Note: Only products hosted by FHTJ are eligible for Bliss Up or special discount
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Gertrud de Witte
The missing piece to Achieving Self-Worth, Unlimited Life Force Energy and Manifestation of your Soul’s Desires!
Limited Bonus: Quantum Jumping to Instant Healing Expires @ Midnight! Grab Yours Now.
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Dipal!
- “Dipal helps you not only with your body but she has helped me with my finances and relationship!” ~Ania
- “Dipal can tap into your energy and tell you exactly what is happening before you tell her” ~ Mori
- "I have found Dipal to be the best of the best. Dipal is the go to person because she is kind, generous, and the most powerful healer I have every been too." ~ Ria
Get Dipal's Package |
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Kari!
- “Everyone in the house is doing better. Brain fog gone, son happier, dog allergies gone!” ~Regula
- “I would definitely recommend this program for overall well-being. It really was beneficial to change my food cravings which is so helpful to getting back on track.” ~ Jannet S.
- "It seems to me that my body was overwhelmed with mold, fungus and yeast. The vibration of the energy made the mold, fungus and yeast move out of my body." ~ Patricia D.
Get Kari's Package |
Get 15 Days Extra Remote Healing for FREE When You Join ANY Package. Available for a VERY Limited Time!
During this Event You Will:
- Learn easy things you MUST do to prepare to RECEIVE your miracles
- Discover ways to CORRECT your point of ATTRACTION
- Gain CONTROL over your self-sabotaging habits, so you can manifest FASTER
- Copy Sophia's HACKS to improve your HEALTH
- Experience Sophia's POWERFUL ABILITY to scan people and know their biggest block to manifesting their miracles
- Learn how to ACCEPT where you are before you can ADVANCE
- Enjoy Manifesting MIRACLES on a DAILY basis
- Create your DREAM LIFE with strategic INTENTION
- And much, much MORE...
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Unlock your full potential and achieve your deepest desires STARTING NOW! Introductory prices ending soon
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Sophia!
- “My session with you was brilliant. You caught it all within seconds. I had been depressed, then felt reborn that night. You’re a force!” ~Lucinda W., London, UK
- “I play this before I need to ask my husband something I know he won’t like. He’s been agreeable every time! ” ~ June C., Sarnia, Canada
- "My session with you was great. I starting feeling better in general. I feel better being in my own body. I feel the body is moving more freely, even a lightness all over mind, body and spirit. Thank you. " ~ Adriano C., Toronto, Canada
Get Sophia's Package |
During this Event You Will:
- Find out what Quantum Physics says about WHO WE REALLY ARE and the NATURE OF REALITY!
- Learn the ADVANCED ABILITIES and how to DEVELOP them!
- Discover what prevents us from living with these ADVANCED ABILITIES!
- Learn what is happening currently in the WORLD and what lies ahead for HUMANITY!
- And much, much MORE...
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Pam!
- “Pamala Oslie’s ‘Quantum Leap’ eCourse is a perfect combination of education on the power of understanding the quantum nature of the world in which we live, and practice in expanding our consciousness. ” ~Jason
- “The shift in consciousness has been really interesting. Thank you so much for bringing that forth for me. Lots of miracles are coming into my awareness and I Love It!” ~ SG
- "Pam’s ‘Quantum Leap’ eCourse has transformed my life and I hope it will be as fun and transformative for anyone and everyone who decides to take the journey." ~J. Phillips
Get Pam's Package |
During this Event You Will:
- Learn how to access the Arcturian Crystal Healing Chambers in order to Regenerate Your Nervous System!
- Discover how to use the most ADVANCE HEALING TECHNOLOGY in the Milky Way Galaxy!
- Access the secret to responding from the LIGHT OF DIVINE FAITH instead of reacting from emotional triggers!
- Find out how to unwind years’ worth of anxiety, overwhelm, pain, and trauma through the Crystal Chamber Vagus Nerve Purification!
- Experience the Power of Arcturian Crystal Healing Chamber Technology to break the fight or flight epidemic!
- And much, much MORE...
Experience the MOST ADVANCED healing technology in the Milky Way Galaxy to regenerate your nervous system! Available for a Limited Time.
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Hillary!
- “I felt much relief from the low back pain and SI joint pain I have been experiencing over the past few months.” ~Thomas S
- “No amount of chiro or physio has helped as much as the blue healing crystal chamber light from the Arcturians” ~ Julie B
- "I have not felt like myself for so long, I always felt blocked, stressed and pressured and I feel more energy and joy then I have in years. I actually feel relaxed. This program is priceless." ~ Brooke G
Get Hillary's Package |
During this Event You Will:
- Discover the secret to CLAIMING YOUR BIRTHRIGHT of a Divine Child!
- Learn the 7 steps to start living your life as a Divine Child, who is always loved, protected, guided, and cherished by the Creator of All That Is!
- Find out what should you do to BECOME A DIVINE ALCHEMIST of your Body, your Health, and your Life!
- Learn what to do to break away from the 3D Reality and SHIFT TO THE DIVINE CHILD REALITY!
- Find out the efficient WAY TO BREAK YOUR KARMA!
- Break the 3D reality… CLAIM YOUR RIGHT to the Child of God’s frequency!
- And much, much MORE...
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Open the door for synchronicities and miracles to come into YOUR life! Available for a limited time only. Get Started Today!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Inna!
- “I loved and learned a lot from your other webinars. Thank you for sharing this gift.” ~ Martine, France
- “I spent the morning relistening to all the MP3s. This is a brilliant program and I am really loving it. Looking at ways to really focus on one meditation and play. And I need to be listening to the 20-minute rejuvenation each day. My inner child just had a bit of fun blowing magic bubbles in each room.” ~ Terre, US
- “After listening to the Mp3 for the last week my cluttered mind has cleared and I am able to focus with more clarity. The Mp3 immediately takes you into a relaxed state and makes you feel calmer and supported.” ~ Valerie, Northern Ireland
Get Inna's Package |
During this Event You Will:
- Discover how to REGENERATE YOUR HAIR, SKIN, and NAILS ENERGETICALLY without nasty medications or expensive supplements!
- Learn the Fastest, Most Lasting, and Most Powerful Ways to get rid of hair, skin, and nail issues!
- Discover how to TAKE BACK CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH and BEAUTY, so you can feel vibrant and full of life
- Learn how to access SOURCE FREQUENCIES to Reverse ANY beauty and health issues you are already experiencing!
- Find out how Beyond Quantum Healing can REGENERATE your DNA cells TO HELP YOU LIVE A LONGER HEALTHIER LIFE!
- Witness and experience POWERFUL live mini healings for beauty regeneration!
- And much, much MORE...
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Start Enjoying Healthier, Stronger Hair, Clear, Radiant Skin, and Strong, Healthy Nails Today! Plus Learn How to Grab One of the 6 Remaining 1-1 Sessions with Dawn Now.
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Dawn!
- “OMG!!!! I Absolutely Mp3s! It is magic and it works without any medical procedures!!! Blessings Always” ~ Candace (IL).
- “Dawn is the Real Deal!!!! She is a Gifted Healer with Many Healing Abilities to Heal your Aches & Pains Fast!!!” ~ Kathy
- Dawn is a Pioneer on the Fore-Front of Future Healing on this Planet Earth! She is definitely a Blessing from the Creator!! Love you so much for your healing work! Your an Angel! Love” ~ Patti
Get Dawn's Package |
During this Event You Will:
- Get to know why EMOTIONS cause discomfort or disease!
- Find out how everything is tied together to MAKE UP YOUR LIFE and why is your life is this way or another!
- Hear the LANGUAGE of the body! The body tells us a story...
- Let go of pain and FEEL GOOD physically!
- Learn to take your power back and Be Empowered!
- Learn why it is super IMPORTANT to CONNECT with the flowers, trees and nature right now to ground and receive the new light codes!!
- And much, much MORE...
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Find out EXACTLY how to Interpret Your Body’s Messages so YOU can Heal Yourself from ALL YOUR Pain and Suffering! Open this week only.
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Sharon!
- “Major Stomach Surgery Avoided! I Wish I’d Met Sharon Sooner!”
- “Sharon’s Total Body Scan Is Beyond Incredible… It’s Life Changing!”
- “After Sharon Worked On Me Energetically… Even My Doctor Said My Recovery Was A Miracle!”
Get Sharon's Package |
During this Event You Will:
- Learn how your Self-Worth Impacts The Amount of ABUNDANCE YOU experience in your Life!!
- Gain your Individual ABUNDANCE Set-Point!!
- Find the KEYS to your Personal Kingdom!!
- Learn to UNCOVER your Hidden Talents and.. PURPOSE in LIFE!!
- Discover Who You Really Are and… What You Really Desire in Life!!!
- Find out how Past Life Experiences IMPACT your Current Level of ABUNDANCE!!
- Learn How Easy it is... To MANIFEST What YOU Want vs What YOU Don’t Want!!
- Discover How to Tap INTO Your POTENTIAL!!
- Learn to IDENTIFY and REMOVE BLOCKS to your Self-Worth!!
- And much, much MORE...
During this Event You Will:
- Discover if you are a SunSeed!
- Find out who the Galactic Golden Beings of Light are and how they can HELP you in YOUR ASCENSION!
- Learn the process to move through the barriers to ACCESSING YOUR GREATEST POTENTIAL!
- Learn how to access SOLUTION ENERGY!
- Experience Divine Alignment Activation of Your Greatest Potential!
- And much, much MORE...
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Gabrielle!
- “I felt a true communication with my higher self.” ~ Julie
- “I saw a shining diamond in my higher heart! I felt so much compassion for myself!” ~ Janet (Sweden)
- “Pure bliss…….I saw my old program burn away in the flames of the fire!” ~ Pippa (U.K.)
Get Gabrielle's Package |
During this Event You Will:
- Discover the #1 mistake most people make when healing specific issues
- Learn why you aren't getting the results you desire even if you've been doing this work for DECADES
- Understand why healing and even life can feel hard right now and what you can do about it
- Discover what you need to do RIGHT NOW for FULL and COMPLETE healing
- Learn how you can step into your DIVINE MAGNIFICENCE and be, do and have the great things you were meant to be, do and have here in this lifetime!
- And much, much MORE...
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Reclaim Your Perfect Divine Template and Manifest Your Heart and Soul's Desires! Save up to $100 NOW when you join TODAY!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Gertrud!
- “I feel more powerful, more like my true self. I feel lighter and more brave when it comes to using my voice. I definitely want more sessions with Gertrude.” ~ Mariah
- “Gertrud guided me into a very deep session, were I ended up holding, healing and reintegrating myself in another lifetime as an abandoned baby. The experience was very intense, thank you Gertrud for your wonderful work!” ~ Mary
- “I’m so thankful for finding and choosing Gertrud for my session. I felt seen and understood in my inner child’s world. And it was so great with her. I’m feeling lighter, calmer and my younger version is very happy and smiling at me now. A big THANK YOU from my deepest heart. ” ~ Birgit
Get Gertrud's Package |
During this Event You Will:
- Learn what causes aging and how to bring YOUR skincare to the NEXT LEVEL!
- Learn the BIO-QUANTUM ACCELERATED SKINCARE and what it creates!
- Understand the Molecular Mechanisms of SKIN RENEWAL!
- Discover what Evolution Technology is…and the VITAL FREQUENCIES you need to BOOST your Mitochondria, ENHANCE active molecules, and support healthy cell division
- Find out what SCIENCE is now showing about AGING… and learn the great things about EPIGENETIC CODES!
- Enhance DNA and telomere health by ADVANCE SKINCARE!
- And much, much MORE...
Receive Rose Gold Advanced Anti-aging Facial Oil FREE for a LIMITED TIME ONLY!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Jewels!
- "Amazing and great results with all your products...Someone asked me if I do Botox on my face yesterday... Absolutely not... was my response & I showed them why!!!!" ~ Mary Rose Holistic Healer Canada
- "I am blown away by this Advanced Product Line! Everytime I think you can’t make a better product you continually exceed my expectations! I love the energy in the products and the limitlessness of the expansion it brings to my consciousness! I truly look 10 years younger! Keep creating!" ~ Sheri
- "Jewels I can’t say enough about your products! I walk by the mirror and have to do a double take! Is that really me? I stop to really Look and don’t even recognise myself! I look so beautiful! " ~ Ami KC
Get Jewels's Package |
During this Event You Will:
- Discover THE FASTEST, EASIEST WAY to exercise and get energetically fit every day whilst you SLEEP!
- Create a TOTAL BODY and spiritual balance whilst you sleep!
- Achieve a FLEXIBLE and TONED BODY in your sleep!
- STRENGTHEN your SPINAL STRUCTURE and Lower Body whilst you sleep!
- Wake up feeling ENERGIZED and REVITALIZED!
- And much, much MORE...
Start Your Journey to Dream Body Sculpt TODAY! Available for a Limited Time Only.
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Rani!
- “Before joining the Beta Group I was 90kg and dieting to lose weight. I was stuck at 82kg. Since Rani added me to the healing container I can proudly say that I have lost an extra 8kg and I am now at 74kg which I haven’t been since I got married around 9 years ago. This healing container is really worth trying with Rani as I have noticed a significant change. I have noticed significant improvements with my health overall which comes with the weightloss. Thank you Rani for letting me be a part of this amazing healing container” ~Soni
- “Since starting the Healing Container I’ve lost 26 pounds, have clearer skin and have more confidence. The last 5 weeks have been difficult at home however the time spent on the program has been very peaceful and has brought clarity to me in difficult times. Thank you for letting me join” Barbara reports: This program helps sleep, weight loss, balances emotions, moves me into Divine flow.” ~ Anna
- "I feel better overall and have slimmed up so I feel my clothes are bigger. I have loved the experience and I highly recommend this program. Both my body and emotions are thriving on the program. I got rid of my sugar cravings too, I can eat something sweet but I do not long for it at all. I also seem to shift and heal my emotions. The weight has been the same but my body is so much more toned during these 8 weeks." ~ Susann
Get Rani's Package |
During this Event You Will:
- Learn how Entity Attachments can make you sick!
- Find out how Entities who are living in your home CAN CREATE CONFLICT and UNHAPPINESS!
- Discover new WAYS TO REMOVE ENTITIES from your Body, Mind and Soul!
- Find out how to RECOGNIZE when you’ve been attacked by entities!
- Discover just how dangerous Entity Attachments can be to your HEALTH, HAPPINESS, and RELATIONSHIPS!
- And much, much MORE...
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Michelle's live group calls begin Mid March. Personal Sessions are Almost SOLD OUT. Get Yours Today!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Michelle!
- “THANK YOU for the clearing & support for energy listed below. I'm grateful for the ENERGY you bring to all of us on the calls. Just listened to last night's call.......................WOW, WOW and WOW !!! What gigantic 'heavy pieces' were ALL the energies that were brought up and cleared! THANK YOU.....I feel lighter! I'm going to sit and BREATHE now, for a period of time.” ~ Doris
- “My appreciation for you, and for Michelle Manning Kogler is more immense than words can express! At the moment, I am feeling such overwhelming gratitude, such love and thankfulness that I am light-headed. I am still feeling the expansion in my heart and psyche as well. I AM SO HAPPY THAT MY LIFE WAS HEALED TODAY!!! My heart overflows with love and appreciation and I know that deep in your heart you know the truth of my being! And I thank you for believing in truth, and in Love.” ~ Cynthia Taylor
Get Michelle's Package |
During this Event You Will:
- Discover how do Food Allergies & Intolerances AFFECT the GI!
- Find out what sphincters are and their IMPORTANCE in our GI tract!
- Discover the Devastation of Chronic Issues in the GI tract!
- Learn why a healthy Microbiome EQUATES TO A HEALTHY BRAIN!!
- Find out how a HEALTHY DIGESTIVE SYSTEM synchronizes with a healthy immune system!!
- And much, much MORE...
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Feb 15 Replay
Virginia's Live Group Calls Begin March 5th. Join Now to Get in From DAY 1!!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Virginia!
- “I suffer from Leaky Gut and when Virginia did some work with me the change is very noticeable – I am really feeling like my system is cleaning out, feeling much better and have much less fatigue.” ~ JW – USA
- “I feel much better after the healing. Yes I have problems with my intestines and hot flashes and probably with my leaky gut and vagus nerve and…… but I feel so much better than when this adventure began ( I will continue listening to the mp3 for a long time).” ~ Lisle – Sweden
- “My results have been less dry mouth, much more saliva, less hunger at night, no stomach gurgling, no stomach upset after meals, less constipation. I think those are the things I have noticed after listening to Virginia’s mp3 and healing session. Thank you so much. ” ~ Jolie – USA
Get Virginia's Package |
During this Event You Will:
- Discover how healing the bones, blood and tissues can also heal chronic health issues with one of the most POWERFUL MODALITIES right now… Quantum Body Awakening!
- Find out how to REPAIR and GENERATE your body QUICKLY from the wisdom of Ancient Egypt with a Pranic Supercharge!
- Activate the cellular memory and Prana to clearing outdated programs, imprints, trauma and patterns of the past and UNFOLD MIRACULOUS HEALINGS!
- Discover exactly why you are having ISSUES with your BONES, what is happening in your TISSUES and how toxic is your BLOOD!
- Learn how DIPAL’s PRANIC SUPERCHARGE PROCESS will repair the bones, tissues and blood to accelerate healing within the entire body!
- Experience a POWERFUL CLEANSING PROCESS that will kickstart a massive healing through your bones, tissues, and blood!
- And much, much MORE...
Experience a BRAND NEW way of healing that works 100x's faster than any other method. Save $100 now for a Limited Time!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Dipal!
- “Wow, the healing that Dipal provides is amazing. I had uncontrollable tears! I had a headache- and could feel my jaw moving and releasing it as Dipal worked on me-thank you so much Dipal. I have not had time for self care, or the alone space that I like for self care. This is something Is the intention for- to not allow these attacks- to keep my armor of God in full force. Love you- thank you bunches!!!!” ~ Gail
- “I had blood transfusion and ended up with HIV. I trust Dipal and we worked together for a few session. During the sessions I could feel the energy. After each session I could see that I was able to manage the stress and symptoms better and let go the fear that comes with the process of healing. I am living my life with a better sense of how to manage my anger and finding a sense of purpose rather than living in the past regrets.” ~ MR
- “My shoulder and neck pain released so quickly. I could feel the energy down my feet and in my diaphragm. Dipal cleared all this for me within 3 minutes.I can’t wait to go deeper. Powerful Powerful Powerful.” ~ Jan
Get Dipal's Package |
During this Event You Will:
- Learn INFINITY HEALING and what makes it different!
- Get the BEST RESULTS for your clients AS A HEALER!
- Get to the root of all BLOCKS and CLEAR THEM EFFECTIVELY!
- Find out why it’s IMPORTANT to only work with the SOURCE GOD!
- Discover how to NOT GET ENTAGLED in a client's energy so that you are protected and can SUSTAIN YOUR ENERGY!
- And much, much MORE...
Unlock the full potential of your healing abilities and make a real difference in the lives of others! Get started today.
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Tarek!
- “Tarek "Bliss" Bibi is a rising star who has already changed the lives of over one million people worldwide. Tarek works with business women and men on the spiritual path to help them "Thrive Doing What They Love!" Through his revolutionary Infinity Healing modality he is able to help his clients achieve and manifest their hearts desires with infinite ease and grace even if they have not been able to achieve their results elsewhere.”
- "Tarek Bibi, aka. Mr. Miraculous, is a facilitator of inner transformation helping people on the spiritual path around the world transcend all their emotional and psychological blocks at their core level. In an instant Tarek is able to help people release years of pain and problems to Live Life Miraculously!"
- “A very sought after speaker on telesummits and festivals, Tarek's warm, sincere and loving heart-centered presence helps and heals all who are inspired by his own journey from abuse and trauma to living an inspired life.”
Get Tarek's Package |
During this Event You Will:
- Understand the CAUSES AND TRIGGERS of pain…
- Learn about the not-so happy people who NEVER FEEL PAIN from injury!
- Discover the DIFFERENT TYPES of pain!
- Gain insights on how to Implement Pain Management Strategies in daily life and reduce dependence on pain medication!
- Learn about the MIND-BODY CONNECTION, the impact of stress and emotions and how they all affect pain!
- Learn about the history of PAIN RELIEF!
- Learn about the CONNECTION between laughter and pain relief
- And much, much MORE...
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about William!
- “6 months of intense lower back pain where nothing helped. After a month of this energy work I can walk like a normal person!” ~ Olga
- "William accompanied me throughout the surgery and I experienced practically no pain and a very quick recovery." ~ Sharon
- “His remote body work is amazing and reduced my low back pain in one session by 6 points on a 10-point scale.” ~ NM
Get William's Package |
During this Event You Will:
- Find out what percentage you are ALIGNED WITH YOUR GOAL!
- Discover which POWER vortex needs a BOOST
- Learn the surprising #1 ENERGETIC cause of lack of vitality!
- Find out how other People Can Drain Your Energy and what to do about it!
- Learn why you may have felt resistance or struggle to REACH YOUR GOALS!
- And much, much MORE...
Become the Master of the energy layer underlying your multibody systems and achieve a healthy, radiant you! Available for a limited time only.
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Robin!
- "After our work, I felt lighter and more joy as the day went on - found myself dancing in the kitchen after doing the dishes! ” ~ D.M
- "I do feel lighter and better. I cannot explain the feeling the other day, it was like a huge mass of black energy was shooting out of every ounce of me, then a white light was present. It was very powerful and really neat. ” ~ Jody. L.
- "THANK YOU for yesterday, it was really useful and helped me shift energetically in a huge way. I felt like a dynamo afterwards and went and worked with 5 women doing massage and really felt balanced and strong, and very present throughout the day!” ~ C. A. Oregon
Get Robin's Package |
During this Event You Will:
- Learn that Piling On The Pounds and Making Your Belly Protrude is the worst thing you are doing right now!
- Learn that YOUR MENOPAUSAL WEIGHT GAIN has nothing to do with menopause!
- Have the power of a FLATTER BELLY in SECONDS and MINUTES!
- Get the Workout results IN SECONDS WITHOUT having to work out!
- Sort out your mid-life belly and body with just ONE WORD!
- Feel good and confident IN SECONDS!!
- Discover the 11 SHOCKING TRUTHS about a flabby belly (and what to do about it IN SECONDS!)
- GET THAT CONFIDENT FLATTER BELLY and feel like a million bucks by just saying ONE WORD!
- And much, much MORE...
Midlife and menopausal big belly woes, GONE IN SECONDS! Get Started Now with Your Trial Period and See the Results for Yourself!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Nidhu!
- "I can breathe easier. The decrees are my best friend. Love them! They have changed my life” ~ Berlin Rose
- "WOW! Weighed myself after my weekly Sauna session and found myself 2 lbs lighter since last week! This is after last night’s call” ~ Vijaya G
- "Want to let u know that I HAVE reduced my weight recently from 56kg To 50kgs and my clothes don't fit any more!!! Woohoo” ~ F. P.
Get Nidhu's Package |
During this Event You Will:
- Learn the secret to EFFORTLESSLY anchor 5th-dimensional consciousness!
- Discover why now is the time to EMBRACE YOUR 5th-dimensional CITIZENSHIP!
- Understand the KEY TO BRIDGE THE GAP between 3D and 5D!
- Learn why the 3rd dimension can feel sticky and HOW TO GET UNSTUCK!
- ACTIVATE YOUR 5D ENERGETIC template to free yourself from 3D programming!
- And much, much MORE..
Experience a Whole New Level of Consciousness and Unlock Your True Potential at a Fraction of the Cost. Prices Going Up Soon! Get Started Now.
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Hillary!
- "Hillary is such a incredible person that just being in her presence and learning anything from her is very powerful." ~ Meaghan Sittler
- "Hillary is a wealth of knowledge, love and an inspiration to everyone who gets the chance to learn from her." ~ Angela Brutto
- "Hillary has been my guide and my greatest teacher of all. She helped me start living the life of my dreams!" ~ Sara Sanguino
Get Hillary's Package |
During this Event You Will:
- Discover 2 FREE TOOLS given by my Heart Team to be used on powerful Emf/5G and Radiation frequencies!
- Learn to EMPOWER and PROTECT YOURSELF and YOUR FAMILY from EMF/5G and Radiation!
- Find out How susceptible are young brains from EMF damage!
- Learn about the many real dangers of Electromagnetic Frequencies to your health!
- And much, much MORE..
ONLY 30 Private Sessions Available With Virginia. Plus Get 20% Off When You Sign Up Now!!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Virginia!
- “Thank you, thank you, thank you Virginia for your wonderful healing on technopathic stress in my home! Wow have I been enlightened! I wasn’t aware how negative my home router and computer next to my bedside table could be having such a detrimental effect to my overall mental health!”
- ““During the session I could feel her clearing the energy around my head and chest. I felt like I was coming out from under a dark cloud and I feel so much lighter and happier.”
- “Thankfully now, I use one of her pendants that protects me from harmful radiation waves, which has been a real God send and I use this in conjunction with the MP3s which are very soothing and meditative..”
Get Virginia's Package |
During this Event You Will:
- Learn to be THE IMPACT rather than the victim… As you learn to be the impact, life will support you to create your best one!
- Find out how to Align your Bagua with your Divine Destiny to create changes in all areas of life and support you to live your best life!
- Discover that every part of our Bagua Has Hidden Gifts As Well As Hidden Set-points… clear the set-points to receive the gifts so that life becomes magical and joyful!
- Learn the MOST POWERFUL WAYS to make comprehensive changes in your life!
- And much, much MORE..
Transform Your Life with the Power of the BAGUA! Introductory Prices Available for a Limited Time ONLY!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Grace!
- “I am absolutely blown away by this. I have never even heard of a Bagua and when I listened to the one on self-love and acceptance, I instantly felt a shift in all areas of my life. I know there is no way to return to the way I was before. This is the final shift I have been looking for!” ~ Jennifer Funt, Healer
- “I feel lighter, less pain and hopeful about the future. I feel more joy, more grounded and emotionally secure. My sclerosis of the spine is not as pronounced as it used to be, the tightness I used to feel in my chest is actually no more. My gums feel better and a lot less inflamed. I also had upper back pain from an old accident which I don't feel at all. I basically feel wonderful all around, thanks to you.” ~ Nusaibah
- “I was sick with the flu/cold. My body was in very much pain. The connective tissue & bones were very sore. I even had a hard time moving, sitting & laying down. After the session with Grace, I'm healed from pain and flu. These 2 new organs — the interstitium and mesentery, Grace worked on are now healed. I feel freed from my past traumas. I'll feel so much better. I thought I might have to go to the doctor. But after the session I am healed. Awesome.” ~ Ida Mcgerrigle
Get Grace's Package |
During this Event You Will:
- Find out the REALMS OF MAGIC AND MIRACLE THAT SURROUND US, (but we don’t see them – until we do)!
- Learn how to tap into Creation’s irresistible FLOW OF RESOURCES, inspiration, well-being, and ABUNDANCE!
- Discover the “gift” of you is not “special” – YOU ARE ESSENTIAL!
- Experience a simple practice that you can do to change the “reality” that surrounds you in POSITIVE, LIFE-AFFIRMING WAYS!
- And much, much MORE..
20 Private Sessions Available with Francis! Book Your 90 Minute + Additional 30 Minute Follow Up Session Today!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Francis!
- “As a coach in shamanic practices, Francis is pure magic – he sees the hidden obstacles, and finds a way to shift the energies that are invested in protection into fluidity and liberation.” ~ Jen Freeman
- “From insecurity regarding my gifts, to standing on a solid foundation of pure Spirit, Francis has supported my realization that my gifts are essential to our world.” ~ Ben Carlman
- “Francis taught me that PLAY was profoundly more potent and productive than WORK. And that’s what I teach now – that playful “flow” is healthy and productive, while the hard work of “control” is an illusion.” ~ Barbara Novak
Get Francis's Package |
During this Event You Will:
- Learn what impact PARASITES might be having ON YOUR BRAIN HEALTH!
- Discover the unexpected area where PARASITES ARE COMMONLY FOUND … HINT: It’s not in your liver!
- Learn the most common way YOUR FIELD IS BEING IMPACTED and what it means for you!
- Find out what YOUR SLEEP PATTERNS may be telling you…
- Learn how ‘Losing Big’ can be a good thing…Lose stress, worry, and weight!
- And much, much MORE..
Improve ALL Areas of Your Health By Both Eradicating AND Preventing Parasites! Early Bird Prices Available Now!
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Kari!
- “I love the parasite program. Since I have been listening to it, I have been sleeping better and I don’t have to wake up two or three times at night anymore. Thank you Kari !” ~ Caro S.
- "I am loving the mp3 s. Definitely losing weight. Hooray." ~S.G.
- “My husband gradually just quit using his reading glasses!” ~ E.S.
Get Kari's Package |
During this Event You Will:
- Take CONTROL and COMMAND HEALING in the order of YOUR priority!
- Discover a NATURAL ALTERNATIVE to IMPROVE your Health and Well Being that you can control!
- Learn to go to bed sleeping in your own Energetic Healing Chamber!
- Feel PROTECTED and RECEIVE HEALING ENERGIES for all your issues 24/7!
- And much, much MORE...
Return to the Healthiest You've Ever Been in this Lifetime with Energetic Med Pods! Available for a Limited Time Only
Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Rani!
- "Valerie felt supported and was more focused, she lost weight, gained confidence and is now excited for the future."
- "Pam’s original issue was dry, crepey skin and now the skin on her legs feels much smoother and feels less dry and crepey. "
- "Susann’s experience has been very good, for her brain functions. She had Fatigue Syndrome and noted her brain fatigue has shifted a lot during the program, 90% of her problems are healed."
Get Rani's Package |