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It's gentle energy processes to create a whole brain state so that we can feel peace and be able to focus. Also in the MP3 are healing frequencies for the nervous system, digestive system, respiratory system and whole body so that there's a sense of calm internally.
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This energetic process clears negative programs and blocks you have about achieving, accomplishing or reaching a specific goal. Then you will receive an energetic download of positive and empowering programs so you can accomplish it in the highest and best way with grace and ease.
Have a specific goal in mind, and remember that this process is more effective when you break large goal into smaller chunks. For example, if your big goal is to clean up the clutter in your house, do this process for each room instead for the entire house. And if you can break it down even further, your chances of success are even greater.
Here’s to you and your newfound goal achieving abilities!
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Updated Version of Create a Sacred Space… Under Divine Law! Cast a Sacred Wall of Light around your property & belongings so that no harm or interference may take place. Listen to this mp3 Daily to make sure that you and everything you care about is protected.
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In this sampling you’ll receive 2 clearings that are essential if you are to fully embrace your Super-Powers.
The first clearing is the release of an ancient pattern that says, “You’re not permitted to exist.”
- This ancient, ancient pattern originated long, long ago, in another time, place & galaxy.
- This patterns manifests as a subtle feeling of not belonging, of being separate, separated, disconnected, not part of.
- Once you’re cleared of this, you’ll be able to be more fully present, here & now.
The 2 nd clearing is releasing all those patterns that tell you that, “You’re not allowed to do good things for yourself. That to do so is selfish!” Forexample…
- You have resistance to loving yourself.
- You have resistance to doing things that are good for you.
- Once cleared it will be easier to do things that are good for you, your body and your Spirit.
The effects are immediate, although you may process this clearing for a few days. To test it I invite you to think about the issue that was bothering you before the clearing. For example, for the clearing of, “Feeling like it’s selfish to do good things for yourself”, think about that now and notice how you feel around doing that thing now, in this moment. Does it feel easier?
It will always feel a little easier. If it doesn’t feel open and clear, there’s another pattern present causing this resistance. It may be that you also hold the belief, “Life is Hard”. If so that’s included in Package A.
- This gift is an example of what the MP3s are like.
- However, when I’m working with you, one-on- one, I attune to the subtleties of your unique programming and clear those more specifically. As a result, the one-on- one clearings are even more powerful and customized to your specific needs.
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This silent MP3 can be continuously played to clear your home or work place. It will raise the vibrational frequency of your environment, allowing flow in all areas of your life and creating a peaceful environment where cooperation and flow thrive.
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