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Deborah Werner

December 14th, 2020

Interview with Deborah Werner

Topic: Magnify Your Intentions for 2021 with…
Open The Doors to Prosperity

During this Call with Deborah You Will:

  • Experience flower essences remotely with mistings throughout the call, to CLEAR OUT lower vibrations and make room for MIRACLES within minutes!!
  • Discover how SYMBOLIC RELATIONSHIP with nature and flower essences can TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE by experiencing more joy, peace of mind and youthify vibrant health!!
  • Find out that every flower has a HEALING QUALITY that can balance your emotions!!!
  • Learn how flower essences can Open Doors to YOUR prosperity and easily attract what you desire with ABSOLUTELY AMAZING RESULT!!!
  • Find out how flower essences can BALANCE YOUR ENERGY to transform any of your life’s challenges including Money and Health quickly, and... How it is IMPORTANT for us to use vibrational remedies to NOURISH and BALANCE our energy field!
  • Discover how you can make a difference in this world just by having the Highest Vibration possible and to easily shift out the struggle and take charge of your energy every day with the POWER OF FLOWERS!!!
  • Learn why it is super IMPORTANT to CONNECT with the flowers, trees and nature right now to ground and receive the new light codes!!
  • And much, much MORE...

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Get an extra 30 days remote misting for free. Available for a limited time.

Here’s what clients have to say about Deborah!

  • “You sprayed me remotely with Open Doors to Prosperity and I am pleased to report that I have been offered more work this month than ever before - thank you” ~ Rain
  • “I absolutely love your spray, the energy bursts out as I spray. Good things are happening, and I love to spray everyday!.” ~ Golda
  • “After remotely misting me with Open Doors to Prosperity then Miracle spray, The California Supreme Court made a decision a few hours ago! Exam will postpone to October 5 and 6th 2020 and registration date expanded to July 24th 2020!!! Tomorrow is my payday and I will register to the Exam tomorrow!” ~ Clara

Get Deborah’s package

Deborah's Special Offer

Interview with Jennifer McLean

Topic: Growing Your Business is 99% Energy and 1% Business/Marketing

During this Call with Jennifer You Will:

  • Receive a Special Activation of Your Success Signature - the internal congruent frequency for consciously igniting your gifts!
  • Get clear on YOUR IDEAL CUSTOMERS through an inner process!
  • Learn how to COPYWRITE so YOUR customers are all in!
  • And much, much MORE...

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PERMANENTLY Shift Your Mood No Matter WHAT Shows Up! Get started now.!

Here’s what clients have to say about Jennifer!

  • “I have made so much progress with Jennifer's programs. Jennifer supports you on your own journey, and the shifts are real though subtle, and you realize one day, that you are thinking differently and that old patterns are shifting. Jennifer also explains the mechanics behind it, so that your brain can understand that you are not leaving it behind, but bringing it on board with your heart. Amazing work!!” ~ Mary Ann Joy
  • “The remaining vibrations of fear, anger & resentment, that I had been unaware I was still carrying, have been transformed! It feels quite literally like a transmutation from the lead ore of the old vibration of me, to a liquid gold... one that flows.. And could even transmute alchemically to almost any magical substance it needed to! I'm no longer afraid of losing the healings I've obtained because I'm no longer unknowingly carrying that undertone of resentment and dread!” ~ Anna
  • “The more I experience your healing gifts, I'm amazed at your ability to help people heal in order to be more productive and prosperous in their various endeavors. Jennifer, I humbly agree that your Spontaneous Transformation Technique has changed hundreds of thousands of lives over the last two decades, and also demonstrates that you are truly a divine force” ~ Anne)

Get Jennifer’s package

Jennifer's Special Offer

Interview with Dawn Crystal

Topic: New Start. New You: Face and Body Sculpting + Youth Renewal From the Inside Out

During this Call with Dawn You Will:

  • Discover the MOST POWERFUL METHOD for Face and Body Sculpting Plus Youth Renewal Fast & Easy!!!
  • Heal YOUR body at THE SOURCE… DNA!
  • Look and Feel the BEST YOU HAVE EVER FELT in years without lifting a finger!!
  • Experience Renewal and Youthful Radiance Fast & Easy!!!
  • Finally SCULPT that body and face WHILE YOU SLEEP!!!
  • And much, much MORE...

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Boost Your Vitality & Revive Your Youth Effortlessly Starting Today! Introductory Pricing Available (Limited Quantities)!

Here’s what clients have to say about Dawn!

  • “I am loving the Energy Centers mp3 as I listen to it a few days per week. I am feeling so much more connected and balanced!” ~ Sue
  • “I use the Clear your Energy Body mp3 everyday and I am feeling so much more Peaceful in my body.” ~ Constance (R.I.)
  • “I purchased hour Total Body Tune-Uo program and I always had weight issues even though I didn't eat much. The Metabolism boost mp3 changed my Life and I started losing weight without me even trying. Thank you so much!!!” ~ Melanie (Aus)
  • “I really enjoy the evening renewal mp3 as I am a empath and I tend to take on other people's energy. Boy! this mp3 clears out everything thats not me. Thankyou for such a great product!” ~ Ruth (B.C.)

Get Dawn’s package at Upto 71% off

Dawn's Special Offer

Interview with Virginia Rounds Griffiths

Topic: Fast & Effective Entity BE GONE Solution: Clear & Protect Yourself from Entities in this Time of Negativity!

During this Call with Virginia You Will:

  • Learn the Entity Cleansing for Loved Pets!
  • Find out how to AVOID NEGATIVE ENERGIES from Astral Field & DISTURBED SLEEP!
  • Discover may show up in YOUR Past Life & Ancestral Entities!
  • Clear the Geopathic Stress and its devastating energies!
  • Gain the POSITIVE ENERGY OF USING MP3’s for travel to Historic Sites!
  • And much, much MORE...

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Virginia’s remote healing and first group sessions starts this week. Save your seat now!

Free Gift From Virginia to our FHTJ Community

As we are all aware of the impact that this virus is having in our homes, community, country and the world with my Heart Team we have created a Corona Virus mp3.

This mp3 is embedded with frequencies and vibrations to deactivate, neutralize and scramble this virus.

Also embedded are frequencies and vibrations to calm the fear that is rampant and palpable also included is the Lemurian modality of ho’oponopono which is to ‘make right’.

This virus is driving the thoughts, feelings and emotions of wonderful people to experience fear, causing unnecessary anxiety in our neighbourhoods, countries and the world. It is with great humility and love in conjunction with FHTJ that we offer this with love. Please play and immerse yourself in these energies and we wish you good health.

Here’s what clients have to say about Virginia!

  • “Within a few minutes I started feeling better. I only wish I had my internet working so I could have called Virginia. She’s the entity worker, moving bad energies to the light.” ~Nerissa UK
  • “Sometimes I can pick up entities too! A sure sign is when I have a headache or feel physically rough. When I’ve picked up any entity I have more negative thoughts and a little crabby, sometimes angry.” ~ Shona UK
  • “On top of all of this, she even sent me an audio so I can clear entities in my home on a regular basis. Wow! What more could you ask for? She is – literally - a godsend! I would highly recommend her.” ~ Aisling UK
  • “It amazes me how accurate Virginia's transmissions are, she truely is the epitome of an energy healer in every way and I thank her for making herself so accessible to everyone.” ~ KSK

Get Virginia’s package at Upto 90% off

Virginia's Special Offer

Interview with Vera Mirna

Topic: Shifting Into Divine Connection: Empower Your Relationships with Limitless Intimacy, Connection & Healing – Attract the Right People in Your Life – And Experience Pure Bliss Relationships That Last

During this Call with Vera You Will:

  • Discover the NO.1 WAY TO IMPROVE all of your relationships fast!
  • Find out what’s been holding you back from having DEEPER HEART-CENTERED relationships!!
  • Learn how to ENERGETICALLY SAY YES! to letting the best relationships in!!
  • Discover the secret tools that allow your loved ones to HELP YOU MANIFEST BETTER RELATIONSHIP!!
  • Experience the groundbreaking Partner Proxy Remote Healing Energies live on the call for the first time ever!!
  • And much, much MORE...

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Say YES to Healthy Relationships & Divine Connection Today. Limited Time Offer. Get Started Now!

Here’s what clients have to say about Vera!

  • “Vera, you are a miracle. You have no idea what happened after our session on clearing the lack of support from God. My kids were doing the dishes! All by themselves. You don’t understand, this is a big deal. I’ve never been able to get them to do housework even when I paid them. Now it’s getting done without me having to ask. I couldn’t ask for a better miracle!” ~ L.F.
  • “I wasn’t expecting much for Christmas since it had been a hard year with lots of ups and downs. Still, I thought it would be fun to ask for a Christmas that would exceed my expectations. When I opened my gift from my partner, I was astounded to discover diamond jewelry! I have been asking for more luxury lately and this definitely fits the bill.” ~ J.B.
  • “I have been listening to Vera's audio almost everyday... and I am feeling much lighter since the beginning of listening. My stress levels are much lower now as well and the way I handle things has definitely changed! I finally can manifest peace and that is very comforting to me. I've shared the audio with my 11 yr old daughter and she feels a lot of sensations in her body and we are both using Vera's clearing statements every day! I highly recommend Vera... she's amazing!” ~ Ramam K.

Get Vera’s package at Upto 96% off

Vera's Special Offer

Interview with Dawn Crystal

Topic: New Start. New You: Face and Body Sculpting + Youth Renewal From the Inside Out

During this Call with Dawn You Will:

  • Discover the MOST POWERFUL METHOD for Face and Body Sculpting Plus Youth Renewal Fast & Easy!!!
  • Heal YOUR body at THE SOURCE… DNA!
  • Look and Feel the BEST YOU HAVE EVER FELT in years without lifting a finger!!
  • Experience Renewal and Youthful Radiance Fast & Easy!!!
  • Finally SCULPT that body and face WHILE YOU SLEEP!!!
  • And much, much MORE...

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Alternate Player

Boost Your Vitality & Revive Your Youth Effortlessly Starting Today! Introductory Pricing Available (Limited Quantities)!

Here’s what clients have to say about Dawn!

  • “I am loving the Energy Centers mp3 as I listen to it a few days per week. I am feeling so much more connected and balanced!” ~ Sue
  • “I use the Clear your Energy Body mp3 everyday and I am feeling so much more Peaceful in my body.” ~ Constance (R.I.)
  • “I purchased hour Total Body Tune-Uo program and I always had weight issues even though I didn't eat much. The Metabolism boost mp3 changed my Life and I started losing weight without me even trying. Thank you so much!!!” ~ Melanie (Aus)
  • “I really enjoy the evening renewal mp3 as I am a empath and I tend to take on other people's energy. Boy! this mp3 clears out everything thats not me. Thankyou for such a great product!” ~ Ruth (B.C.)

Get Dawn’s package at Upto 71% off

Dawn's Special Offer

Interview with Vera Mirna

Topic: Shifting Into Divine Connection: Empower Your Relationships with Limitless Intimacy, Connection & Healing – Attract the Right People in Your Life – And Experience Pure Bliss Relationships That Last

During this Call with Vera You Will:

  • Discover the NO.1 WAY TO IMPROVE all of your relationships fast!
  • Find out what’s been holding you back from having DEEPER HEART-CENTERED relationships!!
  • Learn how to ENERGETICALLY SAY YES! to letting the best relationships in!!
  • Discover the secret tools that allow your loved ones to HELP YOU MANIFEST BETTER RELATIONSHIP!!
  • Experience the groundbreaking Partner Proxy Remote Healing Energies live on the call for the first time ever!!
  • And much, much MORE...

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Say YES to Healthy Relationships & Divine Connection Today. Limited Time Offer. Get Started Now!

Here’s what clients have to say about Vera!

  • “Vera, you are a miracle. You have no idea what happened after our session on clearing the lack of support from God. My kids were doing the dishes! All by themselves. You don’t understand, this is a big deal. I’ve never been able to get them to do housework even when I paid them. Now it’s getting done without me having to ask. I couldn’t ask for a better miracle!” ~ L.F.
  • “I wasn’t expecting much for Christmas since it had been a hard year with lots of ups and downs. Still, I thought it would be fun to ask for a Christmas that would exceed my expectations. When I opened my gift from my partner, I was astounded to discover diamond jewelry! I have been asking for more luxury lately and this definitely fits the bill.” ~ J.B.
  • “I have been listening to Vera's audio almost everyday... and I am feeling much lighter since the beginning of listening. My stress levels are much lower now as well and the way I handle things has definitely changed! I finally can manifest peace and that is very comforting to me. I've shared the audio with my 11 yr old daughter and she feels a lot of sensations in her body and we are both using Vera's clearing statements every day! I highly recommend Vera... she's amazing!” ~ Ramam K.

Get Vera’s package at Upto 96% off

Vera's Special Offer

Interview with Virginia Rounds Griffiths

Topic: Fast & Effective Entity BE GONE Solution: Clear & Protect Yourself from Entities in this Time of Negativity!

During this Call with Virginia You Will:

  • Learn the Entity Cleansing for Loved Pets!
  • Find out how to AVOID NEGATIVE ENERGIES from Astral Field & DISTURBED SLEEP!
  • Discover may show up in YOUR Past Life & Ancestral Entities!
  • Clear the Geopathic Stress and its devastating energies!
  • Gain the POSITIVE ENERGY OF USING MP3’s for travel to Historic Sites!
  • And much, much MORE...

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The Entity Be Gone Solution is For People, House, Pets, Public Transport Clearing From Entities & Other Negative Energies. Get Started Now!

Here’s what clients have to say about Virginia!

  • “Within a few minutes I started feeling better. I only wish I had my internet working so I could have called Virginia. She’s the entity worker, moving bad energies to the light.” ~Nerissa UK
  • “Sometimes I can pick up entities too! A sure sign is when I have a headache or feel physically rough. When I’ve picked up any entity I have more negative thoughts and a little crabby, sometimes angry.” ~ Shona UK
  • “On top of all of this, she even sent me an audio so I can clear entities in my home on a regular basis. Wow! What more could you ask for? She is – literally - a godsend! I would highly recommend her.” ~ Aisling UK
  • “It amazes me how accurate Virginia's transmissions are, she truely is the epitome of an energy healer in every way and I thank her for making herself so accessible to everyone.” ~ KSK

Get Virginia’s package at Upto 90% off

Virginia's Special Offer

Interview with Wilma David

Topic: Activate Your Divine Angelic Lifeline: Complete Transformation to Remove Toxic Energies, Restore Perfect Health, Attract Wealth & Live Angelically

During this Call with Wilma You Will:

  • Attune you to your HIGHER SELF COMMUNICATION!
  • Discover the Auric TUNING and CLEARING of Energetic field!
  • Feel the Angels beaming their HEALING LOVE & LIGHT on YOU!
  • Receive visions about what to do next in AREAS OF YOUR LIFE THAT NEEDS HEALING!
  • Identify YOUR limiting BELIEF AND BLOCKAGES!
  • Cosmically CONNECT YOU to your own SPIRIT GUIDE ANGEL!!!
  • And much, much MORE...

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Cleanse, Heal and Remove All Blockages NOW! Offer Available This Week ONLY!!

Here’s what clients have to say about Wilma!

  • “I have availed of Wilma's remote healing an I can say it is very powerful and yielded very helpful results” ~ Raidis Gascon
  • “Thanks so much for your healing and my face went back to normal after a week. It's so powerful." Thank you for boosting my immune system too!!” ~ Hilda David
  • “You're aura is beautiful Wilma. I have sensed this since meeting you. I have been off my true path for a long time now due to blockages. I met you for a reason and thank you for clearing my blockages!” ~ Anne Patel
  • “Incredible Experience! I'm already feeling a significant difference! I feel at peace and relaxed. I highly recommend it. Thank you so much.”~ Minerva Soriano

Get Wilma’s package at Upto 87% off

Wilma's Special Offer

Interview with Dawn Crystal

Topic: Complete Dental Health: Clearings & Activations for Life

During this Call with Dawn You Will:

  • Discover the Most Fastest & Most Natural way for Dental Health with Source Energy Frequencies!!!
  • Gain the Most Powerful Energy that hit planet Earth to HEAL ALL YOUR Dental issues FAST & EASY!!!
  • Experience Source Energy to Heal ALL your Dental Concerns in Record time Miraculously to YOUR Divine template of Perfection!
  • Find out how the Voice Sound Healing with Source Frequencies Heal & Repair your teeth in only Minutes per day.. Without leaving your house!!!
  • And much, much more...

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Eliminate mouth problems with the Crystal Sound Frequencies Without EVER Going To An Expensive Dentist. Get Started NOW!

Here’s what clients have to say about Dawn!

  • “Wow!!! I can't believe how Stronger & Whiter my teeth look after only listening for one week! Love ya!” ~ Patricia (NV.)
  • “My Chipped Tooth is magically fixed and I and getting compliments on how White my Teeth Look! This program is a Miracle Solution! Bless You” ~ Dawn...Bonnie (FL.)
  • “I have been listening to the Modules for 3 days now and my teeth feel so much Cleaner and my gums don't hurt anymore. Thank-you” ~ Rob (CA)
  • “I Love Love Love all Dawn's programs and how this programs delivers above & beyond my expectations! Bless you Always!” ~ Sondra C. (UK)

Get Dawn’s package at Upto 81% off

Dawn's Special Offer

Interview with Deborah Werner

Topic: Energy Protection & Survival Kit: Instant Energy Clearing & Protection with the Power of Flower Essences

During this Call with Deborah You Will:

  • Find out HOW TO STOP ENERGY VAMPIRES, narcissists and anyone who tries to drag you down BY INCREASING YOUR AURA WITH FLOWER ESSENCE!
  • Learn how to Lovingly PROTECT YOUR ENERGY BY USING FLOWER ESSENCE most importantly now with COVID, the election, and rioting!
  • Discover how to stop taking on other’s pain and group thoughts by Increasing YOUR aura and protecting YOURSELF with THE POWER OF FLOWERS!!
  • Find out how flower essences lovingly PROTECT AND INCREASE YOUR AURA to have Strong and Healthy boundaries! Especially when you have close contact with our front-liners!
  • Discover how you can make a difference in this world just by having the Highest Vibration possible and to easily shift out of struggle and take charge of your energy every day with the POWER OF FLOWERS!!!
  • Learn how to STOP BEING A PEOPLE PLEASER... Letting everyone “step on your toes” and take advantage of you with the Loving Protection of flower essences!
  • And much, much more...

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Deborah's Live Group Healing Session Happens on November 6th! Save Your Seat NOW!

Here’s what clients have to say about Deborah!

  • “I felt a huge shift when you misted someone regarding narcissist and protection” ~ Lila
  • “When you remotely misted me with Loving Protection, it felt like a warm blanket surrounded me!” ~ Eram Saeed
  • “Thank you, since signing up for your package, I have just been blessed with the most amazing business collaboration in my life!” ~ Mary Jo
  • “My daughter actually went to her first day of school! Thank you Deborah for helping her with her anxiety.”~ Dana M

Get Deborah’s package at Upto 88% off

Deborah's Special Offer

Interview with Robin Friedman

Topic: 100% Abundance Alignment!
Magnetize Your Intentions from the Inside Out

During this Call with Robin You Will:

  • Learn the three MAIN REASONS why YOU are NOT GETTING WHAT YOU WANT!!!
  • Find out what percentage of YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS is in alignment with YOUR GOAL!!
  • Discover YOUR Personal Abundance Rating!!
  • Discover which unconscious BELIEFS are operating in your subconscious!!
  • See what your ABUNDANCE WALL is made out of!!
  • And much, much MORE...

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Live Group Sessions for 100% Abundance Alignment Begin This Week! Save Your Seat Now!

Here’s what clients have to say about Robin!

  • “Even with Covid, I am so profitable that I paid off all the debts, gave myself a raise and am taking time off!” ~ Karen Donaldson
  • “I was approached with a dream job which I accepted!” ~ I.P.
  • “My abundance level went from 46% to 98%! Now I have more clients and am flooded with inspiration!” ~ Helen McConnell
  • “My career alignment went from 86 to 98. After this I was offered a position with a $20,000 pay raise!” ~ S.J

Get Robin’s package at Upto 89% off

Robin's Special Offer

Interview with Donna Marie

FREE SPECIAL FHTJ Call: CLEARING and REALIGNMENT to help Navigate these Challenging times

During this Call with Donna You Will:

If you,like many others are feeling a bit discombobulated from the external noise that is being imposed upon us as a collective at this time (especially with regards to Covid and the US Elections)and would like to step back into your own place of calm and wellbeing then this call is an opportunity to LIFT/CLEAR and RESET your own vibrational alignment so that you can navigate from a better place of integrated awareness free of fear.

This energy is meant to uplift and realign for greater awareness ,WISDOM and ascension in our vibrational frequencies.❤️

Which will in-turn prepare and support us for the closing of 2020.

One hour of connectedness to release all anxiety and overwhelm will surely give you the perspective and detachment to set you back into alignment and on course to move with greater flow and ease in whatever life sends your way.

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Listen now to LIFT/CLEAR and RESET your own vibrational alignment during these challenging times.

Interview with Dipal Shah

Topic: Rapid Fat Loss at Quantum Speed:
The Secret to Losing Weight & Keeping it Off!

During this Call with Dipal You Will:

  • Discover why nearly 40% of American adults are clinically overweight (it is NOT what you think)
  • Understand why you are having a hard time losing weight and keeping it off (it is NOT your fault)
  • Learn the secret to help you lose weight without all the hassle and fad diets
  • Understand why even If you tried every diet plan out there, you still can't seem to lose the weight (it is NOT what you are eating)
  • Learn the #1 cause of losing weight and gaining it back
  • Experience a mini ENERGETIC Liposuction
  • And much, much more...

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Brand new live group session plus remote healing included in package B.

Here’s what clients have to say about Dipal!

  • “From 267 lbs, I’m down 66 lbs... I went from a size 24 to a size 14.” ~ Marie
  • “Entire body went limp, I felt like Jello..Lost 10 lbs” ~ Katlyn
  • “I lost 40 lbs and my cravings diminished” ~ Bryan

Get Dipal’s package at Upto 60% off

Dipal's Special Offer

Interview with Robin Friedman

Topic: 100% Abundance Alignment!
Magnetize Your Intentions from the Inside Out

During this Call with Robin You Will:

  • Learn the three MAIN REASONS why YOU are NOT GETTING WHAT YOU WANT!!!
  • Find out what percentage of YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS is in alignment with YOUR GOAL!!
  • Discover YOUR Personal Abundance Rating!!
  • Discover which unconscious BELIEFS are operating in your subconscious!!
  • See what your ABUNDANCE WALL is made out of!!
  • And much, much MORE...

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Tier 2 Now Available for 50 People! Get Your Personalized Abundance Score NOW!

Here’s what clients have to say about Robin!

  • “Even with Covid, I am so profitable that I paid off all the debts, gave myself a raise and am taking time off!” ~ Karen Donaldson
  • “I was approached with a dream job which I accepted!” ~ I.P.
  • “My abundance level went from 46% to 98%! Now I have more clients and am flooded with inspiration!” ~ Helen McConnell
  • “My career alignment went from 86 to 98. After this I was offered a position with a $20,000 pay raise!” ~ S.J

Get Robin’s package at Upto 89% off

Robin's Special Offer

Interview with Marlene Allen

Topic: Energetic Fountain Of Youth Magical Makeover
Become 10 Years Younger within 60 days! Guaranteed!

During this Call with Marlene You Will:

  • Learn what to do to REVERSE Biological Age by 10 Years or More, in 60 Days or Less​!​
  • Discover the Secret to Feeling and LOOKING 10 Years Younger in 60 Days​...​
  • Find out why 87% of all midlife women suffer from ACCELERATED Aging​!​
  • Understand the connection between the health of your thyroid and aging
  • Learn how ​Magical Cellular Makeover Taps into Your Own Fountain of Youth​!!!​
  • Discover the Done-For-You Solution to Vitality and Longevity for Decades to Come!
  • Learn how to ​pay attention to your body’s signals and Discover and Correct​...​ the ROOT CAUSE of fatigue, headaches and all of the signs of Accelerated Aging​!!!
  • And much, much MORE...

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The Secret Protocol Only Known By Royalty and Celebrities For Millennia to Recapture The Vitality Of Youth! Get Started NOW!

Here’s what clients have to say about Marlene!

  • “I Actually Started Reversing My Age!”
  • “I Haven’t Weighed This Little Since High School!”
  • “I Look Amazing AND My Body Adjusted Back To What It Was Over A Decade Ago, This Is AMAZING!!!”
  • “Looking And Feeling Great Is Now Effortless!”
  • “I Probably Added 10 Years To My Life, You Couldn't Ask For More!”

Get Marlene’s package at Upto 90% off

Marlene's Special Offer

Interview with Wilma David

Topic: Activate Your Divine Angelic Lifeline: Complete Transformation to Remove Toxic Energies, Restore Perfect Health, Attract Wealth & Live Angelically

During this Call with Wilma You Will:

  • Attune you to your HIGHER SELF COMMUNICATION!
  • Discover the Auric TUNING and CLEARING of Energetic field!
  • Feel the Angels beaming their HEALING LOVE & LIGHT on YOU!
  • Receive visions about what to do next in AREAS OF YOUR LIFE THAT NEEDS HEALING!
  • Identify YOUR limiting BELIEF AND BLOCKAGES!
  • Cosmically CONNECT YOU to your own SPIRIT GUIDE ANGEL!!!
  • And much, much MORE...

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Prices Going Up By $100! Book Your Session Now.

Here’s what clients have to say about Wilma!

  • “I have availed of Wilma's remote healing an I can say it is very powerful and yielded very helpful results” ~ Raidis Gascon
  • “Thanks so much for your healing and my face went back to normal after a week. It's so powerful." Thank you for boosting my immune system too!!” ~ Hilda David
  • “You're aura is beautiful Wilma. I have sensed this since meeting you. I have been off my true path for a long time now due to blockages. I met you for a reason and thank you for clearing my blockages!” ~ Anne Patel
  • “Incredible Experience! I'm already feeling a significant difference! I feel at peace and relaxed. I highly recommend it. Thank you so much.”~ Minerva Soriano

Get Wilma’s package at Upto 87% off

Wilma's Special Offer

Interview with Julia Maré

Topic: Complete Pain-Free Living: Super Fast Knee and Back Pain Relief!

During this Call with Julia You Will:

  • Be prepared to LIVE A PAIN-FREE LIFE!
  • Learn the PAST EXPERIENCES that we have not let go of, manifest pain or disease!
  • Be ready to let go of the story and CELEBRATE NOW!
  • Learn what it takes to EXPERIENCE EVEN GREATER HEALTH than you ever considered!!
  • Discover what is YOUR BODY trying to tell YOU!
  • And much, much more...

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Add 1 Additional Family Member or Friend to Julia's Group Healing Sessions. Available for a Limited Time!

Here’s what clients have to say about Julia!

  • “For first time in ages did not crave sugar, I wasn’t drawn to it and it had little appeal which is amazing. My blood sugar levels went down and are essentially normal. I have not craved sugar for weeks!” ~ Lynda R.
  • “My session with Julia was so good! She's very wise, highly intuitive, kind, very loving and supporting. I felt totally lifted up afterwards . Pain levels in my neck, head and back were 7 on a scale from 1 to 10. Well, maybe 8 for my head as I was dealing with a flu virus which gave me high fever and huge headache. In the session the pain levels dropped to a 2” ~ Wim, Germany
  • “Thank you, since signing up for your package, I have just been blessed with the most amazing business collaboration in my life!” ~ Mary Jo
  • “For the past several weeks I have had hip pain in my right hip when going for my daily walk. The pain level was at about a 6. I could still walk, but I could tell I was favoring it. During Julia's session, I could feel things starting to move because the pain went to my left knee and then my left ankle. She said it was my left side that was hurting and my right hip was compensating for this! I couldn't wait to go for my walk to test this theory. I am thrilled to say that my hip no longer hurts! There is 0 pain on my walks now. I am grateful for this work Julia!.”~ Gretchen Pritts

Get Julia’s package at Upto 92% off

Julia's Special Offer

Interview with Deborah Werner

Topic: Energy Protection & Survival Kit: Instant Energy Clearing & Protection with the Power of Flower Essences

During this Call with Deborah You Will:

  • Find out HOW TO STOP ENERGY VAMPIRES, narcissists and anyone who tries to drag you down BY INCREASING YOUR AURA WITH FLOWER ESSENCE!
  • Learn how to Lovingly PROTECT YOUR ENERGY BY USING FLOWER ESSENCE most importantly now with COVID, the election, and rioting!
  • Discover how to stop taking on other’s pain and group thoughts by Increasing YOUR aura and protecting YOURSELF with THE POWER OF FLOWERS!!
  • Find out how flower essences lovingly PROTECT AND INCREASE YOUR AURA to have Strong and Healthy boundaries! Especially when you have close contact with our front-liners!
  • Discover how you can make a difference in this world just by having the Highest Vibration possible and to easily shift out of struggle and take charge of your energy every day with the POWER OF FLOWERS!!!
  • Learn how to STOP BEING A PEOPLE PLEASER... Letting everyone “step on your toes” and take advantage of you with the Loving Protection of flower essences!
  • And much, much more...

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Additional 30 Day Remote Misting Bonus Extended! Get Yours Now!

Here’s what clients have to say about Deborah!

  • “I felt a huge shift when you misted someone regarding narcissist and protection” ~ Lila
  • “When you remotely misted me with Loving Protection, it felt like a warm blanket surrounded me!” ~ Eram Saeed
  • “Thank you, since signing up for your package, I have just been blessed with the most amazing business collaboration in my life!” ~ Mary Jo
  • “My daughter actually went to her first day of school! Thank you Deborah for helping her with her anxiety.”~ Dana M

Get Deborah’s package at Upto 88% off

Deborah's Special Offer

Interview with Vera Mirna

Topic: Easy Beauty Facelift: Awaken Your Unique Fountain Of Youth At Quantum Speed

During this Call with Vera You Will:

  • Learn how to reverse time in your favor!
  • Find out how to bring in your Divine Beauty Blueprint!
  • Learn how to Look & Feel Half Your Age With Diminished Wrinkles, Fine Lines, Scars and Age Spots!​
  • Learn how to Feel Beautiful everyday with or without make-up & receive constant compliments!
  • Discover how to bring back your infinite youthfulness!
  • Learn To Achieve Faster Weight Loss and Gain More Body Tone!
  • Learn how to enjoy improved relationships on all levels! Better sex and more intimacy!
  • Learn the connection between having beauty and having money and abundance!
  • And much, much more...

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Get Your 3 MONTHS (90 DAYS) of 24 x 7 Intense Powerful Remote Energy Transmissions NOW! Offer Available for a Limited Time.

Here’s what clients have to say about Vera!

  • “This Facelift Is The BOMB!!! It Worked For Me In One Day! People Keep Asking Me What Skin Care Product I Use!!!” ~ Donna
  • “With The Easy Beauty Facelift, Twice this week I've been mistaken for someone 20 years younger than me!” ~ Angela
  • “Thank you Vera. My Under Eye Bags Are Less Prominent And There Is A Certain Glow To My Face!!!” ~ Suku
  • “Youthful appearance in my face, eyes lifted up, and skin not so saggy. Thank you!!!”~ G.
  • “My sister commented that I looked slimmer! My skin looks younger too! Thank you Vera!!” ~ A.k
  • “After Just A Week My Face Is Brighter & My Skin Smoother” ~ Mala

Get Vera’s package at Upto 95% off

Vera's Special Offer

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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.  SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

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