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This meditation is very useful to ground our bodies into the earth, our Mother Gaia. When we are grounded it locks in the ability to receive. People can feel your energy. They can “find” you. That means your clients and the people you are meant to serve will be able to connect with you and your relationships with others will improve also. When we are not grounded and “flying around” with many thoughts in our head we are not able to focus and be fully in our body.
This quick 20 minute meditation will purify and clear out any energies that are being held in your chakras that is no longer serving you or for your highest and best good. Old energies can be removed and a healing will take place very quickly.
Right click on the button above and select "Save as" or "save link as" to download to your device.

Have a boobo or ouchy hurt? Use this energetic Divine healing rub and feel better. Countless celestial helpers present to soothe and comfort you and the ouchy. A must-have for any first aid kit!
Use it as often as you need when you or someone have a boobo or outchy. You can use this anywhere and to help anyone just like an energetic first aid. Can use either MP3 version music or soundless. When unable to play or on-the-go, can also be used by intention, just say Jenny’s “Divine Rub” mp3 and the healing energies will be present right away as if you are actually playing it. Safe for ALL to use and for the Highest and best good of all. Please DO NOT use this MP3 while you are driving or performing tasks that require your 100% attention as you may be in an altered or spacey state.
Cheers to your Quantum Healing Journey!
Right click on the button above and select "Save as" or "save link as" to download to your device.

Everything is energy and energy can be transmuted!
Transmute and neutralize the effects of GMO in your body from past and present meals
Right click on the button above and select "Save as" or "save link as" to download to your device.

With the Full Moon Approaching, this is the Ideal time to Reboot your Soul.
It is an opportunity for immense transformation.
This full moon is in Taurus which is opposite of the Scorpio Sun.
The Taurus-Scorpio full moon is about being in your power.
Taurus is about prosperity, and Scorpio is about eliminating what blocks you from actualizing it.
Ask your authentic self for guidance on what no longer serves you and assistance in releasing it to allow yourself to move forward into your desires.
BElieve in YOU, and be open to see the choices, magic and miracles in every moment of your life.
Right click on the button above and select "Save as" or "save link as" to download to your device.