Access to the Ultimate Transformation Package
Download Instructions:
Downloading an MP3 File to a PC
To download an MP3 file to your PC, right-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save Target As" if you are using Internet Explorer or "Save Link As" if you are using Firefox. Next, navigate to the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the download is complete, you can open the file to play it or transfer it to your MP3 player.
Playing MP3 Files on a Windows System
To play your downloaded MP3 file, open it in Windows Media Player, Real Player or any other music player.
Downloading an MP3 File to a Mac
To download an MP3 file to your Macintosh computer, control-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save this link as." Select the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the file is downloaded, open the MP3 file in your favorite music player or transfer it to your iPod or other MP3 player.

Monday, January 10th 2022
Join Eram Saeed, Virginia Rounds Griffiths & Grace Hom For:
Bliss Up
Reliable Energy Healing Made Easy & Affordable
During this Event You Will:
- Learn the MOST exciting news in the world of energy healing today!
- Discover how you can tap into master level healing 24-7, 365 days a year for less than $9 a month!
- Experience TWO powerful live group healing processes that will help you clear the path for a brighter 2022!
- Understand how you can become part of an energy healing movement to help heal our world during these turbulent times!
- And much, much MORE...

Wednesday, January 12th 2022
Join Eram Saeed, Marlene Allen & Dawn Crystal For:
Bliss Up
Reliable Energy Healing Made Easy & Affordable
During this Event You Will:
- Learn the MOST exciting news in the world of energy healing today!
- Discover how you can tap into master level healing 24-7, 365 days a year for less than $9 a month!
- Experience TWO powerful live group healing processes that will help you clear the path for a brighter 2022!
- Understand how you can become part of an energy healing movement to help heal our world during these turbulent times!
- And much, much MORE...

Tuesday, January 18th 2022
Interview With Virginia Rounds Griffiths
Hack Your Subconscious to Lose Weight
No Diet - No Exercise - Enhanced Health
During this Event You Will:
- Find out why Diet & Exercise does not help YOU lose that weight!
- Learn whether Past Lives, Ancestral Lineages and Present life issues keep GETTING IN THE WAY of you losing weight!
- Discover the ROLE OF HORMONES in your body’s unrelenting journey to put on weight and store it!
- Find out why your body rebels against DROPPING EXCESS POUNDS i.e. stress and more!
- Explore the negative RESULTS of Limiting Beliefs on YOUR BODY IMAGE!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, January 24th 2022
Interview With Rani Virdee
Optimal Health Re-Boot
100+ Remote Healing Containers for 100% Health and Wellness
During this Event You Will:
- Discover how to HAVE A DOCTOR ON CALL that you can talk/consult with at any time you need to WITHOUT HAVING TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT!
- Discover the SECRET TO CREATING A LIFE OF EASE AND GRACE no matter what challenge appears before YOU!
- FEEL SUPPORTED AND CARED FOR in every moment… YOU will never have to be alone!
- Feel ETERNALLY YOUTHFUL with a system that is functioning optimally and balanced at a cellular level!
- Find out how to live with MORE ENERY, STABILITY, and CLARITY than ever before!
- Learn to BOOST, BALANCE and OPTIMISE your immune system to deflect Dis-Ease in ALL its forms!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, January 31st 2022
Interview With Sushant Shhah
Manifestation Accelerator: Health, Wealth & Joy - Infinite Possibilities at the Speed of Light!
During this Event You Will:
- Learn why Your Healing Never Works Out the Way You Plan!
- Find out the 8 Blocks that MUST BE CLEARED BEFORE starting with the healing for consistent and LONG LASTING RESULTS!
- Be WARY: You're Losing on Joy & Money by Not Using The Highest Frequency Healing!
- Discover the 3 Insane (But True) Things About Healing!
- Find out the ONLY HEALING TOUCH You Will Ever NEED!
- And much, much MORE...

Wednesday, February 2nd 2022
Interview With Crystal Randhir Priya
During this Event You Will:
- Find out and activate your EXTREMELY POWERFUL sacred LOVE GATES in the Corridor OF YOUR DESTINY in 2022!
- \Discover the MOST PROFOUND and ANCIENT TECHNIQUE to TUNE in to your relationship codes!
- Learn to ACTIVATE and work with YOUR NEW LOVE CHAKRA!
- Find out which are your NEW LOVE CODES and learn to download LOVE into your system!
- Learn about your PAST LIFE IMPRINTS and INFLUENCES on your relationships!
- Receive help on your relationship choices… and find the Soul Truth about people in your life!
- And much, much MORE...

Friday, February 5th 2022
Interview With Virginia Rounds Griffiths
Hack Your Subconscious to Lose Weight
No Diet - No Exercise - Enhanced Health
During this Event You Will:
- Find out why Diet & Exercise does not help YOU lose that weight!
- Learn whether Past Lives, Ancestral Lineages and Present life issues keep GETTING IN THE WAY of you losing weight!
- Discover the ROLE OF HORMONES in your body’s unrelenting journey to put on weight and store it!
- Find out why your body rebels against DROPPING EXCESS POUNDS i.e. stress and more!
- Explore the negative RESULTS of Limiting Beliefs on YOUR BODY IMAGE!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, February 7th 2022
Interview With Dipal Shah
The Quantum Medspa: Frequencies for Cellular Rejuvenation
During this Event You Will:
- Discover how a Quantum Post Pandemic Makeover will make you LOOK YOUNGER, MORE VIBRANT, and ENERGIZED!
- Discover how Neural Nets are keeping you from LOOKING YOUNGER and FEELING GOOD about yourself!
- Learn how the Quantum Medspa WORKS through every cell down to the Quantum Levels of the DNA!
- Discover how your BODY CAN SHIFT IMMEDIATELY and make you beautiful, confident, and supported inside and out!
- Discover how your Subconscious Programming, Ancestral Programming, and other lifetimes of programs are keeping you from FEELING HAPPY, HAPPY, and ALIVE!
- And much, much MORE...

Wednesday, February 9th 2022
Interview With Katherine Eskesen
Instantly Shift To The Aquarian Age Of Light
Timeline Jump Into Radiant Health, Divine Wealth & Harmonious Relationships
During this Event You Will:
- Learn how your ‘Energy Type’ affects your HEALTH, WEALTH and RELATIONSHIPS!
- Discover how SHIFTING TIMELINES can make a HUGE DIFFERENCE in creating your BEST life!
- Feel ELEVATED into higher consciousness and Be RECHARGED simply by being on the call…
- Experience how the POWER OF YOUR MIND and using your SACRED SOUND (your voice) can help YOU Manifest Instantly!
- Find Out how your current DNA Codes may be keeping you stuck in repeating karmic cycles!
- And much, much MORE...

Thursday, February 10th 2022
Interview With Kristen Grant
THE RELATIONSHIFT: Shift into The Higher Frequency of Love & Re-ignite the Spark in Your Relationship
During this Event You Will:
- Learn how to Get Out Of Your Own Way so A Deeper Truth Can Be Revealed!
- SEE THE BIGGER PICTURE and how we can EVOLVE in spite of our relationship issues!
- Discover some SOLID TIPS for how you can tap into your own intuition for IMPROVING YOUR COMMUNICATION with your loved one!
- Learn about Self-Sabotage and Emotional Alchemy or how to transform negative programming or patterned reactions!
- Know the CONVERSATION FOR EMPOWERMENT and attracting the love connection you really want!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, February 14th 2022
Interview With Dawn Crystal
Vital Body Function Restoration
PERMANENTLY Upgrade the Health of Your Body!
During this Event You Will:
- Discover how to PERMANENTLY Upgrade the Health of Your Body!
- Find out how to FEEL THE BEST YOU have felt in years in as little as 10 minutes a day!
- Learn how to UNLOCK your body's natural healing power, boost immunity, and INCREASE joy and your Quality of Life!
- Discover the secret to the FASTEST, most LASTING, and most POWERFUL way to keep yourself healthy and vital!
- Witness and experience POWERFUL
- And much, much MORE...

Tuesday, February 22nd 2022
Interview With Nidhu B Kapoor
The 10 second Workout is here!
(That’s right, 10 SECONDS!)
During this Event You Will:
- Learn to STOP these three perimenopausal MISTAKES that are keeping the weight stuck TODAY!
- Find our the 10 second workout that is equivalent to ab crunching! With JUST ONE WORD - experience it to believe it!
- Get maximum results with the minimum effort!
- Flatten that belly IN ONE MINUTE!
- Feel your glutes and lower abdomen Firming up in TWO Minutes! (with the sexy butt infinitey walk)
- Discover the SECRET TO WEIGHT RELEASE and keeping it off! (It’s the only thing you ever need to know and work on!)
- And much, much MORE...

Tuesday, March 1st 2022
Interview With Wilma David
Bioforce Cosmic Liver Tune-up: Activate & Cleanse For whole Body Cellular Regeneration
During this Event You Will:
- SUPPORT your Immune system and BOOST your energy & vitality!
- Remove emotional blocks and REJUVENATE your body's cellular structure!
- Be assisted in DETOXIFYING TOXINS in your body and give YOU a HEALTHY LIVER!
- Learn to PREVENT RAPID AGING… Restore the cells & regenerate!
- Feel your glutes and lower abdomen Firming up in TWO Minutes! (with the sexy butt infinitey walk)
- BUILD MORE ENERGY to produce the right nutrients and IMPROVE YOUR BLOOD CIRCULATION!
- And much, much MORE...

Wednesday, March 2nd 2022
Interview With Susan Sinclair
Unlock Your Ascension in the 9th AGE OF EARTH
Free Your Soul, Reclaim Your Sovereignty, And Activate Your Most Rewarding Life Path in 30 Days
During this Event You Will:
- Learn what THE 9th AGE OF EARTH MEANS FOR YOU--and why it feels so chaotic right now!!
- Discover the 5 SIGNS that you are actually a Meta-Human Soul on a mission--and what kind of Meta-Human Soul you may be!
- Find out why you need a Soul Arbiter to fully clear many harmful contracts and energies that are blocking your Ascension!!!
- Experience a process to SAFELY ACCESS YOU OWN AKASHIC RECORDS for personal Soul-level energy healing!!!
- Get a direct personal sense of your highest Akashic energies being directly downloaded into your system to CHANGE YOUR FUTURE FOR THE BETTER!
- Discover two essential (but rarely-shared) aspects of EFFECTIVE GROUNDING in these turbulent times--and FEEL THE CALM and STABILITY IMMEDIATELY!!
- Learn why timelines (including your personal timeline) are especially “FLUID” right now and what to do TO CLEANSE your timeline of needless pain and suffering!!
- Find out specific WAYS TO ASCEND into your personal best timeline NOW!!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, March 7th 2022
Interview With Tanja James
Activate YOUR Radiance
Release the Chaos & THRIVE!
During this Event You Will:
- ACTIVATE YOUR INNER RADIANCE and Outer Glow using Angelic Codes!
- UNLOCK Your Heart and Throat Chakras to feel and speak Your Truth Fearlessly!
- Learn to Use A New Earth Grounding Technique to RELEASE RESISTANCE in Your Field and Anchor into Your Inner Light!
- Practice on how to GET INTO FLOW by Bubbling Up Lower Vibrational Feelings & Thought Forms!
- Navigate Stress and Thrive In Difficult Times in a Way that both Elevates You & the Global Collective!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, March 14th 2022
Interview With Dawn Crystal
Complete Dental Health: Clearings & Activations for Life
During this Event You Will:
- Discover the Most Fastest & Most Natural way for Dental Health with Source Energy Frequencies!!!
- Gain the Most Powerful Energy that hit planet Earth to HEAL ALL YOUR Dental issues FAST & EASY!!!
- Experience Source Energy to Heal ALL your Dental Concerns in Record time Miraculously to YOUR Divine template of Perfection!
- Find out how the Voice Sound Healing with Source Frequencies Heal & Repair your teeth in only Minutes per day.. Without leaving your house!!!
- And much, much MORE...

Wednesday, March 16th 2022
Interview With Virginia Rounds Griffiths
Optimize Your Thyroid Health
During this Event You Will:
- Discover how Mental Health ISSUES can be TRIGGERED by an IMBALANCED THYROID!!!
- Discover why Hair Loss, Weight Gain, Foggy Brain, and Lack of Energy is TRIGGERED by YOUR MALFUNCTIONING THYROID GLAND!!!
- Learn how Body Temperature, Weight Control, Emotions, Sleep Cycles, Sex Drive, Blood Pressure and… Heart Rate are ALL CONTROLLED BY THE SAME MAJOR HORMONE that controls our THYROID!!!
- Discover THE IMPORTANCE OF YOUR INDOCRINE SYSTEM as it controls YOUR Mood Swings, YOUR Energy Levels, YOUR Reproductive System and SO MUCH MORE!!!
- Learn how Trauma is LINKED to YOUR Parathyroid Glands!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, March 21st 2022
Interview With Grace Hom
Gut Health Restoration: The Key to Lasting Health, Wealth and Happiness!
During this Event You Will:
- CHANGE YOUR LIFE by working with these three treasures… Field of Elixir are Shen (spirit), Qi (energy) and Jing (essence, DNA)
- HOLD THE KEY to your health, mental health, and even your wealth!
- Find out what creates issues with immunity, weight gain and other health challenges… Most people are missing some bacteria and fungal population in their microbiome and mycobiome!
- ENERGETICALLY DOWNLOAD your ancestral microbiome and mycobiome so that you can have a STRONGER immune system, HEALTHY weight and BETTER mood!
- Learn that WILLPOWER, MOTIVATION and FOCUS are all in your guts (Field of Elixir)!
- And much, much MORE...

Wednesday, March 23rd 2022
Interview With Debra Carter
Awakening the Abundance Within: Clear Akashic Records and Energetic Blocks & Raise Your Abundance Setpoint - Easily!
During this Event You Will:
- Learn how your Self-Worth Impacts The Amount of ABUNDANCE YOU experience in your Life!!
- Gain your Individual ABUNDANCE Set-Point!!
- Find the KEYS to your Personal Kingdom!!
- Learn to UNCOVER your Hidden Talents and.. PURPOSE in LIFE!!
- Discover Who You Really Are and… What You Really Desire in Life!!!
- Find out how Past Life Experiences IMPACT your Current Level of ABUNDANCE!!
- Learn How Easy it is... To MANIFEST What YOU Want vs What YOU Don’t Want!!
- Discover How to Tap INTO Your POTENTIAL!!
- Learn to IDENTIFY and REMOVE BLOCKS to your Self-Worth!!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, March 28th 2022
Interview With Kari Alajoki
Complete Cardiovascular Brain Reset Quantum Cardiovascular Center Cleanup for Optimal Brain and Heart Health
During this Event You Will:
- Learn how you can TURN BACK ON the ‘sharp as a tack’ memory and ‘lightning fast responses’ you used to have!
- Find out why you May Be Struggling with an irregular heart rate.
- Learn how your heart problems might be in your brain/head.
- Discover how changing an ignored area of your brain CAN STIMULATE HEALING all the way to your aging skin!
- And much, much MORE...

Wednesday, March 30th 2022
Interview With Stewart Pearce
Angelic Destiny Codes: Achieve MIRACLE MASTERY with the super-charged energies of the New Atlantean Stargate
During this Event You Will:
- Find out from CELEBRITY MENTOR Stewart Pearce where the Atlantean Stargate Portal has opened and what this means for your 2020!
- Discover THE 12 SACRED CODES that can literally change your DNA into a superstar vibration!
- Get an INSTANT Karma shift on the call from the 12 Angels of Atlantis so you can finally say GOODBYE to MONEY and RELATIONSHIP DRAMA!!
- Surely get the inside celebrity secret used by Oscar-winners to MANIFEST BIG MONEY, NEW CAREER OPPORTUNITY and achieve your destiny!!
- Experience A MASSIVE ENERGETIC SHIFT on the call from stuck-in a rut to a shooting star that magnetizes people’s attention!
- Get the number 1 question that EVERYONE from stay-at-home mom’s, retirees and World Leaders all want to know from Stewart and the Angels
- Gain a Special Destiny that is known to the Angels! Don’t miss out on the 12 Codes that the Angels want YOU to have so you can manifest the life you are really meant to have!!
- Learn why the Angels have suddenly decided to Supercharge Humanity with the 12 Destiny Codes and what it means for your life!!
- Get the SECRET used by Moses to part the Red Sea with the Atlantean Codes for Destiny and Success.
- Supercharge your Career Prospects with the Secret Sacred Destiny Codes that the Ancient Atlantean Kings and Queens used to Rule!!
- Learn how to EASILY make every single moment of your life a shining miracle with the frequencies and encodements of the Angels of Atlantis!!
- Not Miss out the Soul Reading with the Angelic Emissary that Oprah, Marianne Williamson and Princess Diana love!!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, April 4th 2022
Interview With Tarek Bibi
The Ultimate Spiritual Mastery Course: The Most Powerful Way to Master Every Area of Your Life
During this Event You Will:
- Learn to fulfill your gifts and have a THRIVING CAREER!
- EXPERIENCE Ultimate Health and Vibrancy!
- Get all your Heart's Deepest Desires… Security, Empowerment and Alignment!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, April 11th 2022
Interview With Jo Fernandes
Miracle Hidden Organ
The Missing Link For Accelerated Healing
During this Event You Will:
- Discover why YOUR HEART IS NOT A PUMP and why this matters in HEALING ALL HEART DISEASES… It’s life changing!
- Find out the TWO TYPES OF PAIN… A sign that we are out of integrity and holds us accountable to become our authentic selves.
- Learn about your inner Three Dimensional Suit which touches all other elements… 100% uninterrupted constricting your body like a puppet on a string and how you can FINALLY BREAK FREE!!
- Discover how your body creates its own endogenous SELF HEALING ELEMENTS like hyaluronic acid, collagen and structured water to BE ABLE TO MOVE WITH YOUTHFUL FLUIDITY… And it’s not with supplements!
- Learn the TWO TYPES OF OVERWHELM and why it’s seen by the brain as a threat to your survival!
- Learn to INTEGRATE THE YOUNGER PARTS OF YOURSELF to fully sense what it is and to being truly alive again!!
- Discover a VAST INTELLIGENCE INSIDE YOUR BODY that is super fast and supersedes your brain and nervous system!
- And much, much MORE...

Wednesday, April 13th 2022
Interview With Gwen Lepard
Flow Through The Holidays Un-SHACKLED With Ease: 100% Protection From Energy Vampires, Family Obligations & All Control Mechanisms
During this Event You Will:
- Learn why you feel mentally and physically exhausted during the holidays and how you can sail through them joyfully...
- Discover how you can REMOVE the dense Energy of family obligations so you can really Enjoy the Holidays…
- Find out how to AVOID falling prey to Energy Vampires that are lurking everywhere during the Holidays…
- Learn to be an ‘Empowered Empath’ in the midst of Family gatherings, Expectations and Narcissists…
- Have the opportunity to receive a FREE 1:1 Clearing for any Obligations or Shackles…
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, April 18th 2022
Interview With Dawn Crystal
Energetic Age Reversal: Ageless Freedom Formula to Tap into Your Own Fountain of Youth
During this Event You Will:
- Discover how to tap into YOUR energetic Fountain of Youth!
- Learn the Fastest, Most Lasting, and Most Powerful WAY to rejuvenate youthfulness!
- Discover how to take back control of your reality, so you can feel AGELESS!
- Learn how to access Youth & Vitality frequencies to Reverse ANY Premature Aging you have already experienced!
- Find out how to REJUVENATE YOUR DNA cells to amplify your youth and vitality to live a Longer Healthier Life!
- Witness and experience POWERFUL live mini healings directly addressing physical concerns you have RIGHT NOW!
- And much, much MORE...

Wednesday, April 27th 2022
Interview With Inna Van Der Velden
Easy Health Restoration!
Heal your Sacred Earth for Ultimate Health Transformation
During this Event You Will:
- Find out all YOU NEED to KNOW about lost or broken connections within YOUR SACRED HEART!
- Learn how to OPEN UP hidden resources for Ultimate Health Transformation within YOU!
- RESTORE lost or broken connections within your Sacred Earth for natural and EASY SELF-HEALING of your whole body!
- Learn four 10 min personal ENERGY RESTORATION ROUTINES which can change your life!
- Discover how much and by what your Sacred Earth is affected during your life!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, May 2nd 2022
Interview With Tania Vasallo
Money Magic Miracles
PROVEN System to Constantly Manifest Money, Prosperity & Abundance!
During this Event You Will:
- Understand where money really comes from… Start SHIFTING your mindset from scarcity to ABUNDANCE!
- Find out the MAIN BLOCKS that people have when it comes to Manifesting Money and Prosperity!
- Change your mindset about money and make BETTER CHOICES to overcome challenges!
- Learn not to work so hard and SAVE ENOUGH MONEY!
- And much, much MORE...

Wednesday, May 11th 2022
Interview With Dorota Rozmus
Thriving Ascension
Activate The Power of Your Multidimensional Light
During this Event You Will:
- Transform VIBRATIONALLY with Dorota’s channeled Divine Love , Sound , light and Gaia!
- Learn how Your DNA is SHIFTING with Gaia’s 5D Crystal Light!
- Connect with Your Loving Self and Feel how it is vibrating within you!
- Go soft within with Dorota’s love holding higher Light… Allow ascension happening within YOU!
- Receive frequency and GET STRONGER within your human body.
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, May 16th 2022
Interview With Dipal Shah
Chronic Disease Eliminator
Instantaneously Upgrade Your Body for a Vibrant Life
During this Event You Will:
- Discover the diseases caused by unhealthy Practices that keep you from LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE!
- Discover why your Body Feels Heavy and Weighted Down and how you can GET RID OF THAT!
- Find out why Doctors can’t FIND A CURE for what is happening to you!
- Learn how to HEAL YOUR BODY with an EASY and QUICK method to help your Pranic flow and UPGRADE ALL THE CELLS in your body!
- Discover why you have been using YOUR BODY as a dumping ground!
- Learn how you can HAVE BETTER CIRCULATION in your body!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, May 23rd 2022
Interview With Gertrud de Witte
Soul Timeline Healing
Quickly Get Rid of Hard to Dissolve Barriers Accumulated Over Lifetimes to Up-Level Your Frequency
During this Event You Will:
- Learn what is REALLY keeping you from being the Highest Version of You and Living your Life FULL OUT!
- Discover how the weight of your karmic imprints (or: what?) keeps pulling you back from (or: keeps the handbrake on) embodying your SOUL’S HIGHER CALLING!
- Unravel the MOST HIDDEN BLOCKS you may not realize you have!
- Learn why HEALING ALL of your Soul’s Timeline should be your #1 PRIORITY!
- Discover how HIGH YOU COULD SOAR without your Self-Sabotaging Karmic Imprints!
- Learn how you can amplify your impact (and why it’s NOT happening for you now …)
- Find out how YOU can finally start living a LIFE MORE OF MEANING, VALUE and IMPACT right now!
- Experience a POWERFUL PROCESS to help you heal the core emotional wounding & imprints that are at the root of all your suffering!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, May 30th 2022
Time: 8:00 AM PACIFIC / 9:00 AM MOUNTAIN / 10:00 AM CENTRAL / 11:00 AM EASTERN
Interview With Rani Virdee
Total Skin Restoration
for a Beautiful YOU Inside and Out!
During this Event You Will:
- Discover Ways to Transform your face and skin Now!
- Learn the EASY SOLUTION to healing Psoriasis, Acne, warts, moles, skin tags, nails, and much much more!
- Find out the issues that AFFECT THE HEALTH of your skin!
- Learn to TAKE CONTROL and direct the Source of Energy to your specific SKIN HEALTH needs!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, June 6th 2022
Interview With Virginia Rounds Griffiths
BREATH WITH EASE: Enjoy the Miracle of Clear Airways for Respiratory Harmony
During this Event You Will:
- Discover the UNDERLYING emotion we hold in our lungs!
- Learn the ancient ORIGINS of RESPIRATORY challenges!
- Identify the area in the BRAIN CAUSING DIZZINESS… it’s not what you think it is!
- Find out what CAUSES Pain and Puffiness in the FACE!
- Uncover the UNKNOWN ISSUES of our tongue and UNKNOWN SET of tonsils located!
- Find out the reason we EXPERIENCE so many throat issues!
- And much, much MORE...

Friday, June 10th 2022
Interview With Virginia Rounds Griffiths
BREATH WITH EASE: Enjoy the Miracle of Clear Airways for Respiratory Harmony
During this Event You Will:
- Discover the UNDERLYING emotion we hold in our lungs!
- Learn the ancient ORIGINS of RESPIRATORY challenges!
- Identify the area in the BRAIN CAUSING DIZZINESS… it’s not what you think it is!
- Find out what CAUSES Pain and Puffiness in the FACE!
- Uncover the UNKNOWN ISSUES of our tongue and UNKNOWN SET of tonsils located!
- Find out the reason we EXPERIENCE so many throat issues!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, June 13th 2022
Interview With Taly Bar
Sacred Color Healing
Remove ANY Block with Intuitive Art
During this Event You Will:
- Discover what YOUR unconscious is hiding that can HELP YOU CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
- Learn to RELAX and LISTEN to your intuition!
- Discover the KEYS to make a deep change in your life!
- Find out how creativity CAN HELP you connect to your power and help your CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
- Learn how to CREATE FROM A NEW PLACE where you are actually excited about your life!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, June 20th 2022
Interview With Pam Oslie
Become the Future Human
During this Event You Will:
- Find out what Quantum Physics says about WHO WE REALLY ARE and the NATURE OF REALITY!
- Learn the ADVANCED ABILITIES and how to DEVELOP them!
- Discover what prevents us from living with these ADVANCED ABILITIES!
- Learn what is happening currently in the WORLD and what lies ahead for HUMANITY!
- And much, much MORE...

Wednesday, June 29th 2022
Interview With John Newton
360° Empowerment: Eradicate Suffering and Move into a Powerful, Abundant Life
During this Event You Will:
- Discover What Your Heart Years are for…
- Get Connected To Why You Might Not Be Living The Life You Want!
- Find Out What Living Your Perfect Life Means…
- Learn How To Access Your Divine Destiny!
- Clear Out Anything In The Way Of Living Your Perfect Life!
- And much, much MORE...

Wednesday, July 6th 2022
Interview With Sharon Josef
Transform Pain into Healing & Empowerment
During this Event You Will:
- Learn why your emotions can cause dis-comfort or dis-ease...
- Find out how everything is tied together to make up your life and how once you get your Mind, Body and Soul in sync… NOTHING can hold you back!
- Discover how to hear the language of your body... which always has a story...
- Let go of ALL the pain and feel GOOD both physically and mentally!
- Learn how to take back YOUR power... and get empowered!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, July 11th 2022
Interview With Dawn Crystal
Complete Brain Health
Function Restoration for a Long Healthy Life
During this Event You Will:
- Discover how to RESTORE functions in your brain for a LONG HEALTHY LIFE!
- Learn the FASTEST, most LASTING, and most POWERFUL WAYS for complete brain health!
- Discover how to Regain Control of Your Brain Health so YOU can feel vibrant and full of life!
- Learn how to access Source frequencies to Reverse ANY brain health issues you have already experienced!
- Find out how to restore your DNA cells to COMPLETELY HEAL your brain and to Live a Longer Healthier Life!
- Witness and experience POWERFUL live mini healings for brain balancing and brain fog!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, July 18th 2022
Interview With Sohail Khan
LIVE READINGS: Bring your most pressing questions, get a reading, get answers!

Wednesday, July 27th 2022
Time: 8:00 AM PACIFIC / 9:00 AM MOUNTAIN / 10:00 AM CENTRAL / 11:00 AM EASTERN
Interview With Grace Hom
Beauty, Bliss and Vitality: Radiant Circuits and Hormones
During this Event You Will:
- Learn to tap into a HUGE RESERVOIR OF ENERGY called the Radiant Circuit…. TRANSFORM hormonal issues and OVERCOME emotional issues!
- Experience deep joy no matter what you have been through in life… The Radiant Circuits can SUPPORT you to overcome your past so that you can CREATE FROM A PLACE OF JOY!
- Enjoy 30 Days of Remote Healing where all your Radiant Circuits will be ACTIVATED and ALIGNED to support you to enjoy health, hormonal balance and emotional stability!
- Learn to Turn Back The Clock On Aging as simple as turning on your Radiant Circuits… The 30 day remote healing will support you to do just that!
- Find out that working with your Radiant Circuits and Microbiome is a WINNING COMBINATION that will support hormonal health and even give you moments of BLISS while enhancing vitality and overall well-being!

Monday, August 1st 2022
Interview With Debra Carter
The Magic Incubator
Effortlessly Unlock Your Wealth, Health & Happiness!
During this Event You Will:
- Find out what your Soul’s definition of Happiness is!
- Discover why you keep repeating the same patterns and getting the same Unsatisfying Results and How To Change That!
- Locate the missing pieces to your puzzle so that you can FEEL COMPLETE!
- Uncover your UNIQUE MAGIC and THE GIFTS that you brought with you in this lifetime!
- Access keys to unlock your Highest and Greatest Potential in the areas of wealth, health, relationships, and happiness!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, August 8th 2022
Interview With Jewels
Awaken Your Divine Technology
Reprogram Your Cells to Age in Reverse!
During this Event You Will:
- Learn to TURN OFF the Epigenetic Code of AGING!
- Tap into your Divine Technology and express the Eternal Code!
- Learn to Reprogram your Cells to age in reverse while activating Your Divine Superpowers!
- Awaken your Divine Superpowers… Reflection is only information!
- Discover that daily skincare routine can enhance your DNA Expression… Break The Illusion of Aging!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, August 15th 2022
Interview With Crystal Randhir Priya
De-Karmatize and Heal Your Genetic Entity for
Greater Health, Wealth & Happiness!
During this Event You Will:
- Discover how this Ancestral DNA Memory Manifests In Your Life and how it can serve you as the Biggest Gift and Profound Guidance on your journey to your spiritual growth, awareness, and understanding!
- Unplug and unravel from your old programs, matrix, traumas, and suffering to Heal Your Past, Future, and Present!
- Find out which ANCESTOR is particularly influencing your present life programming!
- Unwrap the root cause of those imprints and discover hidden teachings they carry for your spiritual transformation, Void and Null all old karmic ancestral programs in you and your offspring's lives, and heal relationships with your parents and children!
- Get to the root core of the original cause where your trouble began, trace the toxic Energetic imprints that you might picked up on your way to Spiritual advancement!
- Find out which ancestral family Channel you're plugged in to, and why.
- And much, much MORE...

Tuesday, August 16th 2022
Interview With Joanita Fernandes
Quick Fix Miracles: Reclaim Your Perfect Health Now!
During this Event You Will:
- Learn about your Zeal Point and why it is as important as your gut in healing health issues!
- Discover the secret to INSTANTLY connect to Source and align with your Monad & Triad (and why this is important!)
- Find out how to quickly get out of feeling disconnected, stress, anxiety, pain and move into more ease!
- Discover why you need to align with your mental body field and how you can do it
- Learn why you are so tired and what you can do about it starting TODAY!
- And much, much MORE...

Tuesday, August 23rd 2022
Interview With Sohail Khan
LIVE READINGS: Bring your most pressing questions, get a reading, get answers!

Wednesday, August 24th 2022
Interview With Dipal Shah
Become Your Own Master of Karma: Quickly Reprogram Your Karmic Grid with 15D Frequencies to Achieve Greater Health, Finances and Relationships
During this Event You Will:
- Find out if your bad actions of your current life are irreparable and if you are destined to suffer from its consequences
- Discover the Secret to Dissolving and Clearing old Karma forever so that you can find freedom and peace
- Learn tips that will help you break free from the cycle of Karma
- Find out what is keeping you in “suffering mode”
- Learn how Karma = results of our bad actions in the past is False!!! Karma can be your friend.
- Find out how what old Karmic Patterns that you keep repeating and what your lessons are in this lifetime
- And much, much MORE..

Thursday, August 25th 2022
Interview With Pam Oslie
Become the Future Human
During this Event You Will:
- Find out what Quantum Physics says about WHO WE REALLY ARE and the NATURE OF REALITY!
- Learn the ADVANCED ABILITIES and how to DEVELOP them!
- Discover what prevents us from living with these ADVANCED ABILITIES!
- Learn what is happening currently in the WORLD and what lies ahead for HUMANITY!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, August 29th 2022
Interview With Margo Dalinghaus
Mystic Medicine Secrets for MIRACLES - The ONLY tools you will ever need for the direct healing and manifestation of ANYTHING!!
During this Event You Will:
- Learn how to create a direct connection to Spirit prior to your healing and Spiritual practice to ENSURE YOU RECEIVE ACCURATE AND EFFECTIVE HEALING outcomes!
- Understand how and why miracles happen for some and not others and learn what you can do TODAY to INCREASE YOUR ODDS OF MIRACLES happening for you in this lifetime!
- Experience direct healing with Margo to UNCOVER and CLEAR personal root causes of your concerns and specific blocks to your highest and BEST GOOD!
- Clear your energy structures and field so that you can fully receive the high frequency HEALING energies of Source that are required for direct healing - allow and accept the BLISS, grace, harmony, freedom, purity, JOY, gratitude, hope, mercy, celebration and victory to transform your consciousness for WHOLENESS on all levels of your being!
- Learn about the WHOLE BEAUTY MYSTIC MEDICINE ACTIVATIONS FOR MIRACLES & THE SOVEREIGN SOLUTION - the only tools you will EVER need to heal and manifest ANYTHING!!!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, September 12th 2022
Interview With Virginia Rounds Griffiths
Fast & Effective Entity BE GONE Solution: Clear & Protect Yourself from Entities in this Time of Negativity!
During this Event You Will:
- Learn the Entity Cleansing for Loved Pets!
- Find out how to AVOID NEGATIVE ENERGIES from Astral Field & DISTURBED SLEEP!
- Discover may show up in YOUR Past Life & Ancestral Entities!
- Clear the Geopathic Stress and its devastating energies!
- Gain the POSITIVE ENERGY OF USING MP3’s for travel to Historic Sites!
- And much, much MORE...

Wednesday, September 14th 2022
Interview With Rani Virdee
Total Skin Restoration for a Beautiful
YOU Inside and Out!
During this Event You Will:
- Discover Ways to Transform your face and skin Now!
- Learn the EASY SOLUTION to healing Psoriasis, Acne, warts, moles, skin tags, nails, and much much more!
- Find out the issues that AFFECT THE HEALTH of your skin!
- Learn to TAKE CONTROL and direct the Source of Energy to your specific SKIN HEALTH needs!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, September 26th 2022
Interview With Dawn Crystal
Energetic Hormone Balancing: Fast & Easy Solution to Help Your Body Function at its BEST!
During this Event You Will:
- Discover how to BALANCE YOUR HORMONES ENERGETICALLY without nasty medications or expensive supplements!
- Learn the FASTEST, most LASTING, and most POWERFUL WAYS to get your hormones balanced and STAY in balance!
- Discover how to TAKE BACK CONTROL OF YOUR HORMONAL HEALTH so that you can feel vibrant and full of life!
- Learn how to access Source frequencies to Reverse ANY hormone balancing issues you are already experiencing!
- Find out how to RESTORE your DNA cells to completely balance your hormones to LIVE A LONGER HEALTHIER LIFE!
- Witness and experience POWERFUL live mini healings for hormone balancing!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, October 3rd 2022
Interview With Dipal Shah
The Energetic Tooth Fairy!
Quantum Healing for Teeth, Mouth and Organs
During this Event You Will:
- Learn to have PLEASANT and QUIET conversations with your teeth!
- Understand what is keeping your teeth from staying NOURISHED & HEALTHY!
- Discover the TEETH interconnected INFLUENCES on your PHYSICAL HEALTH PROBLEMS!
- Learn how “ORAL ANXIETY” affects your teeth and mental health!
- Understand your Mouth’s Physiological Messages!
- Learn how to MANAGE THE PROBLEM IN YOUR TEETH with a powerful practice that you can use everyday!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, October 10th 2022
Interview With Shelly Petell
Uplevel Your Weight Transformation: Turn Your Body into a Fat Burning Machine within 45 Days!
During this Event You Will:
- Discover the EASE of weight loss!
- Learn to be in tune to what your body needs for OPTIMAL WEIGHT LOSS!
- Find out why WEIGHT LOSS has been so difficult in the past!
- Learn an EASY daily morning DETOX!
- Be open and ready to lose up to 15 Lbs. in 45 days!
- And much, much MORE...

Wednesday, October 19th 2022
Interview With Sohail Khan Yousafzai
Become a Quantum Jumper Program
Discover How to Fly Through Dimensions with Sohail!
During this Event You Will:
- Discover why Quantum Jumping is a skill that we are ALL capable of, even YOU!
- Learn EXACTLY what is needed to become a Quantum Jumper (and why it's much EASIER than you think!)
- Understand how you can read people's past, present and future (and get paid for it too!)
- Discover how you can be one of the 10 LUCKY PEOPLE who will have the opportunity to learn from the MOST accurate oracle you have ever met!!!!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, October 24th 2022
Interview With Tarek Bibi
Break Free from the Money Matrix
Activate the New Wealth Paradigm
During this Event You Will:
- Learn about the money traps and how to BREAK FREE from them!
- CLEAR Deep rooted, Fears, Scarcity, and Lack of Survival Programming!
- Discover the DIVINE MONEY MATRIX and how to THRIVE IN IT!
- Remember how to THRIVE IN the NEW EARTH and the NEW ECONOMY!
- And much, much MORE...

Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Interview With Pam Oslie
The Aura Colors: Practitioner Certification Online Course with Aura Expert, Pam Oslie!
During this Event You Will:
- Discover what your AURA COLORS REVEAL about your PERSONALITY, your LIFE PURPOSE, and MORE…
- Discover how your AURA COLORS AFFECT your RELATIONSHIPS- your COMPATIBILITY with other people, your needs and PRIORITIES, and MORE…
- Learn what to do to KEEP YOUR AURA COLOR personality HAPPY, HEALTHY & BALANCED!
- Find out which CAREERS will be the MOST FULFILLING for your aura colors!
- Discover how your aura colors define SUCCESS, relate to MONEY, and your BEST SKILLS to create success and money!
- Learn how to Discover What Your Aura Colors Are!
- Discover how knowing the AURA COLORS personalities can help you better understand and help others
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, November 7th, 2022
Interview With Kari Alajoki
Nanobot Knockout UPGRADED: Clear Cellular Disruptors in the Quantum Field for Total Health Restoration!
During this Event You Will:
- Discover the secret enemy destroying health and emotions, no one is talking about!
- Learn how NANOBOTS are infiltrating our healthy food & it's affecting YOU EVERY DAY!!
- Find out EXACTLY what is causing Brain Fog, Mental Blocks, Difficulty thinking now more than EVER before!
- Discover the unknown reason you may not be bouncing back from the last flu bug .. or you wonder if your health has been influenced by others in your environment.
- Understand why entities and attachments are wreaking havoc on your health, happiness and overall well being now more than ever before!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, November 14th, 2022
Interview With Virginia Rounds Griffits
Harmonize Your Hormones: Repair, Reboot & Rejuvenate your entire mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing…
During this Event You Will:
- Learn the IMPORTANCE OF HORMONES playing such a vital part in your well-being!
- Find out how your ADRENAL GLANDS CONTRIBUTE to your ENERGY levels and WEIGHT GAIN!
- Master how to REGULATE YOUR BODY and maintain the BALANCE of YOUR BODY TEMPERATURE via your Thyroid glands!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, November 28th, 2022
Interview With Dawn Rahdianze Shantal Krystal
Energetic Fitness: Upgrade and Repair Your Full System beyond Quantum Transformation
During this Event You Will:
- Discover how energetically upgrading your DNA to REPAIR YOUR ENTIRE BODY SYSTEM!
- Learn the FASTEST, most LASTING, and most POWERFUL ways to not only get ‘in shape’ but also make your heart stronger and healthier!
- Discover how to TAKE BACK CONTROL OF YOUR OVERALL HEALTH so that you can feel vibrant and full of life!
- Learn how to access Source frequencies to KEEP YOUR BODY OPERATING at the Highest Level at all stages of your life for the Rest of your Life!
- Find out how to RESTORE your body and LIVE A LONGER HEALTHIER LIFE!
- Witness and experience POWERFUL live mini healings for ANY health issue you are facing!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, December 12th, 2022
Interview With Hillary Faye
Quantum Magnetism: Unplug from the Programs that Drain You & Open to Healing Your Channels of Receptivity
During this Event You Will:
- Learn to Simplify the quantum field and REVEAL YOUR POWER within it!
- Discover how to TAP INTO YOUR HIGHEST HEALING from the quantum field!
- Uncover and UNPLUG from THE MAIN CONDITIONED PROGRAMS that keep you re-creating the same things and feeling disconnected from your joy and vital energy!
- Learn how LIVING IN ALIGNMENT living in alignment with your true desires IS VITAL in magnetism!
- Receive the Quantum Magnetism Attunement to HEAL and OPEN your channels of receptivity!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, December 19th, 2022
Interview With Rani Virdee
MED PODS: The One-Step Solution to take control and Unlock Infinite Health
During this Event You Will:
- Take CONTROL and COMMAND HEALING in the order of YOUR priority!
- Discover a NATURAL ALTERNATIVE to IMPROVE your Health and Well Being that you can control!
- Learn to go to bed sleeping in your own Energetic Healing Chamber!
- Feel PROTECTED and RECEIVE HEALING ENERGIES for all your issues 24/7!
- And much, much MORE...

Monday, March 6th, 2023
Interview With Gertrud de Witte
The missing piece to Achieving Self-Worth, Unlimited Life Force Energy and Manifestation of your Soul’s Desires!
During this Event You Will:
- Discover the #1 mistake most people make when healing specific issues
- Learn why you aren't getting the results you desire even if you've been doing this work for DECADES
- Understand why healing and even life can feel hard right now and what you can do about it
- Discover what you need to do RIGHT NOW for FULL and COMPLETE healing
- Learn how you can step into your DIVINE MAGNIFICENCE and be, do and have the great things you were meant to be, do and have here in this lifetime!
- And much, much MORE...

Wednesday, March 8th, 2023
Interview With Gabrielle Spencer
How To Set Yourself Free From The Illusion of Control
During this Event You Will:
- Discover if you are a SunSeed!
- Find out who the Galactic Golden Beings of Light are and how they can HELP you in YOUR ASCENSION!
- Learn the process to move through the barriers to ACCESSING YOUR GREATEST POTENTIAL!
- Learn how to access SOLUTION ENERGY!
- Experience Divine Alignment Activation of Your Greatest Potential!
- And much, much MORE...