019!
  • Discover the 12 Sacred Codes that can literally change your DNA into a superstar vibration...
  • Get an instant Karma shift on the call from the 12 Angels of Atlantis so you can finally say goodbye to money and relationship drama!
  • Learn the inside celebrity secret used by Oscar-winners to manifest big money, new career opportunity and achieve your destiny.
  • Get the number 1 question that EVERYONE from stay-at-home mom’s, retirees and World Leaders all want to know from Stewart and the Angels...
  • Discover the 12 Codes that the Angels want YOU to have so you can manifest the life you are really meant to have!
  • Learn why the Angels suddenly decided to Supercharge humanity with the 12 Destiny Codes and what it means for your life...
  • Learn how to EASILY make every single moment of your life a shining miracle with the frequencies and encodements of the Angels of Atlantis
  • Receive a Soul Reading with the Angelic Emissary that Oprah, Marianne Williamson and Princess Diana love!
  • And so much MORE!

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                      ***UPGRADED CODES NOW AVAILABLE ***                           Discover what these AMAZING Angelic Blessings can create to MAGNETIZE health, wealth and happiness into your life!!! Get YOUR 1:1 session today!!!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Stewart!

  • “​Wow wow wow!!! Tears are streaming down my face!! That was so powerful​... ​m​y whole body is buzzing and hearts racing​!” ~ Amber
  • “​Wow indeed! So much opening and movement... the back heart, throat and front heart. Sacred geometry around and through the body.” ~ ​Christine
  • “​Initially, I felt a lot of he proceeded to continue...I felt extreme joyousness in my heart and my heart felt really open by the last code​!​” ~ Pamela
  • “​I felt shivers when Stewart spoke the 10th code!” ~ Annie
  • “​Thank you Stewart for your pristine alert Presence! I love you!” ~ Brooke
  • “​Stewart is such a beautiful man... masterful, wise and complete magic! xo” ~ Rochelle

Get Stewart’s package at Upto 93% Off

Stewart's Special Offer

Interview with Sanjay Nimar

Topic: Is Anxiety and Depression slowly killing you? Come discover Amazing Grace Energy Healing.

During this Call with Sanjay You Will:

  • Find out why we are not supposed to live life in constant state of anxiety and depression...
  • Understand the root cause of anxiety and depression and how it gets setup in our consciousness at a very young age!
  • ​Learn how a constant state of anxiety and depression disrupts the flow of life energy through our Chakras! (and how this cuts us off from our own source of life force... resulting in a vicious downwards spiral which eventually destroys our body, mind, finances and relationships!)
  • Find out how Courage is not the answer to anxiety... Self worth is! You’ll finally understand how lack of self worth is related to anxiety.
  • Learn why most of the self development programs out there fail to produce any meaningful results even after years of work!
  • Understand how Lifetron Energy Healing is a simple, effective, and relatively quick way of healing anxiety and depression. No medicines, supplements or practices are required!
  • Discover how having narcissistic parents can set us up for lifelong pattern of anxiety and depression!
  • And so much MORE!

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Finally, You Can Be FREE from Depression and Anxiety Using Lifetron Energy Healing from The Himalayas... Get YOURS today!!!! 

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Sanjay!

  • “In just one month I am very happy to report that my anxiety has gone down to Zero!!” ~ Dina
  • “I have not had a single incident for the last 6 months... NONE!!!!” ~ Arlene
  • “I have noticed a marked difference in my daughter's negativity and reduced anxiety. We are beyond grateful!” ~ L.L.
  • “I’m so happy to say that after three months... one day I woke up and the pain was gone!” ~ Zeenah
  • “I am so grateful that he is a normal, healthy baby boy. And I am also grateful for Sanjay for being there for him!” ~ SH

Get Sanjay’s package at Upto 82% Off

Sanjay's Special Offer

Interview with Mary Halima

Topic: SOUL PURPOSE ACCELERATION: Unleash the power of your soul for more joy, meaning & fulfillment

During this Call with Mary You Will:

  • Activate your sacred heart and feel the connection to the Divine Love within you that ignites your passion and purpose...
  • Clear your soul lessons & patterns that are holding you back or keeping you stuck!
  • Learn how healing your own soul helps heal the soul of humanity...
  • Release forever, the centuries of false programming of unworthiness, lost self-worth, guilt and shame!
  • Open to receive the infusions of Divine Soul Lights that activate you for success..
  • Breakthrough and release the ancestral lineage you came to clear for yourself, and your family...
  • Learn why you are already encoded for success!
  • And so much MORE!

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 IGNITE YOUR PASSION AND UNLEASH THE POWER OF YOUR SOUL!!! 100% Soul Purpose Clarity... Don't Miss Out!

Limited Time Bonus:  30 Day Healing and Coaching Immersion Program

POWERFUL Deep Heart Healing was Received LIVE. Listen NOW.

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Mary!

  • “​My heart chakra opened up and I feel like I have opened to new energies Very powerful!!! Even now feel peaceful and open. Blessings to you both​!” ~ ​Sandhya
  • “​Wow - hips released and was seeing intense orange in 2nd chakra. Strong Divine presence. Thank you!” ~ Susan
  • “​I connected soooo deeply with tears flowing! I saw Jesus in my vision. Thank you... Blessings!” ~ Nina
  • “​Oh my goodness I'm bawling my eyes out that's was so powerful! Yesterday was rough and I thought I'd lost my light. I felt my heart expand and was reminded that I am the light and always will be. Thank you so much! I had been so on track but felt completely thrown yesterday until now. I'm so grat​e​ful!!!” ~ Amber
  • “​A wonderful gift of love... Thank you!” ~ Jane

Get Mary’s package at Upto 88% Off

Mary's Special Offer

Interview with Christel Hughes

Topic: Living FREE: Parasites & Portals Protocol for HEALTH + HEALING

During this Call with Christel You Will:

  • Learn the importance of the quantum field for vital health and healing parasites...
  • Understand the Tri-level parasite playground, so you can eradicate the invaders in the body, aura and environment!
  • Discover the little known secret connection between portals and your tendency to attract parasites...
  • Utilize the energy birthed at the time of the Universe to set healthy boundaries in your life and Banish ill willed parasites for good!
  • Understand the need to seal and ‘doubly seal’ the space in which you reside of distant spirits that wish to upset your balance point...
  • Learn about a way to instantly distinguish real threats from benevolent energies!
  • And much, much more...

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Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Christel!

  • “Wow! Thank you so much for the reading on the call this morning. Christel was right on! I knew exactly what was being pointed to by the portal she identified on the call! What is really amazing is that I just had received a message about that particular issue this morning. So this was a huge confirmation! Awesome! Thank you!” ~ Pamela
  • “Oh my gosh... so much emotional energy was purged through the session, through sound and weeping. It was quite a clearing. Heartfelt thanks, you are truly a Bright Light.”
  • “By the time the session was near finished all the energy seemed balanced and I felt quite good. It’s amazing work!” ~ NJD
  • “I’ve experienced a deep sense of peace, beauty, and love all around me I’ve never had before!” ~ KL
  • “Beings of light entered my aura... I saw them for the first time ever!” ~ SS

Get Christel’s package at Upto 86% Off

Christel's Special Offer

Interview with Nidhu Kapoor

Topic: Magical Transformation in Two Weeks! Using the Fastest Healing Modality in the World.

During this Call with Nidhu You Will:

  • Feeling highly judged, unsafe and unheard
  • Not feeling worthy or deserving however hard you try
  • Allowing stressful relationships to continue
  • Haunted by thoughts of not enough monies
  • Settling for crumbs
  • Think that 'good' is for other people
  • Unbearable aloneness and a lack of friends
  • Having to do everything on your own
  • Striving and never arriving
  • Battling between a negative and positive frame of mind constantly
  • And much, much more...

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 Hack Into The Most Powerful Celestial Energies To Work In Your Favor To Manifest What You Desire And Release What You Don’t Want! Magical Transformation Happens In Just TWO WEEKS!!!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Nidhu!

  • “Nidhu has the most beautiful, gentle energy and you just get drawn to her, as everyone on her group will vouch for that, no one wants to miss out on her programs! I love her and thank you for bringing Nidhu to us. ” ~ Neena
  • “​On 1 on 1 call with Nidhu, she completely changed my life in about 30 minutes and that is no exaggeration!” ~ Alex
  • “​Life changed and I transformed. I am now unrecognizable from the woman who began that year!” ~ Allison
  • “​Just by listening, I just had a huge shift around my father who passed away 6 years ago. Felt it in my sacral chakra very strongly as a release and shaking out old patterns. Thank you, Nidhu! Thank you, Eram!” ~ Gwen
  • “I want to thank you for this opportunity. I just signed up for the whole package! I was full of anxiety and fear and in tears prior to the call. I feel hopeful now. It has been a very difficult year for me, and now I feel I am about to have the powerful tools to transform everything that has happened. Thank you. xx” ~ Janet

Get Nidhu’s package at Upto 85% Off

Nidhu's Special Offer

Interview with Dawn Crystal

Topic: Heal Your JOINTS Fast!!! (With Source Energy Clearings!)

During this Call with Dawn You Will:

  • Discover how Sound healing can release pain within "Minutes"!!!
  • Learn how Sound healing can get rid of Anxiety & Insomnia within "Minutes"!!!
  • Learn how Sound healing can get rid of Anxiety & Insomnia within "Minutes"!!!
  • Discover how Sound healing can Rebalance & Align your body to perfection in "minutes"!!!
  • Be Pain Free in "Minutes" Naturally with "voice" Sound healing!!!
  • And so much MORE!

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 Dawn Crystal is One of the World's Top Energy PAIN EXPERTS and she can Relieve YOUR PAIN within MINUTES!!!! Get YOUR Session TODAY!!!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Dawn!

  • “​I feel your pure heart and trust you! I am so grateful for your help... I am much relieved... felt the energy moving and now its down even more!! Bless you!!!” ~ Missy
  • “​ Very powerful. So much energy was moving when Dawn worked with the last caller (Carol, I think) that I can't stop yawning! Still feeling a lot of warmth in my solar plexus!” ~ Pamela
  • “​OMG!!!! My 30 Minutes session with Dawn was so Life Changing! She sees your Blocks and Her Voice Gets you out of Pain in a matter of Minutes!!! Thank you much! Bless You!!!” ~ Nancy
  • “​Dawn's Readings are so Accurate and she knows what needs to be done to get you the best Results for Resolving your Pain issues In only a few Minutes!” ~ Sheila
  • “​What a Gift to the World to find Dawn as she has Cleared & Healed my Years of Suffering. Give her a try you will be Amazed!!! Thanks!” ~ Joseph

Get Dawn’s package at Upto 67% Off

Dawn's Special Offer

Interview with Sharon Josef

Topic: Claire's-Discovery and Expansion: Unlocking Your Inner
Senses so You Can Share Your Gifts with the World

During this Call with Sharon You Will:

  • Can see which Inner sense you use most .
  • Can tell you which ones are blocked.
  • Can tell you why the senses are blocked.
  • Can help open up the blocked senses.
  • Can empower you to live your purpose.

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Sharon can read VERY FAST and ACCURATELY your inner senses... Don't Miss Out!!!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Sharon!

  • “Sharon Is A Huge Gift To The World!” ~ Taly B
  • “She Has Helped Me Tremendously With My Own Spiritual Journey” ~ Betsy
  • “Sharon Has A Unique Magical Gift Of Medical Reading/Channeling!” ~ Orit B

Get Sharon’s package at Upto 71% Off

Sharon's Special Offer

Interview with Janice Noehulani

Topic: Breakthrough - Be Your Most Powerful Self & Awaken The Healer Within

During this Call with Janice You Will:

  • ​Learn the Access Points to the Divine...
  • Discover the “secret” of the Universe!
  • Meet the all the energies and guides that are here to help you ALL THE TIME! Are you ready to meet them?
  • Unlock the Secrets to Your Divine Self...
  • Learn the unknown doorway to your soul...
  • Find out how YOUR Spirit Helpers are Calling You - Are You ready to Listen?
  • And so much MORE!

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Do you want to be Masterful in YOUR life at EVERY given moment? Now is YOUR chance >>> *Limited Time Offer* Get 2 Sessions for the price of 1 in Package C!!!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Janice!

  • “Thank you so much Eram and Janice... I'm feeling the little waves! So much love!” ~ Betty
  • “Zomg! THAT was the coolest exercise with the palms. I am going to use this all the time. I felt that deep down! That is spiritual muscle training. What a gift...” ~ Dori
  • “Thank you Janice. I felt the energy move in my abdomen. It felt like butterflies flickering. I actually received a message (felt like from my higher self- heeheehee) that said you were right on target. Thank you, thank you, thank you Eram and Janice!!!!” ~ Angela
  • “I manifested $111,000 and grew my business! This work is amazing and a game changer!” ~ Stephanie
  • “That was the best kind of juicy magic medicine I have experienced!” ~ Michelle

Get Janice’s package at Upto 92% Off

Janice's Special Offer

Interview with Renee Landers

Topic: Powerful Energy Shifts to Attract & KEEP Love in Your Life

During this Call with Renee You Will:

  • Discover the REAL reason why almost half of all marriages end in divorce! Hint: It’s not what you think!​​Achieve wellness and harmony in YOUR body...
  • Find out the secret to stopping repeating patterns...
  • Discover why going from one relationship to the next is VERY destructive!
  • Learn the secret to attracting your soulmate...
  • Find out if LOVE really is enough!
  • And so much MORE!

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Renée can READ YOUR ENERGY and tell YOU EXACTLY what is holding YOU back from the LOVE you DESERVE!  Plus, she can PREDICT YOUR FUTURE relationships... AND she can SEE YOUR LOVE BLOCKS!!!!

There are ONLY a handful of sessions left at the VERY low introductory price... Hurry and get YOURS today!!! 


Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Renee!

  • “Finally Went On A Date AFTER 15 Years Of No Dates!”
  • “I’m In My 70’s And Met My Now Boyfriend Within 2 Months Of Working With Renee!”
  • “Me and my husband are back in each other’s arms. Renee can heal anything!”
  • “My wife and I are so much closer now!”
  • “After several miscarriages, my boyfriend and I conceived our first child!”
  • “Renee helped me heal my pattern of attracting unavailable men.”
  • “Cleared past trauma and abuse, now my husband and I are closer and our sex life has improved too!”

Get Renee’s package at Upto 90% Off

Renee's Special Offer

Interview with Chameice Daniel

Topic: Abundance 7.0: Actualizing Your 7D Abundance Blueprint

During this Call with Chameice You Will:

  • Find out how your life will change with 7D Abundance!
  • Discover why you are STUCK living in survival mode...
  • Learn how to BREAK the invisible barrier between you and your dreams!
  • Finally know what is holding YOU back from thriving..
  • Find out what scarcity programs and agreements are AND how they affect you!
  • Join the thousands that have accelerated their lives with 7D Abundance!!!
  • And so much MORE!

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ABUNDANCE 7.0 is here!!! Magnetize Abundance like never before!!!!
*While supplies last, once they sell out... they are GONE for good! 

Do this daily to keep your energy at 100% and ready to receive abundance. Listen Now!

Reclaiming Your Abundance Plus Interest.

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Chameice!

  • “Cheque in the mail for over £2000!!!!” ~ Maureen
  • “A publishing contract that was far more than I thought possible!” ~ Katrina
  • “I shed nearly 30 lbs of stress weight without dieting!” ~ Susan
  • “I was able to bring in a higher vibrational experience! Love you, Chameice!” ~ Jen
  • “I'm feeling all the energies... they are VERY powerful!” ~ Sadia

Get Chameice’s package at Upto 95% Off

Chameice's Special Offer

Interview with Stacey Mayo

Topic: Catalytic Speed Healing: Healing For What is Needed in
Every Nano Second of Your Day

During this Call with Stacey You Will:

  • Have an opportunity to receive a Free mini medical intuitive reading from Stacey during the call...
  • Receive Catalytic healing to help you heal faster - this will NOT overprocess you or conflict with anything else you are doing!
  • Find out the secret to healing trillions of times faster!
  • Learn about the complexity of curses and the secret to really healing them...
  • Discover the hidden issues in your system that are affecting your life and/or health that no one has told you about and how they can be found and healed very quickly!
  • Learn what to do if you want to get healthy and heal your relationships faster than EVER before!
  • And so much MORE!

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Heal ONE TRILLION TIMES FASTER than any known Energy Modality in the World!!!! This is the FIRST TIME EVER that Stacey Mayo is offering Group Healings and Private Sessions with our Community! >>> Get YOURS today!!!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Stacey!

  • “I was so sick I wanted to die! Now I feel much better!” ~ Paul G.
  • “I felt So much love with that healing, thank you for blessing me Stacey!” ~ Becky
  • “The inflammation and knots in my skull are less!” ~ Lorna
  • “My Bone Grew Back and I was Able to Avoid Surgery!” ~ R. Johnson
  • “I was able to testify against my abuser and we WON!” ~ S.M.

Get Stacey’s package at Upto 59% Off

Stacey's Special Offer

Interview with Tara Chambers

Topic: The Magic of Sovereign Cells: Release Tribal Programming
for More Wellness Joy & Success

During this Call with Tara You Will:

  • Learn how to resolve the root causes of physical issues in your body!
  • Achieve wellness and harmony in YOUR body...
  • Break free from the Rules and connect with your true self and YOUR true power!
  • Step into true freedom to follow what brings you joy and happiness...
  • See your physical issues as loving messages from your body wanting something even better for YOU!
  • And so much MORE!

Listen Now!


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Get 3 Full Hours of Session​s​ (That's equal to 6 sessions you​ normally​ get in​ other​ packages!) at a   ​D​eeply ​D​iscounted ​P​rice for ​a very LIMITED TIME...  Reserve your spot on the calendar Now!

Heal Pain, Sexual Trauma & Other Health Issues ... Watch NOW!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Tara!

  • “Back Pain GONE In A Matter Of Seconds… Just In Time For My Wedding!” ~ Dina
  • “My Pain Instantly Vanished!” ~ Diane
  • “My Doctor Confirmed That The Blood Clot Was Gone!!!” ~ Robert
  • “Lost 5 lbs Overnight And Health Condition Suddenly Vanished!” ~ Suzie
  • “My Migraine Was Instantly Gone!” ~ Sarah

Get Tara’s package at Up to 93% Off

Tara's Special Offer

Interview with Sharon Josef

Topic: Transform Pain into Healing & Empowerment

During this Call with Sharon You Will:

  • Learn why your emotions can cause dis-comfort or dis-ease...
  • Find out how everything is tied together to make up your life and how once you get your Mind, Body and Soul in sync… NOTHING can hold you back!
  • Discover how to hear the language of your body... which always has a story...
  • Let go of ALL the pain and feel GOOD both physically and mentally!
  • Learn how to take back YOUR power... and get empowered!
  • And much, much more …

Discover The Real SECRET Behind Why Your Body is Creating Pain in Order to Get Your Attention!

Listen Now!


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Discover The REAL Secret Behind Why Your Body Is Creating Pain In Order To Get YOUR Attention!! >>> The 90 Minute Body Scan is REALLY incredible...  Sharon scans ALL your organs and helps YOU achieve optimal health! <<<

WOW! Everyone of Sharon’s scans were spot on! You MUST watch to believe it!

She will go soooo deep in a session with you, scanning you from head to toe to find out what's going on... including each and ALL of your organs bringing them back to FULL vitality and health by releasing blocks!  Listen to Eram's experience here.

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Sharon!

  • “Oh you brought so much tears of gratitude! Everything you said was accurate!” ~ Missy Sue
  • “This is potent work, Eram & Sharon! I can actually feel the energies moving and can only imagine what a personal experience must be like!” ~Marie
  • “I would highly recommend working with Sharon... words cannot describe the loving, caring, compassionate and the integrity being this beautiful and extremely accurate scanner is!” ~ Melissa
  • “Sharon is wise, loving, compassionate, and accurate! I look forward to working with her again in the future!” ~ Carrie
  • “Thank you, You were spot on! I have been struggling to retain my identity for 30 years... I appreciate your straightforwardness!” ~ Julie

Get Sharon’s package at Up to 83% Off

Sharon's Special Offer

Interview with Dr. Karen Kan & David Schmidt

Topic: Activate your Stem Cells with Light: Regenerate and Rejuvenate your body 12 hours a day using phototherapy patches

During this Call with Dr. Karen Kan & David Schmidt You Will:

  • Why stem cell therapies are HUGELY popular now and how you can receive the benefits without the $10-25,000 price tag!
  • Why healing is faster with light than with any other traditional holistic therapies or medicines...
  • How you can activate your stem cells to get younger and healthier, so you can repair your body and reverse the signs of aging
  • How you can get 12 hours a day of “phototherapy” with ONE simple step each day!
  • How this one phototherapy product can do what no other product in the world can do for about the cost of a Starbucks® Frappuccino!
  • And so much MORE!

Listen Now!


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Breakthrough in Modern Technology Changes EVERYTHING! Simple to Use AND the Results are so effective... they seem like magic!!!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about
Dr. Karen Kan & David Schmidt!

  • “The pain finally went away with the X39™” ~ Christine
  • “The effect is almost a miracle!” ~ Lily
  • “Significant change in my overall energy level” ~ Kelly
  • “I sleep deeper and have more energy throughout the day!” ~ Olga
  • “My sleep is much deeper and my awake time is much more robust!” ~ Tarasa

Get Dr. Karen Kan & David Schmidt’s package

Dr. Karen Kan & David Schmidt's Special Offer

Interview with Sydney Barrows

Topic: Escape From the Power of Your Story

During this Call with Sydney You Will:

  • Discover how YOUR Story is a collection of things you’ve heard, seen and experienced during your life... and the assumptions, beliefs and expectations your subconscious mind has created about them!
  • Find out how YOUR Story shapes how you live your life EVERY day... from the decisions and choices you make to how you react and respond to different people, situations and circumstances throughout your life...
  • Learn what’s in your Story that’s keeping you from following your dreams and limiting you from realizing your full potential!
  • Hear stories about clients whose lives were transformed once elements of their Story were cleared and new and empowering energies replaced them!
  • Receive the facts on how to identify a false or misleading Story that is creating an Identity that there’s something wrong with you that needs to be fixed before you can move forward with your life.
  • Discover how the stories you tell yourself most frequently or that produce the biggest emotional charge, become part of your Identity and how to break free from this vicious circle!
  • And so much MORE!

Listen Now!


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T​ake ​A​ction ​A​nd ​G​ive ​Y​ourself ​T​he ​T​ools ​T​hat ​W​ill ​M​ake ​I​​P​ossible ​F​or ​You T​B​reak ​F​ree ​O​​T​he          P​rison ​T​hat ​Y​our Story ​H​as ​C​reated​!​ Get YOUR Private 1:1 Session Today...

Experience Sydney's POWERFUL healing powers with YOUR own eyes! Energy received by ALL.

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Sydney!

  • “I felt a release in my solar plexus!” ~ Jayme
  • “After listening to the mp3s something is clicking, it's working, I'm on my way!” ~ HG
  • “Your program really works, I've made massive, massive progress.!” ~ TF
  • “I Wish I Could Write You A Check For $1 Million Dollars!” ~ Trish
  • “My Whole Life Changed After My First Session With You!” ~ Alison
  • “I've Been Having More Clarity, Shifts, And Have Had Major Breakthroughs!” ~ B.G.

Get Sydney’s package at Upto 97% Off

Sydney's Special Offer

Interview with Stewart Pearce


During this Call with Stewart You Will:

  • Find out from celebrity mentor Stewart Pearce where the Atlantean Stargate Portal has opened and what this means for your 2019!
  • Discover the 12 Sacred Codes that can literally change your DNA into a superstar vibration...
  • Get an instant Karma shift on the call from the 12 Angels of Atlantis so you can finally say goodbye to money and relationship drama!
  • Learn the inside celebrity secret used by Oscar-winners to manifest big money, new career opportunity and achieve your destiny.
  • Get the number 1 question that EVERYONE from stay-at-home mom’s, retirees and World Leaders all want to know from Stewart and the Angels...
  • Discover the 12 Codes that the Angels want YOU to have so you can manifest the life you are really meant to have!
  • Learn why the Angels suddenly decided to Supercharge humanity with the 12 Destiny Codes and what it means for your life...
  • Learn how to EASILY make every single moment of your life a shining miracle with the frequencies and encodements of the Angels of Atlantis
  • Receive a Soul Reading with the Angelic Emissary that Oprah, Marianne Williamson and Princess Diana love!
  • And so much MORE!

Listen Now!


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Discover what these AMAZING Angelic Blessings can create to MAGNETIZE health, wealth and happiness into your life!!! Get YOUR 1:1 session today!!!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Stewart!

  • “​Wow wow wow!!! Tears are streaming down my face!! That was so powerful​... ​m​y whole body is buzzing and hearts racing​!” ~ Amber
  • “​Wow indeed! So much opening and movement... the back heart, throat and front heart. Sacred geometry around and through the body.” ~ ​Christine
  • “​Initially, I felt a lot of he proceeded to continue...I felt extreme joyousness in my heart and my heart felt really open by the last code​!​” ~ Pamela
  • “​I felt shivers when Stewart spoke the 10th code!” ~ Annie
  • “​Thank you Stewart for your pristine alert Presence! I love you!” ~ Brooke

Get Stewart’s package at Upto 93% Off

Stewart's Special Offer

Interview with Rikka Zimmerman

Topic: Exposing the Top 3 Myths that Sabotage Your True Success

During this Call with Rikka You Will:

  • The top 3 myths you think are helping you succeed but are actually sabotaging your true success
  • The #1 mistake you make every day that guarantees you stay in a failure cycle. Everybody makes this mistake … but almost nobody knows they’re doing it
  • Rikka’s secret “energy flip” technique. You’ll use this simple technique like a light switch: turning off negativity, fear, and scarcity and turning on incredible love and abundance whenever you want
  • A powerful Activation to help you energetically align with source for more happiness and fulfillment.

Listen Now!


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Discover The 6 Principles for True Success! This Can CHANGE Your Life... FOREVER!!!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Rikka!

  • “You will say “oh, what a gift.” It’s incredible. It just turns your world around...” ~ Heather S.
  • “My life is transforming and now I live in a world of “I can” and not “I can’t.” ~ Jan P.
  • “My life has changed tremendously...” ~ Toni Ann M.
  • “It’s so easy, so simple and practical...Anyone can use it...” ~ Deborah M.
  • “Welcome Abundance Into Your Life!” ~ Judith

Get Rikka’s package

Rikka's Special Offer

Interview with Dr. Karen Kan

Topic: Autoimmune Healing Secrets for Sensitive Souls - The Feel Fantastic Formula™

During this Call with Karen You Will:

  • Learn why “sensitive” empathetic people may have a harder time healing autoimmunity, allergies and multiple chemical sensitivities
  • Understand why autoimmunity isn’t just physical and how to “test” for other types of autoimmunity
  • Understand how your past lives (alternate lives) affect your body during the process of ascension
  • Learn the simple process by which you can tell how balanced your immune system is
  • Learn the Countdown Healing Method™ to quickly heal layers of autoimmunity from multiple lives simultaneously
  • Experience symptom-desensitization through the S.T.O.I.M. technique
  • And much, much more …

Experience Dr. Karen's amazing TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method for yourself!

Listen Now!


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Due to the personalized nature of this work, package prices must rise when specific order numbers are hit… don’t miss out!

Watch Dr. Karen's Follow Up Zoom Replay Here ...

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Karen!

  • “18 year old healed autoimmunity, milk sensitivity and Crohn's Disease” ~ Maria
  • “I was feeling brain fog, zombie-like, and couldn't function for months… and within 24 hours I was normal!” ~Lorena
  • “My food allergies are gone” ~ Diane

Get Karen’s package at Upto 99% Off

Karen's Special Offer

Interview with Virginia Rounds Griffiths

Topic: The Secrets of Your Miracle Brain: How to keep your Brain Optimally Healthy, Clear & Alert

During this Call with Virginia You Will:

  • Finally have answers to your headaches, lack of clarity, migraines and pressure (even when your doctors can't give them to you)
  • Understand EXACTLY what to do to repair, regenerate and recalibrate your 3 brains for trauma and PTSD healing
  • Discover if your brain is out of alignment and what you can do to clear and rebalance so that every part of your body can work in synergy with your brain
  • Create a clear connection between your brain and your organs so you have happy, healthy heart, gut, kidneys, lungs and even adrenals
  • Experience relief from head, neck and back pain to feel realigned and rejuvenated
  • And much, much more …

Discover how to heal your brain now!

Listen Now!


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Additional 30 days added to all new purchasers so you too receive the full 90 days of Remote healing.

Brain Scans with Virginia! You MUST Watch the Transformations.

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Virginia!

  • “Stroke Recovery: “My walking is so much better, my brain is no longer foggy and I have stopped the procrastination”” ~ Shirley
  • “The astounding results are short of a miracle” ~ Anna
  • “All of the Parkinson’s symptoms are gone” ~ Shelby

Get Virginia’s package at Upto 90% Off

Virginia's Special Offer

Interview with Vera Mirna

Topic: Be a Master Manifestor in 5 Mins: World's Quickest
and Easiest Manifestation Tool

During this Call with Vera You Will:

  • Learn how to become a Master Healer in 5 Minutes or Less!
  • Find out how to put your manifestations on auto-pilot...
  • Receive the 10 Magic Words that Can Change Your Life​!
  • Discover how to Manifest with Ease even if you hate Meditating or Visualizing​!​
  • Understand how to Manifest with Ease even if you think you’re too busy to meditate​...​
  • Discover how your ego ​can trick you into thinking energy healing is more complicated than it actually is​... and change it​!
  • And much, much more...

Listen Now!


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FAST & EASY Manifestation with Just 10 Special Words!​!! Last few packages left at current price!

Mini 1-1 Healings with Vera - Discover the Easy Button Healing NOW!

Discover Vera's MAGICAL 10 Words! Listen NOW.

Learn Why Other Modalities Fall Short. Listen NOW.

From FEAR to Solution About Foreclosure INSTANTLY Shifted. Listen NOW.

HUGE Energy Shifts and Releases Happened LIVE. Listen NOW.

Group Clearings for Live and Replay Listeners. Listen NOW.

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Vera!

  • “I Was Gifted $10,000 After Working With Vera!”
  • “My Bank Gave Me FREE Money!”
  • “I Received $7,266.20 After My Session & I Was SHOCKED!”
  • “I Exceeded My Monthly Goal Of Increased Income!”
  • “After Working With Vera… There Is A Bidding War For Our House We’re Selling!”
  • “I Won A $500 Gift Card! And Then My Girlfriend Won $50 Too!”

Get Vera’s package at Upto 95% Off

Vera's Special Offer

Interview with Jade Yin Hom

Topic: Energy Dentistry the Archetypal Way:
Healthy Teeth, Gums and Guts

During this Call with Jade You Will:

  • Learn how a powerful barometer of your health is in your smile and how your teeth and gums indicate the overall health of your body as well as your emotional health..
  • Find out about the connection between your energy meridians and the health of your teeth!
  • How the health of your gums can indicate whether you’re receiving the level of emotional and financial support that allows you to achieve your highest potential...
  • Why the root of health or disease comes down to your body’s ability to receive nutrients from food...
  • Discover how receiving nourishment allows you to receive more emotional nourishment which will help you to flourish in every area of life!
  • And much, much more...

Listen Now!


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Energy Dentistry Kits - Not Available Anywhere Else - Created Exclusively for FHTJ. Take advantage while price is slashed!

Also available -> Energy Dentistry the Archetypal Way Package

Jade's Special Offer

Live Healings for Teeth with Jade! Energy felt and received by all. You must watch the instant results!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Jade!

  • “This is so deep and to the root of dis-ease and self esteem!” ~ Rose
  • “Thank you for all the healing Jade is doing... I’m feeling it strongly and yawing lots!” ~ Michelle
  • “Just so JADE KNOWS... she hit the part of the trauma associated and I dissolved in tears.. still crying... and how self empowerment was violated in the wrongful extraction of teeth. That is very powerful.... thank you!” ~ M
  • “I got goose bumps! Thank you Jade!” ~ Elly
  • “What a fantastic healing session!” ~ Collette

Get Jade’s package at Upto 93% Off

Jade's Special Offer

Interview with Marlene Allen

Topic: Creating Joyful Hormones: To Make Midlife Sexy & Vital Again

During this Call with Marlene You Will:

  • Learn if your thyroid is causing lack of Joy in Your Midlife...
  • ​​Find out the things that prevent YOU from a Sexy Vibrant Life!
  • Discover how to get Joyful Hormones to Breeze through Midlife...
  • Plus how to Reverse Biological Age by 10 Years or More in 60 Days or Less!
  • And much, much more...

Wow eye opener that everyone’s thyroid was so low!
Listen Now!


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Get YOUR Thyroid Scan to Reveal What's Preventing YOU from Living a Vibrant and Sexy Life!!! >>> Plus, ALL of Marlene’s items are Live Streams in her packages and they are ALL Live Group Calls! <<<

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Marlene!

  • “Marlene has been on my healing team for a year, she does beautiful supportive work and has been an essential part of an 'interesting' year... I'm feeling better, happier and more energetic since working on these things, some of which I didn't even know were an issue!” ~ J.
  • “WOW you ROCK!!! Even with muggy weather, I'm dealing with my anxieties and energy issues much better.” ~ Tim B.
  • “I feel light and walked with a spring to my step into the grocery store. I feel happy!!!! I feel energetic, no fatigue. I feel like I can take on anything!” ~ Laurie W.

Get Marlene’s package at Upto 90% Off

Marlene's Special Offer

Interview with Dipal Shah

Topic: Transform your Vibration and Find your Freedom: The Ancient Secret to Clearing Curses, Entities, Blackmagic, and Implants

During this Call with Dipal You Will:

  • Learn if you are being psychically attacked… More and more sensitive people just like you who are on this planet are having a difficult time surviving and staying balanced, healthy, and centered!
  • Find out what kind of psychic attack is affecting you and your family! Supernatural dark energies ranging from spirits, ghosts, entities, curses, implants... to the darkest of energies affect mankind
  • Uncover where this psychic attack is located in and around your home, body, energy field, car, or work place
  • Discover The Ancient Secret to Raise Your Vibration and Keep away Psychic Attacks!
  • Learn how children, elderly, pets and Sensitive Souls are all being targeted by Psychic Attacks…
  • Find out how to get rid of your psychic attack with Sound Vibration… Psychic attacks are not a thing of the past, they still exist to present day and affect modern day life. Curses, implants, entities, and blackmagic can impact your everyday life and create havoc!
  • Learn why and how you can clear these Immediately!
  • And much, much more...

Listen Now!


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Early Bird Discount Pricing is just about GONE! We opened the cart over the weekend and SOLD OUT out of PRE-LAUNCH pricing within hours!! But EARLY BIRD Discounts are still available so you better hurry...

LIVE Readings: Clear Curses, Entities, Black Magic & Implants!!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Dipal!

  • “My body felt this surge of energy as if the entity jolted out of me, leaving me with so much peace!”
  • “After releasing this implant I finally lost weight, I feel lighter in my body.”
  • “Within 24 hours of clearing I found the place of my dreams!”
  • “I am in tears, I can feel the ecstasy from the healing!!”
  • “Wow, amazing session, after releasing 4 entities I feel like myself again!”

Get Dipal’s package at Upto 85% Off

Dipal's Special Offer

Interview with Nidhu Satish Kapoor

Topic: The missing link in ascension aka The Happiness Project:
(The single reason 2019 will be your watershed year)

During this Call with Nidhu You Will:

  • Learn what being an empath means and why if you are one, you need to know what's going on!
  • Discover the 10 powers of 2019 you need to know and use to be in the wholeness and fullness of you!
  • Understand why you keep gaining weight regardless of all the attempts to be healthy!
  • Find out why you are suddenly unmotivated about your work...
  • Learn why you want more money, but just can't work towards it or put yourself out there!
  • Understand why something is changing and how to make it work for YOU...
  • Learn that the Earth has already ascended... and what you are going through is the tumultuousness of your own upgrade. Whaaat!
  • And much, much more...

Listen Now!


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FREE 1:1 Session... The Low Introductory Pricing is NOW available!!! >>> ​Plus ​Additional 11% Discount on ALL packages​!!! ​(Limited Amount of Orders Available!)

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Nidhu!

  • “Nidhu You are absolutely BRILLIANT!!!!!!! ” ~ Bhagyalakshmi
  • “Most of us who have bought her packages before have already bought her Package C today! Her packages are phenomenal!!” ~ Neena
  • “Thank you soooo much... of course I am in with Package C with all my love!” ~ Brigitte
  • “It's so amazing to know about 11:11 as I just purchased Nidhu's Package at 11:11” ~ Zeenat
  • “I jump into a Nidhu package not because of the content alone, but because it's Nidhu! She offers so much more!!!” ~ Anna

Get Nidhu’s package at Upto 78% Off

Nidhu's Special Offer

Interview with Rupina Meer

Topic: 30-Day Delicious Detox: Crush Cravings, Blast Fat & Ignite Energy Effortlessly

During this Call with Rupina You Will:

  • Learn why insulin is the #1 metabolic hormone (and thereby the #1 metabolic disruptor if it’s overused) that controls your weight and how to reclaim effortless weight loss using the PFF formula
  • Find out the real reason behind your 2pm energy crash and how to turn on your inner energizer bunny and STAY energized all day l​ong!
  • Discover why your so-called low calorie “healthy” diet is actually fueling your cravings & how to side-step the low cal "bombs" lurking in the store with simple "ditch this" and "replace with" swap list​...
  • Gain the power to “catch the curve” so you don’t lose when you snooze and get rid of that icky tired but wired feeling making you feel hungover and making poor choices the next day​!
  • Discover why stress makes you crave sugar and a 90-second technique to ​INSTANTLY go from fried to revived​! Take​ back your power in powerless situations and permanently end that vicious cycle of cravings, weight gain, guilt, loathing, rinse and repeat​.​
  • Finally learn how to do ALL of this without going hungry surviving on juices and tasteless chalky shakes, calorie restricted diets, band-aid medications that actually make you worse or killing yourself at the gym!
  • And much, much more...

Listen Now!


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Crush Cravings, Blast Fat & Ignite Energy Effortlessly with Rupina's 30-Day Delicious Detox! Plus Limited Time Bonus >>> Debunk the Top 5 Health Myths that Are Keeping You Fat, Fatigued & In a Funk!!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Rupina!

  • “Lost 20 lbs! A true investment in myself that has paid off immeasurably!”
  • “35 lbs lighter & free of cravings! Feeling better than I have in 20 years”
  • “Lost 2 dress sizes. Have tons of energy! The best investment I made for myself”
  • “Lost 8 lbs in 1 Month! Energy is through the roof and skin is clear”

Get Rupina’s package at Upto 85% Off

Rupina's Special Offer

Interview with Vera Mirna

Topic: Be a Master Manifestor in 5 Mins: World's Quickest
and Easiest Manifestation Tool

During this Call with Vera You Will:

  • Learn how to become a Master Healer in 5 Minutes or Less!
  • Find out how to put your manifestations on auto-pilot...
  • Receive the 10 Magic Words that Can Change Your Life​!
  • Discover how to Manifest with Ease even if you hate Meditating or Visualizing​!​
  • Understand how to Manifest with Ease even if you think you’re too busy to meditate​...​
  • Discover how your ego ​can trick you into thinking energy healing is more complicated than it actually is​... and change it​!
  • And much, much more...

Listen Now!


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FAST & EASY Manifestation with Just 10 Special Words!​!! Tier 3 Price SOLD OUT!! But 50 More added at the same price ONLY for today!

Mini 1-1 Healings with Vera - Discover the Easy Button Healing NOW!

Discover Vera's MAGICAL 10 Words! Listen NOW.

Learn Why Other Modalities Fall Short. Listen NOW.

From FEAR to Solution About Foreclosure INSTANTLY Shifted. Listen NOW.

HUGE Energy Shifts and Releases Happened LIVE. Listen NOW.

Group Clearings for Live and Replay Listeners. Listen NOW.

Learn About Vera's Special Offer - ALMOST SOLD OUT. Listen NOW.

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Vera!

  • “I Was Gifted $10,000 After Working With Vera!”
  • “My Bank Gave Me FREE Money!”
  • “I Received $7,266.20 After My Session & I Was SHOCKED!”
  • “I Exceeded My Monthly Goal Of Increased Income!”
  • “After Working With Vera… There Is A Bidding War For Our House We’re Selling!”
  • “I Won A $500 Gift Card! And Then My Girlfriend Won $50 Too!”

Get Vera’s package at Upto 95% Off

Vera's Special Offer

Interview with Lisa Thomas

Topic: Release Inherited Blocks to Success & Get a Complete Money Mindset Makeover

During this Call with Lisa You Will:

  • Learn how your ancestors experiences influence your life now...
  • The reason general healings haven’t fixed your blocks to success.
  • How to quickly get to the root of your block without years of therapy!
  • Why you can consciously know your blocks, but still not bust them...
  • Directly heal your children (and ancestors) by healing yourself!
  • And much, much more...

Listen Now!


Replay Over

​​Permanently Release Your Biggest Money Mindset Blocks and Start Attracting More Wealth - In Just 3 Hours​!​

Eram's Results with Lisa: INSTANTLY Cleared
Blocks to Write Her Book!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Lisa!

  • “She transformed my life and I am forever grateful!” ~ Marga M.
  • “Lisa’s work is a profound gift and I am extremely grateful to have the opportunity to work with her.” ~ Aline L.
  • “My business tripled after working with her!” ~ Diane F.

Get Lisa’s package at Upto 67% Off

Lisa's Special Offer

Interview with Mary Crawford

Topic: Overcome Addiction: Eliminate Core Beliefs & Regain Your Power

During this Call with Mary You Will:

  • How to overcome feeling helpless with changing addictive behaviors...
  • Stop feeling trapped or controlled by others.
  • What to do when your cravings overwhelm you!
  • How to release addictions, stop fighting cravings and feel powerful all at the same time
  • What life could be like fun and easy… having total control of your own destiny!
  • How to take back your power and become the amazing, beautiful, Divine creator that you truly are!
  • And much, much more...

Listen Now!


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​Instantly Release Your Destructive Addictions Once And For All! Limited Time Offer: FREE Essential Oil Reading! [$125 Value]  

100% Accuracy During LIVE Healings with Mary. Watch NOW!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Mary!

Listen to Eram's personal experience and how Mary has saved a person's life several times.

  • “My Food Addiction With Chocolate is GONE!”
  • “Dependency On Pain Pills Gone As Emotional Traumas Released!”
  • “From Daily Drinking To Self Control!”
  • “It Felt Like A Ton Of Bricks Were Lifted Off My Chest!”
  • “Picked Up On A Childhood Trauma & My Results Were Instant!”
  • “The results were instant and I’ve already lost weight without even trying!”

Get Mary’s package at Upto 70% Off

Mary's Special Offer

Interview with Stacey Mayo

Topic: How to Look Younger Naturally!

During this Call with Stacey You Will:

  • Learn how to reverse the aging process from the inside out... and the outside in
  • Avoid common mistakes when buying organic and other skin care products (that can actually be making you look older)
  • Discover tips and techniques for naturally looking younger and you’ll be amazed at the compliments you receive
  • Discover the difference an Energetic Facial can make as it raises the vibration of your skin beyond that of aging
  • Learn the major contributor to hair loss and how to reverse it
  • And much, much, more...

Listen Now!


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Get 36 Facials for Just $97! Only for the next...

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Stacey!

  • “Last week I went to see a friend in her home that I hadn’t seen for a few months and her first comment was,” What are you doing to look younger?” A few days later I went to see my Doctor and he made the same comment, “You look younger”. I am very happy people have noticed the results.” ~ Donna Christensen, 84 years old.
  • “When I look in the mirror I see less lines. My wife also commented on how great I look. Thank you.” ~ Steve Jenkins
  • “I’ve been receiving these facials for about 6 months. When I catch a glimpse in the mirror during my day, I have a more youthful appearance and some of my co­workers have mentioned I don’t need to worry about getting botox because I don’t look like I am 56 years old. A patient at our office thought I wasn’t over 40 years old. Now That was an awesome compliment. Thank you to the team! Loving it!” ~ Anna D.

Get Stacey’s package at Upto 95% Off

Susan's Special Offer

Interview with Susan Elizabeth

Topic: Enlightened Joyful Millionaire Program: Creating Joyful Abundant Energy for ourselves and our World

During this Call with Susan You Will:

  • ENHANCE your ability to actualize what you are asking for and bring new joyful possibilities to our world
  • RAISE your energetic vibration to have and be all you ask for with joy and ease and fun
  • IMPROVE your health, relationships and ability to create more abundance and joy in all areas of your life!
  • Discover tools that shift Energy very fast and very effectively
  • Break through the limiting stories and beliefs that are holding you back and be the warrior you came here to be
  • And much, much, more...

Experience Susan’s unique Sound Therapy in two special meditations: Enlightened Joyful Abundance and Abundance To Change The World

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Get 24/7 Lifetron Energy Healing for 30 days Starting NOW!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Susan!

BEYOND ABUNDANCE: House sold, money coming back from bills paid, traumas cleared, neighbors more friendly, more abundance showing up and the list goes on and on… listen to this story now.

  • “I’m up to $401,500 in manifesting the past 4 weeks” ~ Janie
  • “I got back the money I invested in your program two times already!!!” ~ Donna
  • “I made $1,000 two weeks in a row” ~ Alexandra

Get Susan’s package at Upto 90% Off

Susan's Special Offer

Interview with Sanjay Nimar

Topic: Got Problems? Grace has Solutions: Experience the Healing Power of Grace Energy Transmitted from the Himalayas

During this Call with Sanjay You Will:

  • Discover the 4 lesser known Universal Principles of Manifestation to turn your life around
  • Learn how the constant presence of energy of Grace heals every aspect of your life
  • Experience Lifetron energy from the Himalayas and how Sanjay transmits it to any living entity anywhere on the planet 24 / 7
  • Transition from a life of constant struggle and suffering to a life of consistent health and happiness
  • Learn why this approach of healing is far more effective than other healing systems which focus on one issue at a time
  • Reduce the resistance to the flow of Grace in your life, so that every aspect of your life is enhanced: Physical Health, improved finances, better relationships, Positive Feelings of happiness, joy and excitement.
  • And much, much, more...

Listen to the end for a POWERFUL transmission of Lifetron energy for ANY issue to be healed!

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Get 24/7 Lifetron Energy Healing for 30 days Starting NOW!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Sanjay!

  • “Atrial Fibrillation Healed.. I have not had a single incident for the last 6 months. NONE!” ~ Arlene
  • “In just one month I am very happy to report that my anxiety has gone down to Zero!!” ~ Dina
  • “Knee Replacement Not Needed.. I’m so happy to say that after three month one day I woke up and the pain was gone” ~ Zeenah

Get Sanjay’s package at Upto 49% Off

Sanjay's Special Offer

Interview with Daniel the Healer

Topic: Living the Good Life: How to evoke more magic in your life

During this Call with Daniel You Will:

  • Learn what is going on in ​y​our world right now, why there is so much chaos and how to keep an even keel.​..
  • Receive tips on how to create a happy and magnificent life​!​​
  • Accept a healing and up-liftment as ​Healing Energies are pump​ed into the call!
  • Experience miraculous healings​...​
  • ​F​ind new inspiration to create ​a ​better li​fe for ​yourself!
  • And much, much more

Get Physical Results In Just 1 Session… Even If Nothing Else Has Worked For You Before!

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Now you can get relief from the comfort of your own home! "Align The Body" Sessions can pull your structure back into alignment and out of pain fast!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Daniel!

  • “She lost 3/4 inches off her dowager hump and lost a fold in her belly in one session. She was very overweight/obese, so this was dramatic!” ~ Magiie
  • “I can feel the outside of my feet!" he exclaimed after 5 minutes work running energy to his ankles and his fallen arches/flat feet.” ~ Phillip
  • “I can feel the outside of my feet!" he exclaimed after 5 minutes work running energy to his ankles and his fallen arches/flat feet.” ~ John

Get Daniel’s package at Upto 76% Off

Daniel's Special Offer

Interview with Eram Saeed

Topic: Passion to Profits

During this Call with Eram You Will:

  • Understand why 99% of people are WRONG about their purpose and why they spend decades spinning their wheels (Hint: You are not on purpose if it's heavy or feels like a burden…)
  • Discover that people who think they are clueless about their purpose are usually much closer to it than they realise… and there is always ONE thing they all have in common that is blocking them! Some people start sobbing when they LEARN this one thing…
  • Discover a step-by-step formula to become crystal clear on your purpose so you can live a fulfilling life AND make an impact…
  • Learn the #1 reason your purpose is not creating the profits you desire (This will astound you!)
  • Understand exactly what you can do now to generate a constant flow of clients and customers that are lining up and ready to work with you...
  • And much, much more

Discover how to uncover your true purpose... and then actually profit from it!

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VERY LIMITED Amount of Spots Left! Save Your Seat NOW!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Eram!

  • “ Bleas you Eram! So Grateful for you and all your wisdom! From so many of your personal journeys makes you such a strong and lovable, giving soul! ” ~ Tina
  • “Preach Eram. What you are saying is really resonating.” ~ Dori
  • “YES YES YES! I will be live at the VIP dinner and the Abundance -- will do the rest virtually! ” ~ Tara

Get Eram’s package

Eram's Special Offer

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.  SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline. REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a no questions asked, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker’s offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

Copyright @ 2019 - From Heartache to Joy