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Eram Saeed

Session with  Eram Saeed

Topic: Unleashing Your Spiritual Awakening: 3 Myths that Keep Spiritual People Stuck

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November Replay

Limited sessions available. Be sure to book yours today.

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Eram!

  • I took a 1-1 session with Eram last year. I could feel the energy shifting even while she was talking and gently guiding me. It was as if the sound of her voice was healing my soul. Today I am messaging almost exactly a year later and my life has changed 180 degrees! That one session with Eram truly changed my life. I would recommend it with full confidence.~ Maria
  • I started the session with Eram with feelings of deep pain. I told her I could t remember the last time I had felt a sliver of peace or happiness. She did her clearings on me and after receiving the clearing and balancing activation I was blissed out! I can’t believe how much peace and joy has replaced the feelings of pain and grief…. All in just one session!~  Kathy
  • I was totally blocked in my creative abilities and that’s why I took Erams session. I usually write and paint but couldn’t do it for past few years. After the session, I got so inspired that I painted non stop for next few days. I haven’t produced this much in years! I am using all her mp3s and I can FEEL the energy shifting as I listen and when I want to feel blissed out I use the balancing mp3s. They work!~  Ann

Sessions with  Karina Grant

Topic: Fountain of Youth Supercharger IAS Course

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Save $300 with Early Bird Pricing. Available for a Limited Time Only.

Topic: The Intelligent Anti-Aging Serum (IAS): Youthen Your Face, Body and Brain!

IAS Call Replay

30 Days Remote Healing Bonus for FREE! Available for a Limited Time Only.

Here’s what clients have to say about Karina!

  • Karina caters wonderfully to such diverse groups. I believe this is the first training I have completed that heals the practitioner and takes great care of them, so they can help others. Wonderful!~ Rosena Johnson, UK Clinical Lead Physiotherapist, UK Athletics Disability team for Paralympics
  • This was one of the most powerful and resourceful 7 hours I have ever experienced. As someone who struggles with the symptoms of ME/CFS, depression, anxiety and being highly sensitive, Karina’s tools here made me feel so safe, capable and loving. Highly, highly recommend.~ Sara Bazrielli, UK
  • I’ve used Karina’s techniques to treat patients who are suffering from anxiety. I’ve seen it help alleviate mental stress very, very rapidly.I don’t know any other technique that’s easier or more effective.~  Lisa Jennings, Former NHS Psychotherapist (now in private practice) & Nutritionist, London UK

Session with  Dawn Krystal

Topic: Quantum Radiance Rebirth: Unlocking Your Radiant Renewal in 2024 and Beyond

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Get 60 Days Remote Healing When You Join Now! Only Available for a Limited Time.

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Dawn!

  • The inside of my arms filled back in loosing the wrinkles I believe someone put or did a chemical on my hands and arms. I had red what looked like a burn on my hands. There were areas small that wouldn't heal. The red has turned brown. The wound is healed . The wrinkles are slowly going away.~ Kellie
  • I have noticed using this program and my Whole Life Depression has gone away in only 1 week of listening!~  Love, Bryan (NM)
  • I have experienced Anti Aging for several weeks and recently purchased your facelift. Amazing results ... but as my boyfriend is experiencing both Anti Aging and the pain Package. Thank you for being here for us, Dawn~  Mahalo

Session with  Kaye Lee

Topic: Healing Access Codes

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Buy One Get One FREE Available For a VERY Limited Time! Plus, Receive an Additional 30 Days Remote Healing When You Join Today.!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Kaye!

  • I have personally reviewed and tested the Healing Access Codes with Kaye and have felt the energy shifts instantly. As someone who is highly sensitive to energetic changes as they happen I can highly recommend his Healing Access Codes. I felt each change happen in real time and in the specific places being targeted.~ KARINA GRANT, Healer And Teacher
  • I have experienced palpable, real time sustained resolution of GI issues during command healing sessions with Kaye.~  DR. JO PELHO - Scientist U.K
  • “Helped Release Much Trauma Stored Within My Cells from My Personal Life and Working as Nurse through the Covid Pandemic. I have done much shadow and healing work and something feels very complete for me now. I think it helped release much trauma stored within my cells from my personal life and working as a nurse and ending with working through the Covid pandemic. It was ready to go. It was no longer serving me and Kaye’s work and scripts were so complete it felt extremely safe and calm. I would highly recommend his work” ~  G.

Session with  Virginia Rounds Griffiths

Topic: Breathe with Ease

Enjoy The Miracle of Clear Airways for Respiratory Harmony

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Only 30 Sessions Available. Book Yours Today!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Virginia!

  • During the group sessions my lungs cleared completely from scale 6 to 0 and I feel lighter and easy to breath now.~ Rose Delic
  • I went from 10-to 1 for sinus headache, sinus pressure, watering eyes, and sneezing.I was able to completely stop taking any over-the-counter medications.~  Marjorie
  • My cough was a 9 before and is now a 2. Trachea was 8, now 0. Sinuses, right nostril was blocked and was a 2, now 0. Lungs are clear, my throat was a 2, now 0. Virginia even checked our brain stem and brain and frontal cortex. All good and clear for me!~  Deborah

Session with Chameice Daniel

Topic: Abundance 7.0

Actualizing Your 7D Abundance Blueprint

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Special Pricing Available Now for a Limited Time Only! Step into Your 7D Abundance Blueprint Today.

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Chameice!

  • “I have to tell you the best thing ever! I did what you told me and today I got a cheque in the mail for over £2000!!!! I couldn’t believe it. I had given up on getting this money because it was from years ago. Love you and your program Chameice!!!"!” ~ Maureen Thompson
  • “When I started this program with Chameice I was shopping for publishers for my book. I was willing to try anything to land a publishing contract. During my first session with Chameice, she showed me how many abundance blocks I had. I didn’t realize how negative I had become and how negatively I talked about my dreams. I had received so many rejections trying to find a publisher that I had emotionally given up! She busted me on my self-sabotage so I could start getting exactly what I want and I did! A publishing contract that was far more than I thought possible. She is a Goddess! Just do it. You will thank me.” ~ Katrina Polinski

Session with Karina Grant

Topic: The Intelligent Anti-Aging Serum (IAS): Youthen Your Face, Body and Brain!

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Receive an Extra 30 Days Remote Healing for FREE When You Join Now! Expiring Soon.

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Karina!

  • “She is an absolutely incredible healing practitioner. If you have the chance to have a session with her I highly recommend it. The energy is palpable, very relaxing and amazing!” ~ Tyroon Win, Consultant at The London College of Psychic Studies ME/CFS/depression
  • “Karina’s training was one of the most powerful and resourceful 7 hours I have ever experienced.” ~ Sara Bazrielli, UK
  • “I originally contacted Karina in November, 2021. A car accident 34 years earlier had shifted my pelvis, causing me to limp and have constant pain on one side of my body. No therapist had been able to help me. Karina has done what no other therapist, in the US or the UK, has been able to do in 34 years. The result? I now use my leg and back muscles appropriately. My spine is straight, my limp has disappeared and my pain and stiffness are much reduced. Thank you, Karina!” ~ Thalassa Scholl, writer

Session with Eram Saeed

Topic: Sacred Sufi Soul Cleansing: Unlock the power of Ancient, Secret Healing for IMMEDIATE Transformation in Just 5 Minutes!

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Right now Eram can only offer 1-1 sessions for 20 people, and the price will never be this low again. Secure Your Spot Now!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Eram!

  • “I took a 1-1 session with Eram last year. I could feel the energy shifting even while she was talking and gently guiding me. It was as if the sound of her voice was healing my soul. Today I am messaging almost exactly a year later and my life has changed 180 degrees! That one session with Eram truly changed my life. I would recommend it with full confidence.” ~ Maria
  • “I approached Eram Saeed when I had had a big fight with my son. I felt such an extreme level of anger and hatred towards him that I was shocked. In the session with Eram I felt my heart would burst and I was feeling extreme despair and overwhelm. She immediately calmed me down and told me this was the effect of a combination of evil eye and entity attachment. She worked on me for 15 minutes and then told me to relax and take deep breaths. I felt 80% of my extreme feelings and had dissipated already. After I drank some water she worked on me some more. I felt all the negativity was completely gone!  An hour after my session I was working in the kitchen and caught myself singing! The extreme negativity had turned into absolute bliss! What an amazing and truly shocking transformation !!!” ~ Sonia

Session with Kari Alajoki

Topic: Quantum Dental Health: Energetically Repair and Prevent Major Dental Challenges that Affect Your Whole Body!!

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Early Bird Prices Available Through Tuesday! Secure Your Spot Today.

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Kari!

  • “After starting the program ,I didn’t have any headaches this week. I am now experiencing very little breast pain, a big reduction in the sharp breast pain I often experienced.” ~ Sharon B.
  • “During the time that I was receiving Kari’s healing I experienced a strength both mental and emotional which also translates to a more balanced physical state. Before the healing my teeth were sensitive and my gums had inflammation. They are now feeling overall healthy. I am very grateful to Kari for her dedication and standout healing abilities. I look forward to continuing my journey with her in the restorative program.” ~ S.C.
  • “My teeth feel better. They don’t hurt and I felt some vibrating in my teeth. My gums don’t seem to be bleeding or swollen like they were.” ~ Maria Z.

Session with Hillary Faye

Topic: Crystal Chamber Biofield Repair: Activate 7 Layers of Divine Protection To Revitalize and Protect Your ENTIRE Energy Body!

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Prices go up Thursday! Be sure to secure your spot NOW.

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Hillary!

  • “I was so down before I started using these MP3s. I was no longer able to channel or feel connected, and I felt walloped by heavy energy. The amount that was cleared through these MP3s absolutely astonished me. I am channeling divine messages again. I highly recommend this program for anyone who feels the need for support with clearing and protection.” ~ Jennifer B
  • “This program changed my life! I feel the best I felt in decades! I love falling asleep to the healing transmission MP3s. They are also amazing to do in the morning! It's the most powerful healing energy I've ever felt!” ~ Elliot C .
  • “Every time I was around my family, I felt I was taking on so much dense unconscious energy. After using the Crystal Chamber Aura Repair program when I spend time with my family I no longer feel down, tired or drained - I actually feel incredible and so divinely protected!” ~ Samantha V.

Session with Dawn Crystal

Topic: Complete Brain Health
Function Restoration for a Long Healthy Life

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Your brain's potential is limitless – unlock it now! Available This Weekend ONLY!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Dawn!

  • “I feel the Powerful Sound Vibrations from Source when I listen to the mp3's! They make me feel so Awesome & I can feel them working.” ~ Julus
  • “Love Love Love!!! My new Body!!! So simple and easy ...” ~ Alexandra P.
  • “Wow! I am seeing the weight melt off and it's only been a week!” ~ Michael

Session with Boris Aranovich & Annette Graucob

Topic - The Hydrogen Revolution
From Deep Cellular Awakening to Age-Defying Power

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Offer Available Through Sunday Only! Save Up to $500 Now.

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Boris & Annette!

  • I am 14 years old and have had problems with acne. My mom came home with a hydrogen device, and she told me to drink and inhale hydrogen and also to spray hydrogenized water on my face. Well, I did as I was told, which was three weeks ago, and now my acne is totally gone! Sometimes, mom knows best I guess. Thank you. . ~Peter Stan
  • I did a little experiment with all my pets. They don’t listen to commercials and they always know what’s best for them… I thought that if my pets prefer hydrogen water, then I will buy the machine.
    So I put regular tap water, ionized water and hydrogen water next to each other so my pets could choose. ALL of them, even the horses, chose the hydrogen water at first opportunity, so I said to myself: OK. That’s a quality test I can trust! Bring it on!.~ Helena Tibblin
  • My dog had a deep wound on her front paw. I put her whole paw in a bucket filled with hydrogen water to soak for a couple of minutes as often as I could during the day. The wound never got infected and healed faster than anything I have ever seen. The funniest thing happend the third day: I came into the kitchen and there she is – with her little paw in the bucket with hydrogen water - all by herself!!! Animals are amazingly smart!  ~ Annica Bergqvist

Session with Sohail Khan

Topic: Quantum Oracle Reading

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Sessions Available Through the Weekend Only. Grab Yours Now.

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Sohail!

  • This was truly the most profound reading of my entire life! ~ Liz
  • After my session was over I was in a daze thinking of everything he said!~ June
  • Transcendental level up from other oracles I have consulted!.Maria

Session with Cristina Bevir


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FREE VIP Package Available Only Through Wednesday When You Join Radical Physical Transformation & 100% Ascension!

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Cristina!

  • I don't recognise the old me anymore and the "new me" is more me than I ever thought was possible ~ Lauren T
  • I'm not one given to quoting sacred texts, but there's only one phrase I can use to describe how I felt after experiencing Cristina's work - being in the world but not of it. There's no price I can put on the feeling of peace that has brought me. ~ M.B. Oxford
  • I'm not as negatively affected by what's happening around me anymore, and those things that happened in the past - it's almost as if they happened to me in another life, or to someone else. I can't begin to describe how free I finally feel, and, how freeing it is to know that I can use your audios to keep freeing myself to higher and higher levels. ~ M. G. London

Session with Virginia Rounds Griffiths

Topic: Full Spectrum Heart Healing

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Don't Miss Out! Grab Virginia's FREE 21 Day Power Boost Bonus and Special Pricing for a Limited Time Only.

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Virginia!

  • I did your grounding tool on Tuesday and brought my blood pressure down to 126/73, pulse 57. That is excellent for me! ~ Deborah
  • This tool is more than life saving because I now can control my stress and make it work for me not against me as in the past. Words are inadequate — thank you, thank you, thank you!~ Irene W
  • I was experiencing shortness of breath and cold sweats and felt like fainting especially when I went up and down the stairs in my house. It just happened out of nowhere, really frightening. I don't know what Virginia did but within 7 days my symptoms disappeared and now 6 months later I have none of the symptoms and I have my life back without medication. ~ Ron M.

Session with Maria Martinez

Topic: Limitless Life Codes - Activate Your Perfect Health & Infinite Wealth for Unbound Potential

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Activate your perfect health and infinite wealth today! Low prices only available through Friday. Get started now.

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Maria!

  • I just got a client pay me more than I’ve made in the last seven month. I feel I am more consistently embodying wealth consciousness.~ Lilian
  • Thank you so much for my session! The pain is 90% gone now, which is incredible, as I was in chronic pain everyday and since the session I have barely felt it. ~ Sophia
  • Just a few hours after the first audio I received a call that an amazing and abundant business opportunity came my way. It was almost immediate and I knew instantly that I was worthy, and accepted it with ease and grace ~ K.S

Session with Dawn Kryztal 

Topic: How to Shift EVERY Cell in Your Body from Dis-ease to Ease Without Spending Hours and Hours in Healing Sessions

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30 days remote healing for free expiring! Grab yours now.

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Dawn!

  • I feel more energized, vital and regular. Thanks again! You are a blessing to the world! Peace, serenity and blessings! ~ Christine
  • I purchased Dawn’s program which included a 30 day remote healing and I want to testify that I felt a tremendous amount of joy, energy, a strong sense of fearlessness.” Mary
  • My aches and pains have subsided and my energy feels lighter. I am more flexible. And an issue that I have had with my left knee for decades has improved so much that I now exercise with very little, if any, pain.” ~Magnes

Session with Jeffrey Gignac

Topic: Healing Trauma: Your Journey To Freedom

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Add 10 Loved Ones for FREE. Available for a Limited Time Only.

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Jeff!

  • Thank-you for the Healing Trauma package. I am lucky to not have gone through any big Traumas in my life. When I purchased the package I wasn’t sure I really needed it. After the first use I was amazed that the energy around the trauma I selected to heal from was gone. I can think about it, but my body does not react. It does not affect me. This is a game changer.~ Valerie
  • I’ve been a long-time customer and LOVE Jeff’s products. They’ve helped me a lot with my self-confidence; my anxiety is mostly gone and I no longer stress about life’s ups and downs. His meditation programs are amazing because they’re adapted to you. So, I do recommend his products very highly. J.W.
  • I’ve been a long-time customer, and I love LOVE Jeff’s products. I have several of them! They have helped me so much. I meditate better than ever, and my spiritual growth has improved so much with the help of his programs. My husband has also found that using Jeff’s products has improved his wellbeing on a daily basis. ~Gina Livingston

Session with Karina Grant 

Topic: Healing Chronic and Stubborn Illnesses : Through The Master Health Grid

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90 Day Remote Healing BOGO Free Ends Friday! Grab Yours Now

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Karina!

  • My knee is still in alignment!!! I am SO happy about it. It feels fragile but what a gift after over a year of pain . Love and blessings ... Surely happy to be in this group … ~ E.H, USA
  • Going through this process with Karina relieved me entirely of the chronic fatigue syndrome and since I have done it I feel like a live wire. All my energy has come back, I am literally buzzing with energy and I feel like myself again.” ~R.B, SA
  • This was one of the most powerful and resourceful 7 hours I have ever experienced. As someone who struggles with the symptoms of ME/CFS, depression, anxiety and being highly sensitive, Karina’s tools here made me feel so safe, capable and loving. Highly, highly recommend. ” ~ Sara Bazrielli, UK

Session with Niky Rey

Topic: Quantum Wealth Upgrade: The Missing Piece to your Wealth-Creation Puzzle!

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Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Niky!

  • OMG!!!!!! Last week things have moved in a positive way for me and my daughter . On thursday I received an e- mail from a family member requesting my approval to sell a piece of land , well located. She already found a buyer. As we are 6 co-owners each one of us will receive 50 000 euros. I was a bit hesitant, because of the trend that I have been holding on " Not able to receive anything from anybody".why is it so ? don't know ? When I thought about this divine offer from the universe I said "Yes" . I was relieved to finally accept gracefully this wonderful gift.....I'm so Happy !!!!!! This is the result of the PICNIC programme ~ C.K
  • I am so excited to learn your priceless technique. Since I signed up I have felt a certain calm knowing and confidence at work. I don’t think about commissions they just easily find me!!!Thank you and I look forward to learning more how to be neutral and the PICNIC method!!!” ~Polina
  • OMG! I listened last night and did the abundance meditation – and really FELT it so much that it made me kind of excited about today. Well, I just got a phone call that my broker will be adding another $265 to every one of my commission checks from now on! And it’s included in two separate commission checks I’m getting today – $530 more that I didn’t expect at all! There’s more: this afternoon I showed a house to some great new cash buyers who also plan to refer a friend who’s looking for a $1M+ home! I’ve worked so hard and couldn’t come close to a million dollar client, and now one may just land in my lap. Crazy. ” ~ Nancy

Session with Leah Grant

Topic: Rewire Your Reality…With a Collective Timeline Transformation ™!

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Get Flat 50% off + The Quantum Integration Chamber Bonus Only for a Limited time

Here’s what callers and clients have to say about Leah!

  • I have removed a belief system and block that impacted my ability to live in my full power and greatness. I am integrating into what life is like now that I have reclaimed it. Definitely a great way to level-up in your life and business. ~ Kendra Dahlstrom
  • Since the call I have found an apartment and feel close to obtaining a job. They aren’t exactly what I had in mind. However, rather than feeling like I could be going backwards, I can see how they are steps forward.” ~Julie N
  • I felt an immediate shift in how I felt afterwards and a feeling that I am more than good enough. It felt like that old belief and block was done and in the past. I feel like I also benefited from what the other people in the group were wanting help with like having more confidence and feeling more supported so that was definitely an added bonus” ~ Tracy C.

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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.  SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

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